Bowie In The Press

The March 1999 issue of .Net Magazine (UK) features an interview with DavidBowie on various topics such as MP3, the Internet, bootlegs, web design andthe millennium. Here are a few excerpts:

Bowie on BowieNet: “Even though it’s synthetic, the feel of the community issuch an inherent part of what BowieNet is about. The idea that it’s quirky,that you can pick up on these small autonomous portals and define your method,things that express how you are.”

Bowie on Bowie: “I have found that there has never been one poll has everinfluenced me in what I do or what I buy. The popularity of something hasnever really interested me, maybe because I’m actually anti-mainstream…. Irespond to things that are on the edge, the outside.”

To read more, check your local newsstand.