Stop Press! Win The T-shirt Off Bowie's Back

“It’s just a one dollar secret…A lover’s secrets in the USA.”
David Bowie wearing the very T-shirt that could be yours!

You shall own a Bowie shirt…

“…an impossibly special prize…” is how I described it below, and after moments of hard negotiation, (“Can we have that ‘lover’ T-shirt for the competition David?” – “You got it Blam!”) we have managed to blag the very shirt that David wore in rehearsals, as pictured above…and below.

Despite the difficulty of this competition we have had a terrific response, even if many of your answers are definitely wrong. We did say that the song has never been performed by Bowie before, and I’m afraid David did sing John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ in Honk Kong during the Serious Moonlight tour of 1983.

So, as I’m feeling generous, all of you that have answered ‘Imagine’ can have another go…in fact, just to make it fair…you can all have another go. But hurry…you only have until 6:00 EST this evening to send your answer in, which in case you haven’t noticed is not too far away!

See below for where to send etc.

David To Perform 'heroes' And A Surprise At Msg

We can be Heroes, just for one day…

David Bowie will be performing the classic, and highly appropriate ‘Heroes’ when he opens the show live at the Concert For New York City at Madison Square Garden tomorrow. The concert which has a theme of “Honouring the heroes” will also see David performing a surprise song which will be kept secret until the day. When I gently probed him for a tip off, he responded thus:

“‘Heroes’ will be one of them but there will be another, very unusual choice!”

As we mentioned earlier in the week, VH1 will air the five-hour gala in North America at 7:00pm, live, without commercials. A toll-free number will be flashed for viewers to pledge donations. VH1 will broadcast the show the following day in 88 countries around the world, and the event will also be webcast online via AOL. Spaceface will be posting a full breakdown of all the broadcasts tomorrow.

David’s performance of ‘Heroes’ will set the mood for the all-star tribute and fund-raiser for the fallen fire-fighters, cops and rescue workers of the World Trade Center disaster. His appearance is part of an incredible line-up of musicians that include: Paul McCartney, Mick Jagger, Bono and Edge of U2, Elton John, Eric Clapton, Billy Joel, The Who, James Taylor, Destiny’s Child, Backstreet Boys, John Mellencamp, Macy Gray, Goo Goo Dolls, Marc Anthony, Bon Jovi, Melissa Etheridge, Jay-Z, Five For Fighting, and the only satellite appearance of the evening, Janet Jackson. Paul Shaffer is musical director.

Other non-musical celebrities scheduled to appear in some way include: Harrison Ford, Jim Carrey, Billy Crystal, Meg Ryan, Susan Sarandon, Richard Gear, David Spade, Julia Stiles, John Cusack, Michael J. Fox, Hilary Swank, Adam Sandler, Salma Hayek, Mike Myers, Mark Wahlberg, Halle Berry, Denis Leary, Will Farrell, Jimmy Fallon, Reese Witherspoon, Ryan Phillippe, James Lipton, plus members of New York sports teams.

Attendees can also expect short films directed by some of Hollywood’s top filmmakers and entertainers. The films, all celebrating the spirit of New York in some way, will be shown throughout the evening and will also air live on VH1. Directors include: Woody Allen, Edward Burns, Spike Lee, Martin Scorsese, Jerry Seinfeld and Kevin Smith.

It is predicted that the concert and a planned double CD from the show on Columbia Records could raise more than $200 million.

Another New Journal Entry!!!

Not Only… But Also…Pete and Dude having a laugh!

Peter tried to climb aboard…

Wot, two journals in one week? Don’t knock it. Go here to read whose playing in David’s band tomorrow; what instruments DB and TV have been using in the studio; and what Iman, Lexi, Little Richard and David’s old Buddhist friend, Chimi, have in common. All illustrated with a load more of Tony Visconti’s excellent photographs.

Rex Ray Shows His Stuff

“Brian Eno thinks I’m insane” Rex Ray outside the
Tate Modern by Total Blam Blam, September 2001
Click on image for another shot from this session..

He’ll think about paint and he’ll think about glue…

That all round decent chap and most theatrical genius of design, Rex Ray, has a couple more exhibitions for you to check out. Firstly he has a show, including at least 30 new works, that is scheduled to open next Monday, October 22nd, at Jonathan Adler, 8125 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles. (Across from Fred Segal apparently)

He also has an exhibition of new work running until the 7th of November at Michael Martin Galleries, 251 Post Street, 5th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94108.

You may remember the piece we ran about Rex’s work at the West Coasting exhibition at Notting Hill in London. (09/05/01 NEWS: REX RAY SHOW IN LONDON TOMORROW & 09/06/01 NEWS: REX RAY SHOW IN LONDON TONIGHT) Well, at last count, the event raised $40,000 for the The Elton John AIDS Foundation! Not bad eh?

If you aren’t familiar with Rex Ray’s work you really should check it out…It will become quickly obvious why his work caught David Bowie’s eye in the first place. Fellow art rocker Brian Eno also seems to enjoy Mr Ray’s work…Hope Rex doesn’t mind me posting this excerpt from a recent e-mail communication:

“…And Brain Eno came into Gotham last week to see my stuff, particularly the ‘No Pussyfooting’ print. He said I’m insane…which I’ll take as a compliment!”

On a final note, don’t forget that you still have time to influence the outcome of the Rex Ray BowieNet T-shirt poll …Though I have to say it is looking very good for design #1…so if that’s not your favourite, you better get off your arse and cast your vote! };-)

David Really Live At Msg

Looking For Satellites…

Despite claims elsewhere, David Bowie will be appearing LIVE this Saturday at the Concert For New York City at Madison Square Garden, and not via satellite. Not much more one can say really.

David And Iman In Arena

Iman admires Laura Ashley wallpaper design, dreamt up by an up and
coming designer who she has her eye on! Photograph by David Bowie.

I, I will be king, And you, you will be queen…

The November issue of Arena magazine (which, incredibly, has no web presence) has a beautiful double-page photograph of Iman. The picture is part of a piece on her new book; I Am Iman, due any day now, and from which the magazine have used the following quote:

“When I came to modelling, black models were considered sexy, sultry, never beautiful or elegant,” says Iman. These days, motherhood and an ever-inventive husband keep her busy. “David encourages me to be more adventurous in what I do, and I help him put on weight from my home cooking. He’s not the thin white duke anymore.”

Can’t wait to get my hands on this beauty…the book I mean…well obviously I wouldn’t mind…I’ll get my coat…

Elsewhere in the magazine…

Detail from illustration by Janet Wooley

In a feature called ‘You Rock My World’ in the same issue of Arena, the magazine asked some of their “favourite writers to crank up the song that means the most to them.” Johnny Davis, Editor of The Face, had this to say regarding “Heroes”:

“It’s clever and contradictory: “Heroes” is a celebration of love. But it’s a love song without a happy ending. It’s about seizing a moment, but knowing that moment is doomed. It’s happy-sad. Romantic and tragic…The song’s correct title is “Heroes”, with quotation marks. The use of quotation marks underlines the sense of irony in which love rises above real, and metaphorical walls. But Irony hadn’t been invented in the Seventies. Clever old Bowie.”


Hurrah! New Journal Entry

Bolt down the hatches…Little Lexie’s on the loose!

She had a horror of rooms she was tired you can’t hide beat*

What have Jennifer Jason, The Waterboys, Glen Tonche (who?), Tony Visconti, Alexandria Zahra Jones, a dear and a wild turkey all got in common? They’re all in David’s latest journal entry, that’s what. Go here to read what our man’s been up to recently.

*Actually, it’s possible that none of these statements are in fact true. It’s a lovely room and she looks far from tired!

Bowie To Perform At Concert For New York City

“Oh go on David”…”Oh, alright then Tony”
David Bowie and Tony Visconti recently.

Come out for The Garden, baby*

We are very pleased to be able to announce that David Bowie will now be the opening performance at Madison Square Garden as part of the Concert For New York City this coming Saturday, October 20th. David’s appearance was confirmed just yesterday, and you are the very first people to learn of his definite addition to the bill.

Though it seems the event had previously sold out, we can reveal that Ticketmaster will be selling more tickets online tomorrow morning at 9:00am local time. At this point we have no further information regarding these tickets, and we suggest you keep an eye on the Ticketmaster site for any further details. Though out of many people’s price range, VIP tickets are available through Robin Hood on a first-come, first-serve basis at three price levels, ranging from $2,000 to $10,000. Tickets with a starting bid of $1,500 are also available on eBay. Unfortunately, BowieNet has no involvement with any ticket sales for this event whatsoever.

For those of you that can’t get to Madison Square Garden for one reason or another, the event will be broadcast live on VH1 in North America, and the following day in 88 countries around the world. The event will also be webcast online via AOL. (This AOL webcast may be available to AOL members only)

If any of you do find out anything more, please let other fans know via the MBs. Obviously it may be sensible to keep this news among BowieNet members until you have tickets for yourselves.

*OK, OK…I tweaked the lyric slightly…so sue me!

First Shot From Bowie/visconti Sessions

David Bowie lays down a bit of baritone saxophone.
Photograph taken by Tony Visconti, New York 2001.

…he’s only taking care of the room, Must be in tune…

The beautifully atmospheric photograph above is the first exclusive shot from the ongoing Bowie/Visconti sessions. These new recordings, due next year, are for the first album David and Tony have worked on together since 1980’s sublime ‘Scary Monsters… And Super Creeps’.

David has promised more pictures and some diary stuff from the sessions, that will only be available to BowieNet members, very soon. Sorry the image is so big, but I didn’t think you’d mind somehow.

New Pix In Vanity Fair

Pic for Vanity Fair by Annie Leibovitz, July 26 2001.

Vanity’s child-picture you now…

The November issue of Vanity Fair (The Music Issue) has a tri-fold cover scattered with twelve stars from the world of music. VF explains it best:

“THE SOUND AND THE GLORY – With 45 Grammies, 65 platinum albums, and God knows how many Top 10 hits among them, the 12 greats on this month’s cover span four decades of cutting-edge sound.”

In the accompanying feature there is a pre-shoot pic of David with Beck and Gwen Stefani and a little spiel on each artist. Here’s an excerpt from David’s entry:

“David Bowie was the glamorous 70s antidote to dreary California rock. His career has seen dazzling character re-invention, not just hair and makeup changes. This self-described “synthetic artist” claims his work wasn’t about fashion: “Hopefully,” says Bowie, “it was about style. It was Eurocentric – I never thought American audiences would pick up on it.”


“His new album, recorded over the summer in upstate New York, will be released in early 2002. He lives in New York City with his wife, the model Iman, and at our cover shoot he proudly displayed photos of their year-old daughter, Alexandria Zahra Jones. As ever, looking to the future.”

Elsewhere in the mag, Beck chooses his 50 all-time favourite album covers…several of which would find their way into my own favourite list, including: Trout Mask Replica, Raw Power and Transformer (both photographed by Mick Rock), the Warhol designed The Velvet Underground With Nico and Sticky Fingers, Electric Warrior, Never Mind The Bollocks, and an album that helped me through puberty; Roxy Music’s Country Life. It seems Beck had a tough time choosing the Bowie sleeve in the list, PinUps:

“Bowie has at least eight all-time great covers. How do you choose between Low and Diamond Dogs? “Heroes” and Ziggy Stardust? Any of these are my favorites.”

Couldn’t agree more.