Bowie Fan Party In Tokyo This Saturday

Japanese BowieNetters at last year’s party, January 8th 2001.

I’m under Japanese influence…

BowieNetters Minami and Primama who produce the Japanese fan site, ‘DAVID BOWIE And ILLUSTRATION’, send me news of their third annual David Bowie fan party that they are putting on with the help of other Japanese BowieNetters.

A couple of fans enter into the spirit at last year’s party.

In celebration of David Bowie’s 55th birthday on January 8th 2002, the party takes place at the Rolling Stone Bar in Tokyo on the 5th of January in conjunction with Toshiba EMI and the Japanese David Bowie fan club, The Serious Moonlight Club.

From the 2000 party, this man knows his costumes.

Go here for ticket and programme details and for a look at pages from the 2000 and 2001 parties, from where the images in this piece are taken. And, as you smile at some of the translations, it may be worth remembering exactly how good your Japanese is! };-)

Last Chance To Vote For Best Of Bowienet 2001

Come back tomorrow to see what Spaceface and Susans have been up to.

These are your favourite things…

A final reminder for you to vote for your favourite BowieNet stuff of 2001 as our look back over 2001 is almost complete now. If you haven’t already voted, see Saturday’s news for what to do.

Come back tomorrow to see the incredible page that Spaceface and Susans have been beavering away at for the last couple of days. These girls deserve medals…and some sleep!

New Year's Eve Glam Night In Nyc

New York’s a go-go and everything tastes right…

With only two days to go before New Year’s Eve, you New Yorkers need as much notice as possible to sort out some suitable clobber for a special night of Glam Rock. The very Bowie friendly Cinema Classics in East Village promises a “NEW YEAR’S EVE GLAM SPECTACULAR!” and it’s FREE to get in!

The first fifty people to turn up will receive a free champagne toast come the midnight ding-dongs, and everybody can enjoy music from: David Bowie, Iggy Pop, Lou Reed, Roxy Music, T Rex and many more of your favourite Glam Rockers. As if that isn’t enough to tempt you, the whole evening will be accompanied by music videos from the above, and appropriately the best dressed Glam Girl/Boy will win a copy of ‘Velvet Goldmine’ on DVD.

Cinema Classics is at 332 East 11th St, New York City. Tel: 212 677 6309

Vote For Your Favourite Bowienet Stuff Of 2001

Even David Bowie needs to log in.

These are your favourite things…

During my Christmas break there was a request posted for you to send us a list of a few of your favourite BowieNet items from 2001. Looking at the message boards it seems that there is a little confusion as to what it is we require from you.

Well, all we want is for you to give us what was in your opinion the top five happenings here on BowieNet, actually, perhaps you should make that ten. Your choices can include anything posted here in 2001, from a particular BowieNet News item to any of David’s Journals that may have tickled your fancy. Or perhaps a David Asks did it for you, or even a competition? And of course there was the Roseland video, BowieNet radio, tons of Mick Rock stuff, Iman’s book and CD, etc, etc, etc.

And let’s not forget the things you actually contributed to, such as the pages that Spaceface posted about the Concert for Tibet and David and Iman’s wedding anniversary. Anyway, you get the idea, just mail up to ten items or features you have enjoyed here, and we’ll hopefully give you more of the same in 2002.

One lucky entrant chosen at random gets to choose something special from the Bowie vaults.


© Mick Rock

A life of such powerful meaning

Deconstruction and Ziggy : Sunday Times : 12/16/01 In a leading ‘News Review’ article defending this year’s Turner Prize winner, Martin Creed; Matthew Collings draws a line all the way from Duchamp to Damien Hirst, via Samuel Beckett and Ziggy Stardust in support of his argument that less can be more. He says : “Deconstruction appeared in the 1960s and 1970s in the world of academic theory. It entered the art world in the 1980s. It means to dismantle meaning ? not to annihilate it but to pick it apart and see what hidden effects it produces. David Bowie in the early 1970s is a good example of deconstruction in action. Glam rock deconstructed rock. But there are plenty of meanings in Ziggy Stardust ? they just seem to be deliberately unreal compared with the ?naturalness? of a previous style of rock. Before Bowie?s rise as Ziggy, sincerity had value, and there had been a rock style to represent sincerity. Ziggy?s style was based on attacking that previous style.” An interesting view, whether or not you agree. Click the link in the heading to read the whole thing.

Moulin Rouge : Fox Home Entertainment : 12/25/01 The movie, which has just been voted ‘Film Of The Year’ by viewers of the influential UK TV show ‘Film 2001’, is now available in the USA on Video and DVD. Zoolander is also now available to pre-order from the usual sources. (blammo)

1999 Dublin Gig : Irish Press : Nov 2001 An article about Pulp’s recent Dublin ‘Witness’ gig discussed artists who have played these gigs in the past, including “a now legendary David Bowie performance featuring an earth-moving version of “Life On Mars”, the very mention of which still brings a tear to the eye of many a hardened rock hack”. (dara)

Reference point : The Independent : 12/22/01 Now more than ever, references to David’s song writing pervade the press in the UK and world-wide. The major music magazines, in particular, would have a lot more difficulty writing their headlines without him. This is a quote from an article bemoaning the state of government support for British Sport. Like the sons of the silent age in the David Bowie song, those responsible for steering British sport into the 21st Century have searched through their one-inch thoughts and decided it couldn’t be done.

(contributors : blammo, dara, bonster, spaceface)


Merry Christmas Everybody!

And so the story goes they wore the clothes…

In a repeated Christmas abuse of my position, I give you another one of my photo-composits (sorry for the big file size) with no real connection to Christmas apart from a faint allusion to the Three Wise Men…sort of.

Anyway, a wonderful time to you all from everybody here at BowieNet, and I’m sure you will all want to join me in wishing love and peace to the Bowie family at this time of year.

Here’s to a very exciting 2002, with it’s promise of much in store for us Bowie fans, not least of all the first release on David’s very own ISO label and the chance to see our man live in action once more.

Bowienet's Best Of 2001

Another year is coming rapidly to a close. It’s always nice to sit back and reminisce over the 360-ought days that have just passed us by.

I know all of us here at Bowienet are excited to see what 2002 will bring. As for you Bnetters, we’ve already got some pretty things in store for you in 2002.

What’s on your Bowienet Best Of? (limit to 5 or less, please)

The Bowienet Best of 2001 Results will be posted once all the submissions have been accounted for.

Make Your Very Own David And Iman Card

Here’s one I made earlier…well, digitally at least.

(Head tell me) make it alright…

For those of you that don’t remember the original, here’s a re-run of a card that David and Iman produced for us back in the last century. Click on the image above to take you to a pop-up you can print out and fold in the manner of the sample we have illustrated.

The more enterprising among you may want to print out David and Iman’s signatures to stick on the inside to complete the illusion. (Go find ’em yourself…Don’t ya know I’m the The Grinch!)

Anyway, Happy Holidays from everyone here at BowieNet, and we’ll see you all in what promises to be a very exciting New Year.