Bowie At The Beeb T-shirts…did You Win?

Dress my friends up just for show…

Another very popular competition this one. And what was it that tempted you so? Yep those ultra-rare Bowie at the Beeb T-shirts with the Guy Peellaert painting reproduced on the front. These beauties don’t seem to have even made their way onto eBay yet, but ten lucky BowieNetters will soon be strutting around their local mall saying: “Just look at me!”

You were warned that this competition was not easy unless you had access to Guy Peellaert’s book Rock Dreams. I asked you the name of the old friend of David’s that appeared next to him in a painting in the book, and it was clear from some of the answers that many of you didn’t have access to it. There were two possible correct answers, and even though I concede that George Underwood, Marc Bolan, Iggy Pop, Jeff Beck and William Burroughs may have all been friends of David’s, I have never seen a Guy Peellaert painting in which any of these characters appear with David. For the correct answers and a list of winners, click on the picture above which sort of gives it away a bit!

Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)