Bowieland Party A Big Success!

The UK Bowie event of the year so far, took place last Saturday in Atherstone in Warwickshire. We had an evening filled with non-stop Bowie music (Laughing Gnome was the surprise hit of the night – check out the image above 😉 , raffles, a quiz and a special appearance by John Mainwaring of Jean Genie, performing with just an acoustic guitar. Many prizes were generously donated for the raffle, including lots from Bowienet (Thanks TBB!). Overall, the wonderful amount of £318 was raised, which will be split between the two charities.

A very big thank you to Bowienetter, Charly, who planned the night superbly, down to the last detail, which meant all we had to do was enjoy ourselves from dusk till dawn.

For the full rundown and a few giggles, be sure and check out Charly’s great party pages, now online with photos, write-ups and more.

(Charly is already planning next year’s event, so take the plunge and sign up now. We want to meet you all!)


Final Drink At The Last Chance Saloon*

Someone to claim us…(part 386)

Today is the last day that the signed by Bowie, Blood and Glitter set is open exclusively to BowieNetters. (05/29/01 NEWS: HOW TO RESERVE YOUR SIGNED BOWIE PRINT SET) There are still a few of the limited sets containing a signed Bowie print left, but from tomorrow any sets unclaimed by BowieNetters will be made available to the public. The five winners of the Bowie Blood and Glitter set competition will be contacted by Showcase Editions in the coming week.

While we’re on the subject of deadlines, today is also the last day of the ‘All Saints’ re-issue competition, (06/25/01 NEWS: ALL SAINTS ALL SET – WIN IT NOW) and very popular it’s been too. I knew I made those questions far too easy!

*I don’t know what I’m on about either! };-)

Win All Saints Ultra-rarity

The original private pressing of ‘All Saints’ from 1993

Someone to claim us…

As promised earlier in the week, today we are giving you the chance to win one of the most sought after David Bowie rarities of all time; the original private pressing of ‘All Saints’. The 18-track double CD was pressed in an edition of 50 as Christmas presents for David’s friends and family in 1993. A further 100 were pressed for promotional purposes etc. These extra 100 CDs were identical to the first fifty, apart from the fact that they didn’t have a hand-written personal message from David, and it’s one of these 100 we are giving away…hang on…what’s that David? Make it two? Thank you sir, most generous.

One of these copies we are giving out as a prize will be signed by David, and a runner-up will receive a sealed copy unsigned. Unsigned copies of these CDs have sold here in the UK for £600! For more information regarding the original private pressing of ‘All Saints’, go here.

On with the competition. So what evil task have I set for you to be in with a chance of winning one of these two incredible prizes? Well it’s all very straightforward actually. I have constructed the title ‘All Saints’, below, using letters from various Bowie album covers. All you have to do is give me the titles of the nine albums I have taken the letters from, in order, starting from the first ‘a’ on the left. Simple enough isn’t it?

As we are well into the holiday season, this competition is open for the whole of July to allow everybody a chance to enter. Send your answer to me at MrTotalBlamBlam@AOL.Com with a subject heading of: Original ‘All Saints’ CD competition. AS WITH ALL COMPETITIONS I SET, YOU MUST POST FROM A BOWIENET ADDRESS. ANSWERS NOT SENT FROM A BOWIENET ADDRESS WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY DISQUALIFIED. This may seem harsh, but I’m sure you don’t want to have to compete with non-members. Good luck kidz.

Mojo Bowie Reviews Archive

In their weekly e-mail news letter entitled ‘Letter From The Editor’, has suggested we “Revisit the Thin White Duke’s golden years with this link to every Bowie review that’s ever appeared in Mojo.”…and frankly, who are we to argue? Even though you won’t agree with every word they’ve written, the page is worth a visit for the new and interesting cover of ‘Best Of 1974-1979’ alone.

Q & A With Coco Schwab!

Everyone who knows David Bowie knows the close friendship he shares with Coco Schwab, his confidante and personal assistant of nearly 30 years. Not one for the spotlight (she rarely gives interviews), we are very grateful that she has agreed to partake in a Q&A session on BowieNet to share her unique insights on David’s life and art with us!

Questions will be accepted through July 13th, at which point they will be passed on to Coco. She will in turn select the most interesting questions and respond, the final questions and answers to be posted on BowieNet on July 20th!

For information on becoming a member
click here.

Blondie's 'heroes' Re-issued

I, I can remember…

Blondie’s 1980 live recording of David Bowie’s ‘Heroes’ is due for release as a bonus track on ‘Eat To The Beat’ in the upcoming re-issue of the Blondie back catalogue. The recording first surfaced on the 12″ of ‘Atomic’ after Deborah and the boys performed the song at London’s Hammersmith Odeon on January 12th 1980. This particular performance is notable for a rare live guest appearance by guitarist Robert Fripp who also played on the original version.

Although unavailable on a Blondie release since that original 12″, the song was available on the excellent, if hard-to-find, ‘David Bowie Songbook’ CD. ‘Eat To The Beat’ is scheduled for a September 11th release.

Q & A With Coco Schwab

Everyone who knows David Bowie knows the close friendship he shares with Coco Schwab, his confidante and personal assistant of nearly 30 years. Not one for the spotlight (she rarely gives interviews), we are very grateful that she has agreed to partake in a Q&A session here on BowieNet to share her unique insights on David’s life and art with us!

You will find the link to submit your questions on the home page in the Mutations Box (you can also access it from here). Questions will be accepted through July 13th, at which point they will be passed on to Coco. She will in turn select the most interesting questions and respond, the final questions and answers to be posted here on July 20th!

We are very excited that Coco has provided us with this opportunity. Let’s make the best of it and round up some good questions!

Return Of The Supervixen!

Things seem good again, someone cares about you…

That’s right folks, the SuperVixen is back! After a well earned vacation, she’s taking your questions and giving you the skinny on all kinds of issues from cereal conspiracies to porno clowns.

It’s all in this month’s edition of Ask The SuperVixen!

This Month's Q Appearance

The 1981 German 12″ of ‘Heroes’/’Helden’, ‘Heroes’/’Héros’ on RCA

Und wir sind dann Helden, Für einen tag…

Q magazine have this month (August issue) chosen two excellent Andy Kent pictures from 1976 of David in East Berlin for their monthly Bowie appearance. The pictures are used to illustrate a question from reader Antony Steely from London. Antony is keen to trace “…a version of ‘Heroes’ sung by David Bowie in German.” The answer deals with the history of ‘Helden’ and gives a fairly accurate listing of the tracks’ various releases over the years.

Of course, if Antony was a member of BowieNet he could win himself a brand spanking new re-mastered version of the track in the upcoming ‘Christiane F.’ competition that we will be posting sometime next month…well ahead of the official release date. Still, his loss is possibly your gain dear reader.

Fish Man Star

In their latest update, Bowieart are excited to offer the first ever video by Justine Kurland, a New York artist best known for her photographic work with teenage girls.

Floating over the landscape where Starfish was shot are excerpts frominterviews with five teenage girls; sometimes confessional, sometimesfantastical but always with a touching beauty. As the girls were beingdriven to the location seen in the video they sang David Bowie’s Starmanwhich, like the narrative, can be heard throughout the film.

Check it out!
