Today In Bowie History

March 31, 1977 Angie’s in London modeling a £700 wedding dress for the autumn collection of designer Yuki. Angie agreed to do the assignment becuase Yuki ‘is a close friend’.

Bowie Online Bargains And Mick Rock Exhibition

Well I wouldn’t buy no merchandise…

As promised a couple of days back, ( 03/28/01 NEWS: MICK ROCK ON TV THIS MORNING ) here are the details of how to order Mick Rock’s ‘Blood and Glitter’ online. As if the cover price of £14.99 wasn’t already an incredibly under-priced bargain, you can buy this beauty directly from the publishers, Vision On, with a 25% discount, for the absurd price of £11.25. ‘Blood and Glitter’ is a huge 250mm x 320mm and contains an impressive 208 colour and black ‘n’ white pages…that’s less than 6p per page!

Mick will be signing copies of the book on Thursday April 5th at 6:00pm, in the Basement of the Piccadilly branch of Tower Records in London. If you are in the area you can also pop along to the first day of the ‘Blood and Glitter’ exhibition at the Proud Galleries, which are situated at 5 Buckingham Street, London WC2N 6BP, nearest tubes being Charing Cross or Embankment. The exhibition runs daily between 10:00am and 7:00pm from 5th April to 6th May 2001, with a small entrance fee of £2 (£1 concessions).

Even if you do buy ‘Blood and Glitter’, the exhibition is still worth a visit as there are some stunning Bowie pictures on display that aren’t in the book, but please remember photography inside the exhibition is strictly prohibited. On Monday we will be skipping the usual First Monday Lyric competition for a contest to win copies of this magnificent book.

The Simply Vinyl website is now updated with a David Bowie Page where you can purchase the first three releases in their Bowie re-issue campaign at a most reasonable £16.99 each. I have seen these very same LPs advertised elsewhere on the net for up to £22.99!! So go to Simply Vinyl and save yourself £6 on each album. We will also be running a competition to win these albums next week, so if you aren’t keen on winning Bowie stuff perhaps it would be advisable to avoid BowieNet News for a few days. };-)

Total Blam Blam – (European Correspondent)

Arnold Corns In Q

“Curiouser and curiouser”, said Alice

The current edition of Q (April 2001) has an enquiry concerning Arnold Corns in its regular ‘the knowledge’ section. Most of you will be familiar with this attempt of David’s to push his clothes designer, Freddi Burretti (aka Freddy Burrett), to the front of the stage, as Rudi Valentino, lead singer of the band. And as I’m sure you also know, Freddi’s contributions to the recorded output of The Arnold Corns, wasn’t all David may have claimed at the time. Freddi may be in there somewhere, but the vocal is predominantly, and unmistakably, David.

Among the better documented plans to convince the press that The Arnold Corns were a viable entity, was the front cover of ‘Curious’, pictured above. Curious was a magazine whose readership largely consisted of men who weren’t mad about women. But as at ease as he may seem in the pic, according to Q, Freddi wasn’t quite as comfortable with his new role as the cover would suggest:

“I’m just a dress designer, I don’t want to play anywhere rough. If they put us on at some of those places out of London I’d get sent up something rotten by all those butch provincial blokes.”

I do intend to do a piece for a revamped ‘Blam’s Little Spot’ that will attempt to untangle the pre-Spider’s web that is The Arnold Corns. But on a final note, we must be thankful that Rudi and the boys didn’t really make the grade. If their embryonic versions of ‘Moonage Daydream’ and ‘Hang Onto Yourself’ had been hits, perhaps Ziggy may have felt obliged to drop these Bowie classics.

Total Blam Blam (European Correspondent)

More Crummies!

Click the photo for more pictures!

Take a turn and see his smile

As promised on Monday, here are some more video clips from David and the gang at work in the studio! Still laying down tracks for Toy, these clips were also shot on March 20th and include producer Mark Plati, Cuong Vu on trumpet and Gerry Leonard on guitar!

  Low High
In Caverns Deep…
Gerry’s rare hair brush
Can’t help thinking about tone
The Icing

Full Length Bowie At Sound & Vision

The SOUND & VISION magazine website have an in-depth (roughly 4,000-word) DAVID BOWIE exclusive interview online that was originally published in significantly shorter form as “David Bowie’s Future” in: Sound & Vision, Jan. 2000. This is a new, much lengthier, Web-exclusive version of the interview that ran earlier in the print magazine. David speaks – very articulately about communicating on the Web with fans, his life and music, being British, his groundbreaking ‘Omnikron’ computer game, George Lucas, and much more.

Check out the full print-magazine version online interview here plus much more… The Bowie Bunch, The Rock Stuff, Flying with a Net, Lifegame, Reeves Gabrels, Howard Jackowitz and David Cage, written by Michael Gaughn, Michael Antonoff, Mike Mettler and Steven L. Kent.

There’s even a photo of a new soon-to-be-father… Congratulations HJ!!!).

Thanks, Paul!

Mick Rock On Tv This Morning

As he hits the floor he sighs “What a morning”…

Despite my fears, the hoary old pro got to Camden on time. Yes, Mick Rock appeared on Channel4’s Big Breakfast this morning to plug his excellent new photographic record of the Glam Rock movement, ‘Blood and Glitter’. Initially finding it hard to conceal his disappointment at being interviewed by Paul Tonkinson: “I thought I was gonna get one of the birds, not get stuck with you…”. But Mick soon warmed, and led us through an astonishing series of images.

Starting with that infamous “fellatio” shot of Ziggy and Ronno (you can just make it out behind Mick in the pic below) from Oxford Town Hall in June ’72, Mick, (remembering that Big Breakfast is an early morning family show) gingerly tried to steer the visual information in another direction: “What are they doing?…I think he’s plucking away at the guitar strings with his teeth isn’t he?” and then agreeing that yes, this probably was the photograph that launched his career.

Mr Rock then talked us through a tour of some of Rock’s defining moments, continuing with the legendary limbo shot of Iggy from Kings Cross in ’72 and the shot of David Bowie with Lou Reed at Ziggy’s ‘Last Supper’…the one where they are whispering to each other. Pressed further, Mick explained: “Well they’re puckering up, aren’t they?”

Warhol and Jagger were next up, followed by that classic Queen picture that flavoured the video for ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’. An exciting live shot of a very young Sex Pistols at the 100 Club in ’76 concluded the piece and symbolically signalled the end of Glam Rock.

We’ll be posting details of how to purchase ‘Blood and Glitter’ online with a 25% discount in advance of the publishing date of April 11th. And look out for details of how to get your hands on a very limited, signed, hardback slipcase edition.

Total Blam Blam (European Correspondent)

Rock Around The Lock

Mick ‘n’ Ziggy by Total Blam Blam

One shot put her away, hey-hey…

Official photographer of the Glam Rock movement, Mr Michael Rock, will be in London town tomorrow morning, in Channel4’s Big Breakfast House at Camden Lock, to be exact. He is over here to promote his latest book, Blood and Glitter, (see 12/14/00 NEWS: NEW MICK ROCK BOOK NEXT YEAR) which we will be posting more details on over the next couple of days.

You may remember from David’s appearance on the show that the action takes place at various places around the house, and it is my guess that Mick will be spending much of his time hanging around the toilets. Doesn’t make him a bad person.

The Big Breakfast airs between 7 and 9:00am, but Mick’s interview is scheduled for shortly after 7:00am. It will be worth tuning in just to see if he makes it to the studio at such an ungodly hour. Can’t see it myself, but I look forward to being proved wrong tomorrow morning. };-)

Total Blam Blam (European Correspondent)

'maximum Bowie' Cd Fails To Deliver

Described as an unauthorised audio biography of David Bowie, Maximum Bowie on the Chrome Dreams label (who specialise in this sort of thing) was reportedly released in the US today, though there seems to be some confusion as to the UK release date. Reported elsewhere as having a January release in the UK, the version I bought in the UK last week uses a picture of David and Iman from February in the booklet! Whatever, the uninspired packaging does contain a couple of scarce shots and includes a tiny “poster.”

This outward appearance, though dull, looks professional enough and this belies the shoddy content of the CD itself, an audio cut ‘n’ paste peppered with poor quality archive interview snippets that you’ve probably heard before. An example of the depth of the research here is that the last of the twelve chapters manages to cram most of David’s Nineties output into a compact four minutes!

The narrator, who hasn’t even bothered to learn how to pronounce Bowie, talks over an irritating AOR instrumental track that sounds like a reject from Rock School. “Why give this item space on BowieNet?” you may ask, just to warn you kids to steer clear. There is no Bowie music on this release, which is pointed out on the back cover, albeit in 6pt type. I know the completists among you will buy it anyway…but really, you shouldn’t bother. Finally, the blurb for this release at the Chrome Dreams site concludes: ‘Maximum Bowie’ is “presented in a format Bowie himself would surely approve of.” It’s only my opinion, but I somehow doubt that.

Total Blam Blam (European Correspondent)

New Rca Graduates Online At Bowieart

New angels of promise

BowieNet art lovers will be pleased to hear of the many new RCA students whose work is just added to Bowieart. This is only the first wave, with many more international new additions expected in the near future.

“Bowieart is pleased to introduce new students from the Royal College of Art to the site. Visit the student pages of the site today and you will find countless new RCA graduates on-line. We think you will agree that the standard of work is, as always, very high and that all featured artists deserve the exposure that Bowieart is able to give them.”

“Watch Bowieart for new international colleges coming on board in the coming months as we exhibit the best young artists in Britain alongside their successful international colleagues.”

Go to Bowieart and enjoy!

Thanks, Spaceface!