See Bowie At The Beeb In The Sky

I will take that plane tonight…

BowieNetter Danno and his girl, Daze-e, managed to soften their Bowie withdrawal on their way back to the UK from the Tibet House Benefit Concert with a neat little surprise they found in the Virgin in-flight entertainment guide. The in-bound flight from New York was somewhat brightened by the realisation that the complete Bowie at the Beeb television broadcast was part of the homeward bound only entertainment.

Did somebody at Virgin realise there was likely to be a planeload of Bowie fans suffering from post-gig blues? I doubt it somehow, but nevertheless, somebody at Virgin had the good sense to illustrate the piece in the entertainment guide with a picture taken by yours truly. If you would like to read the piece without scrambling for your spectacles, click on the image above. Thanx for the tip Danno.

Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)