
Casting News : The Guardian : 05/15/01 Eric Idle has spent years updating the 1978 cult classic, The Rutles : All You Need Is Cash. The sequel, Can’t Buy Me Lunch, features unseen out-takes from the first movie and spoof interviews with David Bowie, Robin Williams, Tom Hanks and Steve Martin on how The Rutles changed their lives. (see David’s Journal 2/9/01)

The Mullet : Sunday Times : 05/20/01 The Mullet has rushed back to prominence in the UK since John Prescott’s clash with a mullet wearer last week. In a half page, detailed analysis of the style, Maurice Chittenden says, David Bowie, the rock star, is credited with re-introducing it to Britain (last seen in the 19th century) with his Ziggy Stardust persona in the 1970s. His then wife Angie was inspired from leafing through old copies of Vogue and combining different hair-styles of models.”

Charles Kennedy : The Independent : 05/21/01 Deborah Ross interviews the leader of the Liberal Democrats. “He’s David Bowie mad. Your favourite Bowie track? ” ‘Young Americans’.”” Also, Sunday Times : 05/20/01 From an in-depth profile. “A day without David Bowie is a sad day”
