Rumours And Lies And Tomorrow Night

Some make you sing and some make you scream…

As is often the way with news of imminent live David Bowie shows, lots of rumours and guesswork have started scaring people into booking time off work etc. We will announce details of any definitely confirmed shows as soon as we have them, but in the meantime, don’t panic, we will have some good news for you very soon, before Joe Public hears about it too!

I can confirm that David’s rumoured appearance at the twelfth annual Tibet House Benefit at Carnegie Hall, in New York City tomorrow night, is true. This will come as good news to any of you BowieNetters who bought tickets some time ago and have travelled across the globe to be in New York right now! };-)

You can keep an eye on proceedings by checking out the news as it happens tomorrow, and feel free to submit anything you feel is relevant regarding the performance by mailing any reviews or pictures (yeah, right) to with a subject line of “Tibet House Benefit”.

The first review we receive will get a special little something or other for their trouble, as will the sender of the first picture. I don’t think you’re actually allowed to take pictures at the event, but you’ve never let that bother you in the past!

Please send anything you have to Spaceface and Susans too by clicking on the image above for their dedicated page that also has a submit feature. Please do make sure you send to them too, or they’ll “have my guts for garters”…whatever that means.