Reminder : Webcast, Tv And Radio Round-up

Femme fatales emerged from shadows to watch this creature fair. Boys stood upon their chairs….

Here is a summary of all the broadcast information available so far. Thanks to everyone who has posted details on the message boards and elsewhere. Please bear in mind that all these shows were scheduled at the last minute and could be subject to change. Check your local listings if possible. Please note that the concert may run past midnight.

If anyone has further information, please do email me, and I will add it to the calendar. All the information below is also available in our calendar.

NB : All times are LOCAL.



Saturday 20th October.

AOL webcast : 7.00PM ET/12.00AM UK. AOL Keyword : Concert for New York City. Repeat showing 2.00PM ET/7.00PM UK, Sunday 21st October. ( These webcasts can be accessed from wherever you are in the world.)

VH1 (USA) TV : 7.00PM ET, 6.00PM CT, 7.00PM PT. Also, pre-show from 6-7PM.

Miramax (USA) TV : 7.00PM ET

Cablevision (USA) TV : 7.00PM ET

CBS-FM (New York) Radio : 7.00PM ET

VH1 Radio Network : 7.00PM ET

Sunday 21st October.

RTL (Germany) TV : 1.00AM

MTV (Italy) TV : 3.00PM

VH1 (UK) TV : 7.00PM

Monday 22nd October.

MTV (Germany) TV : 8.00PM


Saturday 20th October

PBS Channel 13 (New York) : 7.00PM ET

Musimax Canada : 7.00PM

Sunday 21st October

VH1 Europe : 9.00PM CET