David Bowie Live Webchat Tomorrow!

Everybody’s talking at me…

Tomorrow evening David Bowie will be participating in a live webchat at Eden. Go to the location for what will no doubt be another memorable happening by clicking here. Organisers Eden have promised that: “To coincide with the David Bowie webchat, Eden will be giving away some extremely limited edition Bowie merchandise.”

The chat will take place at 6:30pm UK time, which I believe is also GMT? So for most of you reading this, I make that 1:30pm EST, which probably coincides with your lunchtime quite nicely. Even if you can’t make the chat proper you can make your presence felt by submitting a question right here, right now.

Come on let’s make David feel welcome in this strange new chat territory by giving him a sackfull of probing enquiries from a few familiar faces.

Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)

Bowie Loses Control

Bowie interview with incite, a riot!

The folk at incite recently posted up an interview with David that mostly centred around Omikron, as short as it is hilarious the piece also has a couple of exclusive pix that the likes of SusanS are still recovering from. I have posted a couple of the funnier moments below, click here to see the full thing…

incite: Do you think someday there will be virtual stars who exist only in cyberia?……..

Bowie: Early in the process with Eidos we joked about leaving Bowie in the game and letting David Jones slip out the back door unnoticed………….

incite: ……..Do you think its better for the artist to develop their own site rather than have a bunch of fan sites over which they have no control?

Bowie: Who says I have any control over my web site?! Honestly, the things they do in my name!………….

Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)

Real Take 5

Our favorite media streaming company is at it again! Real Networks new service called Take 5 is hitting the Web with a vengence, and there is no other way to break it in, than with a Bowie stream. Check out the David Bowie/Queen video for ‘Under Pressure‘ today, February 1st, 2000.

Go to Real.com and click on the Take 5 logo (you may need to download some new plug-ins, but they are small and very quickly downloaded and installed)

David Bowie: Live Webchat 2nd February 2000 @ 6:30pm Gmt (1:30 Pm Est)


Living legend David Bowie will be taking part in a webchat on the Eden website on Wednesday 2nd February 2000.

To take part in the webchat, simply log onto: http://eden.vmg.co.uk/davidbowie.html and type your question in.

This live webchat is not the first time David Bowie has taken part in online activities. Last year, he became the first major artist to allow the public to digitally download his album from the web. Bowie also has his own Internet Service Provider (Bowie.Net).

David Bowie has just released the second single, Survive, from his latest critically acclaimed solo album, hours??.

‘David Bowie’s webchat is being co-ordinated via the eden website and bowienet, David’s own Internet Service Provider, the first artist ISP ever launched’

To coincide with the David Bowie webchat, Eden will be giving away some extremely limited edition Bowie merchandise.

And Now For Something Completely Different

    Palin comparison – Sorry couldn’t resist the chance to use a pun like that!

    Click on the hot-spot on one of the above images, (not going to tell you which one) to take you to a snippet about London’s Millennium Dome, Michael Palin and a distinct lack of parrots.

    Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)

Bowienet V2 Update

As most of you know, BowieNet V2 was scheduled to premier on Jan. 31st, 2000. Regrettably, in order to achieve a seamless changeover to all the new functions, several more weeks will be required. In other word, we would rather get it right than answer 10,000 emails. LOL.

We do however have something cool to tide you over. Check the BowieNet news page on Monday. For now, here is a small glimpse of our new look.

Q Review

Here is a clip of the review that Q Online gave the ‘Survive’ single:

On dit that the Thin Grey Duke is back on form with his most recent album ‘hours…‘…”

Go to the review

info courtesy Spaceface

Take A Look

FirstLook.com has tons of hit singles available online, complete with rankings and ratings. You can preview tunes and purchase them (for a handful of pennies) on a per-listen basis. They had one DB song available, and here it is:

39      David Bowie      Seven
A powerful release from David Bowie.
(Advertiser Cost $ 0.04)

Go to FirstLook.com

from BNet teenage corrospondant, A_Girl


a target=”_new” href=”http://www.mp3.com“>Registered artists at MP3.com got a treat last month with MP3.com‘s mailing of a CD-ROM which included the Something In The Air 3D animation from Omikron: The Nomad Soul.

Tower Records in the US is selling rechargeable gift certificate cards with printings of music artists on the front, including one with Bowie from the cover of ‘hours…‘. Minimum purchase amount is $10.

Pizza Hut and CD Now are having a special promotion! Any US resident who buys a New Yorker pizza from Pizza Hut between now and February 20th will be able to make a CD of up to 6 songs for free from CD Now. Any of 200 songs can be selected from 70 artists! David is one of them with 3 available songs, Heroes, Dead Man Walking and Let’s Dance! So order that Pizza for the Superbowl and have fun!

from BNet teenage corrospondant, A_Girl

Db And Bb In The Ft

David Bowie and the big pink thing

This morning’s Financial Times (a rather large pink organ…ooooer!) in the UK has a generous piece on BowieBanc and celebrity branding. Click on the above image to read an online version of the article. Here follows an interesting excerpt:

Bill Zysblat, Bowie’s business manager, sees no conflict between BowieBanc and the pop star’s former image. “What he is doing is taking his fan base, which 20 years ago had an affinity for wearing a T-shirt of his, and maybe 10 years ago graduated to wearing a golf shirt of his, and in the last three or four years has developed to being part of his online service, and trying to create that same affinity with what he is doing with online banking,” he says.

Am I missing something here? I for one have never even tried on one of David’s T-shirts, much less borrowed a golf shirt of his! };-)

Go to the article

Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)