Bowie Tv

VH-1 will be re-running David Bowie’s ‘LEGENDS’ show on December 10th at 9:00 PM EST as part of their ‘Legends’ Week – December 7-11. Additional times and dates will be posted when available.

Bowie Auction

Starting December 1, 1998 a collection of “Bowie” memorabilia and mementos (including Bowie Photographs, promotional items and Various Bowie Related CD’s) will be auctioned off at an on-line auction.

Parable Announces Partnerships With Top Music Industry Pioneers

UltraStar andElectric Artists Go On Record for Things for Their Recording Artist Clients; **DavidBowie** Becomes First Recording Artist to Have His Content Counted Among the Latest Things

Music industry companies representing a parade of popular recording artistsjust joined the growing list of entertainment, sports and consumer brandorganizations who have discovered the entertainment and revenue potentialof Parable’s Things. The Newton, Mass-based Internet multimedia company todayannounced partnerships with UltraStar, a leading entertainment management,technology partnership specializing in Internet services; and ElectricArtists, leaders in shaping the future of music marketing for the digital age.David Bowie, the virtual music Houdini, who has continuously reinvented his imageand music over three decades, becomes the first recording artist to join theThing craze.

In partnership with Electric Artists, Parable will create Things from amongthe content of recording artists on Electric Artists’ client roster whichincludes such notables as Counting Crows, Depeche Mode, Garbage, Lenny Kravitz andThe Verve Pipe. Parable has plans to announce additional music partnerships incoming weeks.

“We decided to build a strategy around music simply because it isconsistent with our entertainment focus and presents a great opportunity for newrevenue-producing applications of our technology,” stated Eric Bedell, presidentand CEO, Parable. “Our technology emulates real-world interaction betweenrecording artist and consumer. But it goes a step further by also enabling exposureof music content Things to a wide audience through our franchised distributionnetwork and by enabling membership and commerce at music-oriented sites.”HOW MUSIC PARTNERS WILL USE THINGS

Parable noted that it is using Things, as well as its suite of Thing productsand offerings, including ThingCollector(TM), ThingScreenSaver(TM) andThingSearch(TM), to provide a set of customized content and distributionoptions that allow maximum and immediate exposure for recording labels,artists and music marketers who are offering content directly to consumers online.In addition, Parable’s offerings will allow these music entities to leveragehuge reservoirs of untapped content and other intellectual property assets, suchas photos and clip art, converting those assets into diverse revenue streamsonline. For example, a music Thing could have a user interface (UI)depicting any recording artist that acts as a gateway or virtual vending machine tomembership and commerce. And be sure to look out for the photo-realisticDavid Bowie interactive ThingScreenSaver that you’ll be able to take back to yourdesktop computer when it is available.

“Because we work with marquee recording artists like **David Bowie**, weare using Parable’s Things to offer exclusive content to our members,” statedRon Roy, Partner, UltraStar. “With Parable’s expiration technology, we get theability to make fun Things time sensitive and alert BowieNet members andfans continuously to the availability of very fresh entertaining content.Because they help build repeat Web traffic, Parable’s Things are a natural fit withour online requirements and with those of the recording artists we market.”

“We think that working with Parable to create ‘Things’ for ourentertainmentclients is an excellent way for the artists and bands to offer somethingunique and of value to their ‘wired’ fans,” said Marc Schiller, CEO andCo-Founderof Electric Artists. “The ability to offer secure Digital Collectibles(TM)thatcan animate and play music is certainly one of the coolest things (no punintended) we’ve seen in a long time.” PARABLE’S MUSIC PARTNERS ARE EARLYADOPTERS OF THINGS AND THING DISTRIBUTIONWhat Parable’s music partners have in common is they have fully embracedmusic online as early adopters. UltraStar has been associated with a number offirsts, including the first sale of audio material over the Internet; thefirst artist to make available a single solely over the Internet (**DavidBowie**); and the first live rock and roll concert on the Net. Electric Artistsbegan marketing music over the Web in 1997, ahead of the widespread acceptance ofonline music distribution. In addition to being early online musicenthusiasts, Parable’s partners also have indicated that they understand the inherentbrand building characteristics of Things as a major value-add and competitivedifferentiator in the online music world. Whether the partner is recordingartist, label, music marketer or Web site, the importance of engaging fansdirectly online drives their interest in Parable’s offerings. Parable’sfranchised distribution network for Things is a key offering for Parable’smusic partners who wish to gain immediate exposure and access to millionsof page views per day at some of the Web’s most highly trafficked portals andcommunities, including Lycos, GeoCities,, Tripod and


Things can be interactive multimedia experiences, animated characters andscenes, puzzles, games, Point of Sale (POS) and membership buttons, DigitalCollectibles(TM) and more. Parable works with entertainment, music, sportsand brand organizations that are looking to protect and strategicallydistribute their brand properties to fans and audiences on the Internet, as well asthose desiring to provide an entertaining experience around their commerce andmembership offerings. The growing list of companies creating ordistributing Things for online fans includes Ben & Jerrys, Comedy Central, GeoCities,Hasbro (Frogger and Monopoly), Houghton Mifflin Interactive (Curious George),Jones Soda, Lycos, Major League Soccer, the New England Patriots, the New EnglandRevolution,, Tripod, Web Review; WGBH, World WrestlingFederation, and can be found at various locations on the Internet includingThingWorld(TM), Parable’s multimedia showcase and distribution hub.ThingWorld features a growing searchable database of branded and general multimediaThings available for the taking from the site. ThingWorld also offersdistribution points at GeoCities, Lycos,, Tripod and With thisbuilt- in distribution network, Things have access to millions of page views perday at some of the Internet’s most highly trafficked sites. ABOUT MUSIC INDUSTRY PARTNERS:

Electric Artists: In November, 1997, Marc Schiller and Ken Krasner formedElectric Artists to provide strategic Internet planning and integratedmarketing solutions to the music industry. Electric Artists are leaders inshaping the future of music marketing for the digital age. Its powerfulclientroster includes: Counting Crows, Depeche Mode, Garbage, AT&T, a2b music,LennyKravitz, The Verve Pipe, Bruce Hornsby, Deftones, ZZ TOP, Atlantic Records,BMG Entertainment, RCA Records, Capitol Records, Warner Bros, Virgin Records,Interscope Records, TVT Records, Mushroom Records, Almo Records and JakeRecords. Electric Artists is responsible for creating and implementing manyof the music industry’s most visible and highly successful Internet campaigns.UltraStar is a management, technology partnership that specializes in thearena of Internet services, bringing major entertainment, sports and fashionclients to the world in a community-based forum delivered over the Web. TheUltraStar philosophy is simple – allow Internet user’s the opportunity to get “upclose and personal” with their favorite personalities via the Internet. Neverbefore has there been a gateway where the private and public worlds of famousfigures has been opened with the continued support, input and materials of eachstar.


Founded in August 1996, Parable provides technologies, tools, services, anda franchised distribution network headquartered at, formanaging the creation and distribution of compelling digital multimediacontent (Things) both online and on the desktop.

Parable offers a growing set of multimedia content and distributionoptions, ranging from limited edition Digital Collectibles(TM) and broadlydistributed branded content to promotions and brand extension campaigns. Within thisrange, a growing line-up of entertainment, music, sports and consumer brandcompanies are serving up their content broadly, selectively or exclusively tospecified Web sites, including some of the most highly trafficked portals andcommunities on the Web. The unique locking and copyright features of Things providethese companies with solutions for safely distributing and extending theirintellectual property. Headquartered in Newton, MA, Parable is part of theCMG@Ventures portfolio of companies, which also includes blaxxun,GeoCities, Hollywood Entertainment, KOZ, Planet Direct, Silknet, Softway Systems,Universal Learning Technologies, Vicinity and other innovative enterprises.ThingCollector, ThingScreenSaver, ThingSearch, ThingViewer, ThingWorld andDigital Collectibles are all registered trademarks of Parable. All otherproperties referenced herein are trademarks of their respective owners

Bowie Interview

Julian Schnabel (the painter who also directed David in Basquiat) was interviewed by David Bowie for the cover story of the magazine Modern Painters (check your local newstand). Check David’s latest journal for more details. David has also done interviews for Modern Painters with the legendary painter Balthus, Damien Hirst and Jeff Koons.

Bowie Tv

VH-1 will be re-running David Bowie’s ‘LEGENDS’ show on December 9th as part of their ‘Legends’ Week – December 7-11. Other ‘legends’ shows include John Lennon, Bruce Springsteen, Queen and U2. Times and Dates will be posted when they are finalized

Special Announcement: Chat With Sandra Bernhard Live From Broadway

A BowieNet exclusive – chat with Sandra Bernhard. On Monday, November 23rd at 10:30pm EST. The great Sandra Bernhard – comedian and actress – who is currently starring in her one-woman play on Broadway – “I’m Still Here…Damn It!”, will chat directly from her dressing room with BowieNet members. Join us from the Booth Theater for what will definitely be a night to remember.

Bowie To Be Host For Showtime's The Hunger

David says “Yes, this story is substantially true. Tony (Scott) called me earlier this year and asked me if I would like to take a crack at it. In fact he asked me some years ago to do the first series but I was too involved with the touring side of life, so he worked with Terence Stamp instead. I like the series and Tony is very cool to work with and if we can make the days work (can’t miss my writing/recording time) I’ll do it.” -db

Bowie To Be Part Of All-star Beatles' Sgt Pepper

Recent rumors about David Bowies involvement in an all-star concert version of the Beatles’ Sgt Pepper can be put to rest.

David says “I read this story on a couple of sites but, as usual in these cases, nobody from this organization has made any contact with us. The event itself, with the symphony orchestra bit, does not sound like something I would be too interested in doing anyway. I think the organizers of these type events just throw artists’ names around to drum up interest.” -db