America? We Have A Winner!

“What are the chances of guessing that, Rumplestiltskin?”
Bowie wearing the T-shirt that no longer belongs to him.

For I’ve never been a winner in my life…

Until now that is. We set you the seemingly impossible task of guessing the song, apart from ‘Heroes’, that David would perform at MSG on Saturday. Incredibly, BowieNetter Leeza, appropriately a citizen of NYC herself, correctly predicted Paul Simon’s ‘America’. Here she explains how she arrived at her choice:

“..So I pulled out an old Simon and Garfunkle CD, and while I was listening to it, I logged on to BowieNet. As I was reading about the “guess the song” contest…’America’ started playing, and I flashed to how moved I was when I heard them play it at their “reunion” concert in Central Park. I also listened to the lyrics with new ears. Of course, I never thought db would play it, but since I was listening to that song at the moment I read about the contest, I figured I may as well write that down, rather than think of one of a billion other songs it might be! Imagine my shock when I heard him sing it!”

“I’ve never won anything in my life…”, Leeza sort of sobbed (well it was via e-mail) when I first informed her of her win, (she didn’t know she was the only correct answer at that point) “…tell David there’s no need to launder it before he sends it” she pleaded. Well done girl, not a bad first win then.

Not enough room to post your incredible list of suggestions here folx, but, by far and away the most popular choices were John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ (which David did sing in Honk Kong during the Serious Moonlight tour of 1983) and Frank Sinatra’s, (and no doubt a cast of thousands) ‘New York, New York’.

Sorry for the tease btw Leeza…Oh what fun. };-)