
Frank Auerbach – Head of Gerda, 1965. Collection David Bowie.

You got amazin’ head…

Art Collection : Guardian : 09/16/01 From a review of the current Royal Academy exhibition, Frank Auerbach: Paintings and Drawings 1954-2001. Some of his heads seem to be halfway to death. One, owned by David Bowie, is so reduced to its structure, worked in ridges of white pigment, that it appears less human than exoskeletal.

Music Man : The Times : 09/22/01 From an interview with the actor, Clive Owen. I was crazy about David Bowie in my teens and he is the biggest musical influence in my life. I don?t know why, but there has never been another figure that has had such an effect on me. I used to dye my hair different colours like he did. I didn?t have most of his work, I had everything. I even met him briefly at a concert in LA. My American agent, who also looks after Bowie?s acting career, asked me if I wanted tickets to see him in concert. I felt like a kid when I met him. For me, Bowie is The Man.

Ashes To Ashes : TV Road Safety Campaign : Current In both Northern Ireland and Eire, the ” No Seat Belt, No Excuse” advert features Samantha Mumba’s Body to Body, and in particular the sample of Ashes to Ashes. This is the second time that David’s music has featured in a road safety ad on Irish TV …last year ” All The Young Dudes” was used in an ad to get young drivers to slow down. (cg)

Pictures of David : Q : Oct 2001 From the “Q mail”, letters page. I’ve been a faithful reader for quite some time now, and not as you might think because of your excellent articles, interviews and reviews. No – it’s because of the certainty of seeing at least one picture of David Bowie in each issue. Imagine my horror and surprise as I went through the pages of Q180 searching in vain for my “stuff”! You people had better remedy the situation and put Bowie in the next issue, or you will have lost a reader. Grrrr. Catherine Gamst, Tordenskoldsgade, Denmark. Q replied with a very sweet picture, titled “This month’s David Bowie cameo”.

Five Years : Old Grey Whistle Test : 09/17/01 Intro from Bob Harris : This was JUST fantastic to watch. I was a viewer seeing this at home and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did when I first watched it. David Bowie and Five Years. Those irritating captions : The Whistle Test was the brainchild of BBC Producer, Mike Appleton, who wanted to make a programme for the bands who weren?t in the singles chart, and so couldn?t get on Top Of The Pops. Here?s a great example of how good he was at spotting talent….

Influence : Record Collector : Sept 2001 From the editorial comment on this month’s front cover feature – The Velvet Underground. …they sold very few records during their active career. It was only when David Bowie (himself recently voted the most influential artist of all time) started namechecking them and covering WhiteLight/White Heat in his Ziggy Stardust era that they finally began to pick up a mass audience.

(contributors : Chris Gaffney, spaceface)
