Golden Years Pt 3


This final instalment had some great sound bites, particularly from Nile Rodgers on ‘Let’s Dance‘, and Bob Geldof on David’s pivotal role in ‘Live Aid‘. Once again, fulsome praise was given to David’s talents from a wide variety of famous friends and colleagues.

The end of the programme seemed to me not to say enough on the innovation, excitement, and new, younger following generated by David’s later work, notably ‘Earthling‘ and ‘1. Outside‘.

His interest in the Internet was mentioned, but only in passing. I was expecting to hear something about his foresight and inspiration in creating the first fully interactive official fan site and ISP. We will hear more about this, no doubt, when the rest of the world has cottoned on! And of course, the chatters were hoping to be name checked, one by one (wink). Hehe….next time guys.

In general, this programme has been a great listen. It was fascinating to hear David’s very recent comments on his whole career. May I just add that the job of transcribing this for you has been a lot of fun, not least for the challenge it posed to my spelling abilities! (Rachmaninov, Blavatski et al)

For a Bowie fan, this series was a ‘must’. For more quotes and images from part 3 (no deliberate mistakes this week! Blam, please heave a sigh of relief, – unless you know different?) click here. If you haven’t already seen them, click here for part 1 and here for part 2.

I mean its no secret, you know, my feelings about David artistically. I consider him the ‘Picasso’ of music and I really mean that sincerely.” – Nile Rodgers

After people like Lennon and Dylan, I think David Bowie brought a very modernistic intelligence and the necessity for change. I think he was completely positive, certainly through one and a half decades of completely overriding influence, in the best of popular music, and I take my bloody hat off to him!” – Roger Taylor

Its a compulsive need to wreck everything (laughs). You might notice thereÍs a pattern of stripping down and building back up again throughout my life. But I guess thatÍs how some of us conduct our lives.” – David Bowie

thanks again spaceface!