Candy Clark

Candy Clark, an actress who performed in ‘The Man Who Fell to Earth‘ has a website with info about her and the movies she has been in. Shes has been fortunate enough to be involved with two classics, namely ‘American Graffiti‘ (for which she received a ‘Best Supporting Actress Nomination’ for an Academy Award), and ‘The Man Who Fell To Earth‘ with Bowie. Here is a clip from her website:

“I was the first person cast in ‘The Man Who Fell to Earth‘, for the part of ‘Mary Lou‘. The character was quite a challenge. I had to play ‘Mary Lou‘ in various stages of her life, from 20 to about 60 years of age. On some days I would be an older ‘Mary Lou‘ in her late fifties and sit for hours while they applied my makeup. Other days I would play the ages in between. Since movies are usually shot out of sequence, it was very challenging because I had to remember what age I was and where we were in the story at all times. I also played David Bowie’s wife from the other planet and at one point I even played David Bowie in a scene! Can you find me? I thought David Bowie was perfect for the part of ‘Thomas Jerome Newton‘ and WOW, what a stellar performance he gave!”

Go to the website of Candy Clark

We Can Be Heroes…for Ever And Ever Update

In my snippet yesterday about the use of “Heroes” in the ‘Escape From Colditz‘ documentary series on Channel 4 in the UK, I asked if anybody knew what the legend ‘DB‘ stood for. We have a solution already. BowieNet member Mac (Paul McFarlane) furnished me with what now seems a fairly obvious answer:

“Hi Blammo, Re your query on the DB legend above the railway station, it means Deutsche Bundesbahn…which translates to German Railway.”

….doh! My thanks to Mac and his bi-lingual bent.

Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)


Country/Chart Position #
(Tower Top 30)
(Tower Europe Top 40 Singles)
(Vibe Top 50 Video countdown)
(O Meu Top 75)
(Radio Krakow Top 30)
(CHOM 97 Hot 8 at 8)
(Muchmusic Video countdown)
(HR3 Top 20)
(Melody Top 20)
(Radio Martin Top 30)
(Singles chart)
Czech Republic
(Radio Kiss Top 20)
(Mondoradio Top 30)
(Well 1 Chartshow)
(Rock & Pop 95.9 Ranking)
Israel 1
(Official chart)
(CMJ Adult Alternative Album airplay chart)
(CMJ College Airplay charts)
(CMJ Rock Top 10)
Greece 17
Czech Republic
out for a few weeks, but back on the charts this week
also out for a few weeks, but back on the charts this week
(Internet Voting Charts)
(Tower Europe Top 75)
(Amazon Sales Rank)
up from 860 the week previous and 1163 the week before that

info from Dara’s ChartWatch

We Can Be Heroes… For Ever And Ever

Switch on your TV we may pick him up on Channel 4…and Channel 5 and ITV and lots of other independent TV stations actually.

It would seem that the advertising chaps here in the UK at the moment favour the popular recording artist David Bowie to advertise their products, and in particular his song “Heroes“. Following on from the lead set by Kodak, Microsoft and insurance company CGU who have all used the song in advertising campaigns, (the CGU ad is still running as it happens) Channel 4 are now using “Heroes” to advertise their three-parter ‘Escape From Colditz‘.

Escape From Colditz‘ is a documentary series which uses archive footage and personal testimony to chronicle the often spectacular escape attempts from the notorious Second World War PoW camp. The ad shows some of this archive footage including the shot above which bares the legend DB!! Having missed part one of this three-parter I have no clue as to its meaning? Anybody out there know?…Answers on a postcard to the usual address please.

Directly after the DB building sequence the clock shot below is shown… does that ‘Time’ seem familiar? “I look at my watch it says……”

Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)

You've Come A Long Way, Baby

As always, DB proves that he is a superb scout of new, talented acts. It seems like not very long ago that David was her biggest supporter, and yet now she is in the process of taking over the world. Well, the music world at least…

Here is a small snippet from this month’s Q Magazine cover story:

“Famous friends, it would seem, are currently formingan orderly queue to meet MACY GRAY. GEORGE MICHAELhas already extended his warmth, as has KEITH RICHARDS(“he was a nice person but he could have used ashower”); DAVID BOWIE likes to telephone (“He calledand told me that he was really in love with his wife. he hadn’t seen her for three weeks and he couldn’twait to see her.”)” (awwr….) “And CALVIN KLEINwants to work with her.”

info courtesy Spaceface

And Now… The News

The Music News Gurus over at MTV tapped into the Eden chat for their February 4th news item on our collective hero, DB! The article was very excited about the prospects of another Trent Reznor collaboration, and it also filled in the blanks for Bowie’s plan over this coming year, such as ‘2.Contamination‘ and possible summer gigs.

Go here for the news item

info courtesy Spaceface

Stuck In Omikron?

Are you using the German edition of ‘Omikron: The Nomad Soul‘? Are you stuck? A German site, RW Merchandising, is selling the hint book to the Nomad Soul, as well as items from other computer games.

To purchase the book, go to the link, here. Click on the menu item that says ‘Losungbucher’, then click on that same item on the next menu. You should see a list of available game titles, click on the ‘Omikron: Nomad Soul’ entry, and add the book to your shopping cart, then purchase the book.

All those using English versions, you can get yours here.

thanks to bianca

Can You Cover This?

In light of recent activity of the DB cover band, Jean Genie, here is some info about a couple more Bowie cover acts.

Hallo Kitties! Stardust * The David Bowie Tribute Band is really blastingoff this time. We’ve added a bird and her name is Alison Kenady, plus, watch out Iowa, here we come! Our first tour of Iowa begins Thursday, March 23. Our pretty kitty drummer from Boston, Tripp Small, will be joining us. Thanx so much LGBTA in Cedar Falls and our dearest kitty, Matt Walters. Check out our updatedwebsite,! See you on the stages! BLAST OFF!!! Ziggy 2000.

Italy’s own ‘Mr Ziggy and the Glass Spiders‘, consisting of Stefano Cannone on vocals and sax, Lorenzo Raparelli on bass, Alessandro Bagagli on drums, Michele Ricciardi on keyboard and Gianni Russo on guitar also makes regular appearances. Over the weekend they were in Rome, playing an 18 song setlist from Hallo Spaceboy to Moonage Daydream.