Rex Ray Wants A Postcard From You!

Fascination, takes a part of me…

That disgustingly gifted slapper, Rex Ray, has asked me to post the following information about an exciting new Bowie-related exhibition that he is curator of, called Fascination – The Bowie Show. The exhibition takes place in San Francisco next month, and you could be a contributor.

Rex wants all of us BowieNetters to create a 4″x 6″ postcard “about Bowie”. Anyway, all the info you need is contained in Rex’s words below…so I’ll leave you in his firm, but gentle, hands…apparently.

Total Blam Blam – (BowieNet News Editor)


In August of 2002 Gallery 16 in San Francisco will mount an exhibition that will examine the way artists continue to be influenced by or address issues that Bowie helped bring to the fore. Artists included are:

doug coupland
jamie garza
cliff hengst
lynne hershman
scott hewicker
jason mecier
peter mitchell-dayton
caitlin mitchell-dayton
myriam santos-kayda
rex ray
matthew ritchie
wayne smith
dani tull
griff williams
jim winters

Gallery 16
1616 16th St., 3rd Floor @ Kansas
San Francisco, CA 94103(415) 626-7495

August 15-September 30, 2002 – 0pening reception for the artists Thursday, August 15th 6-9pm

A catalog/book featuring small essays by many writers including Doug Coupland, Rick Moody, Eileen Miles and many others will accompany the exhibition. A version of the catalog will contain a free limited edition cd of musicians like, Matmos, Tom Recchion, The Foibles and Aeromicd covering tracks from Bowie’s LOW. On September 6th FASCINATION, a play written by Kevin Killian and Wayne Smith, that takes an irreverant look at Bowie’s career will be preformed at The Lab in San Francisco.

Okay bnetters, here’s where you come in. If you’re so inspired, please make a postcard (4x6inches) ‘about’ Bowie. It can be anything, the more creative the better. My intention is to exhibit the postcards in the show, hopefully a grid of however many we receive. I have no idea what to expect form this….20 postcards? 20,000 postcards? I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

Please mail your cards to

Gallery 16
1616 16th Street 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103

THE DEADLINE is August 11th because we need a few days to hang the exhibit. If you’d like your postcard returned please indicate it and I’ll mail that thing of beauty back to you. Otherwise, it becomes a part of the Rex Ray permanent archives which I’ll auction on ebay once you become famous! (Just kidding…)

Rex Ray