Lust For Life

Be on the look-out for a new beer advertisement in New Zealand.Steinlager Beer is using “Lust For Life” as background music for their new ads which will air on TV over the next year throughout New Zealand. Look for the ads to start airing soon.

First Hits

    Here is a quick look at some of the first media response to the Bowie releases. ‘hours…’

    ‘Bowie’s Golden Hours David Bowie digs into his past for ‘hours…’ his strongest album in years.’ (NOTE:- ‘strongest album in years’ has become the standard description for nearly every album Bowie has put out in the 90’s)

    ‘ the record as interesting as it’s means of delivery? The answer is an emphatic yes…Album opener ‘Thursday’s Child’ …is gorgeous..this is one of the best vocal performances of his career.’

    (from a profile) “I like his new album, ‘hours…’ the best track, ‘Something In The Air’ is classic Bowie, as mysteriously sad as white faced mime, as sour as bitter lemons, as unpredictable as a mystery tour at midnight.” Thursday’s Child

    Thursday’s Child ‘..Dave has reached his 50’s with a full head of hair, a supermodel wife, millions of pounds and he’s not lost his looks though he smokes like a chimney, so any criticism of him is automatically invalid.’ (Strange! This was the main thrust of the review)

    Singles Of The Week Thursday’s Child ‘He’s back in Major Tom mode on the first track from the new album.’

Illustrated Db Discography Updated

    There has been some changes with The Interactive db Discography.

    First and foremost, the discography is now called “The Illustrated db Discography”.

    It’s creator has this to say about the updates:

    “As I added thumbnails for most albums in v9.0 I thought this name would be more appropriate. This David Bowie discography from now on is called the Illustrated db Discography!

    Lots of additions in this update: the new ‘hours…’ album, the ‘Without You I’m Nothing’ single with Placebo, the Stigmata soundtrack, the forthcoming Saturday Night Live compilation, a 17-Track Album Sampler for the EMI re-release CD series, a promo called Unconditionally Guaranteed, and the 20th Century Boy (BOW 0198/DB 20 CB) and Emerged From Shadows (EDB 001) bootlegs.

    Furthermore I implemented several corrections and additions as suggested by Steen Christiansen”.

    So don’t miss the updated and improved Illustrated db Discography.

Hmv Bowie Blitz


    HMV Records are running 2 separate Bowie campaigns right now, one in the US and Canada, the other in the UK.

    As part of the Millennium celebrations, HMV is offering you the chance to WIN Exclusive David Bowie Prizes:

    1st prize:Commissioned solely to mark these historic releases, HMV have five extremely rare artwork prints – signed by David Bowie himself.

    Five Runners-Up Prizes: A complete set of Bowie’s 17 re-released studio albums, recorded between 1969 and 1989.


    HMV in the US and Canada are involved in the Bowie Digital Download.

    Beginning September 21, 1999, ‘hours…’ will be available in Liquid Audio format, for a limited time only, to residents of Canada and the US.

    The digital version of ‘hours…’ will include a new bonus track “No One Calls“, that will not be included on the physical CD.

    Get the details at

Bowie Doll

The new issue of ToyFare has a fan-made Bowie-as-Jareth action figure.Created by David A. Evans from Ashland City, Tennessee, this custom-made action figure is David Bowie as Jareth, the Goblin King from the 1986 film Labyrinth. Evans used Sculpey and doll hair over a wood frame to create this Ziggy Stardust-esque action figure.

Reeves Vh1 Journals

    New additions have been made to the VH-1 Journal section, including one from none other than Reeves Gabrels.

    Here is a brief excerpt:

    The VH-1 Storytellers show was something that had a number of emotional layers for me. When I took a close look at what I was thinking and writing at the time, it creates a pretty complex picture. Pardon my egocentricity, but I’ll try to explain. . .

    The first thing I felt was the trepidation that comes with any challenge. I like when that happens ’cause it means I’m about to learn something new, which about the only way you and your art can grow. – Reeves Gabrels

    Read the entire Reeves journal here.

Bowie In Rolling Stone

    This months Rolling Stone (Sept. 30th, 1999) has an article on Bowie and the upcoming album.

    Entitled Bowie’s Golden Hours: David Bowie digs into his past for Hours…,his strongest album in years.

    The article talks about Bowie ‘casting an eye toward the past’ with his pre Ziggy Stardust period serving as the foundation for the Hours album.

    Here is an excerpt:
    “I found all these sites that contained sound files of my old material. Some of them were good, others were embarrassing. Before last year, I never listened to my own material.

    But I really wanted to make sense of the stuff I’d written and its repercussions on what I’d write now. I didn’t want it to be a nostalgic type of sound, but I still have enough elements to throw you back.”