More Ticket Help

  • If you attempt to purchase tickets and, for any reason, decide you do not want the tickets, be sure to empty your shopping cart. Each time you close your browser without emptying your cart, the tickets you had in the cart are held for 10 minutes. That means the total number of tickets is decreased by that number. This is the reason many of you are seeing that there are no tickets available. Always remembering to empty your cart will ensure the maximum ammount of available tickets.
  • If you are still having problems purchasing tickets, you should do one or both of the following:
  • — Send an email to with the subject set as “BOWIE”
    — You can also call 1.434.244.7200. By either mean, MusicToday should be able to help you get you your tickets as we still have a good number available.

  • Just a reminder, if you have purchased more than 2 tickets, you’ll only be charged and alloted for 2.
  • We hope this helps. Please bear with us.

    The BowieNet Staff