Beautiful Bowie In Toronto

David and ‘Foxy Macy Dorsey’ prepare for the show.
Click on the image for more ‘hair-raising’ backstage shots.
All images: Mark Plati

Hey babe, your hair’s alright

The Toronto Sun is right on the ball (and on the money!) with a rave review of David’s performance on Monday night. They headline with “Beautiful Bowie Flawless at Moby’s Area2 fest.” and go on to say:- “David Bowie is timeless perfection.. (he)“stole the show at Moby’s Area2 Festival last night at the Molson Amphitheatre with an hour-and-a-half set that began and ended with two cherished classics from his 30-year-plus catalogue — Life On Mars and Ziggy Stardust.

Elegantly dressed in a black suit, white dress shirt and skinny electric blue tie, Bowie quietly took the stage — adorned with his last name in marquee-like white lights above him — while only a pianist accompanied him on Life On Mars. Bowie.. was clearly enjoying himself.

David opens in Toronto.
Image: Mark Plati

Not only was his voice in top form, but he also struck some seriously swoon-worthy poses as he moved around the stage. He was able to create excitement with just the wave of his arms as he commanded the audience to scream louder.

Among the new songs, Bowie’s covers of the Pixies’ Cactus and Neil Young’s I’ve Been Waiting For You stood up well alongside such expansive-sounding originals as Slip Away, I Would Be Your Slave, 5:15 and Heathen’s title track.

Even Moby had Bowie fever as he talked about watching the legend from the sidelines every night as “a dream come true.”

David also gave an interview to Jam Music in advance of the gig. Click here for page one, and here for page two.

The Toronto Star said “It was… Bowie who proved the one real uniting force of the day.” and singled out “…the electro-shocked “I’m Afraid Of Americans” and “Hello Spaceboy,” the ’80s standard “Let’s Dance,” a massive cover of Neil Young’s “I’ve Been Waiting For You” and the brooding title track from his excellent new Heathen disc” for special praise.

The Star also features an excellent telehone interview, and review of Heathen, titled ‘David Bowie finds dark majesty’ which David gave on the morning after the the first show of the Area2 tour.

Once again, we have a BowieNet reporter in the field. Thanks for the texts, Simone! She tells us that David was doing his best Portobello Market trader impersonation last night. After ‘Slip Away’ he told the audience he would be selling Stylophones after the show. He borrowed some sun glasses from a member of the audience (the sun was in his eyes), and when he returned them after three songs, he offered to reduce the price of a Stylophone by a few dollars in recompense. 🙂 Gail was dubbed ‘Foxy Macy Dorsey’ for the evening and wore her afro for the show.

And one more word, emailed to me from a member. “After seeing David at the Warehouse in 97 I didn’t think the live performances could get any better. Boy was I mistaken. A phenomenal show yesterday in Toronto. ‘Slip Away’ was incredible as was ‘Heathen’. I took my 11 and 14 year old kids. They were blown away. They couldn’t believe they were seeing the “real David Bowie”. Who is that anyway????” (Alexander)

Set list

Life on Mars?
Ashes to Ashes
Breaking Glass
Slip Away
China Girl
Be My Wife
I’ve Been Waiting For You
I Would Be Your Slave
I?m Afraid of Americans
5:15 The Angels Have Gone
Heathen (The Rays)

Hallo Spaceboy
Everyone Says Hi
Let’s Dance
Ziggy Stardust

(Thanks again to SusanS for her help, and for the fun clickthrough)


Jones Beach Update

Image © Kevin Mazur

a real cool cat..

We return to Jones Beach (and why not?) to bring you coverage of the gig from, and also to bring you a slightly different version of the image we posted yesterday. What’s special about this one though, is that if you click on the picture above, you will see a large and exceptionally lovely photograph of db and the elements, and also some of you! 🙂

Newsday said that David was “the personification of sophisticated cool” and added “Bowie was stylishly smooth during his hour-long set, alternating songs from his impressive new “Heathen” album, including his rocking cover of The Pixies’ “Cactus,” with such timeless classics as “Fame” and “Ashes to Ashes,” which sound as current today as they did more than two decades ago. He played off the rainstorm, catching raindrops on his tongue and arguing with the heavens before launching into “I Would Be Your Slave.” Unfortunately, the fun was cut short, after lightning strikes grew a little too close to the stage. (They would also cut off music in the dance tent, where DJ Carl Cox was performing.) Before he left, Bowie whipped the crowd into a frenzy with a rousing version of “Heroes,” to “keep spirits high,” he said, as sheets of rain began to fall.”


Bowie In Boston

‘Everyone Says Hi’: Image SusanS
Click here for more.

Motor sensational

As if to compensate for the bad weather at Jones Beach, Boston was hotter than hot, but that didn’t stop our man from giving us one or two interesting variations to the set. Eyewitnesses were particularly entranced by the tightness of db’s trousers but did manage to gasp out the odd comment on his singing.. 😉 From Tess:- “‘Heathen’ was heartbreakingly good. That song has just grown over the tour I guess. ‘5:15’ was “one of our faves at the moment” and just awesome. ‘Ziggy’ was killer. Amazing how it sounds today… The place went nuts!”

David was particularly happy – smiling and bouncy from the moment he set foot on the stage, and even taking the time to give some advice on how to have a happy marriage! There are three important things to remember, apparently. Once again, from Tess:- “Very important point: find a girl who loves to cook and clean. Very important point: find a girl who brings in lots of money. Very important point: find a girl who loves sex. Very important point: never let the three of them meet.. ba-boom!”

The Boston Herald focus on the eclectic mix which Moby has put together, and its ability to draw a wide range of people, all of whom seemed to share and enjoy ‘each other’s’ music:- “PTA moms danced with wild abandon to the jittery grooves supplied by star DJs such as Carl Cox and John Digweed in the rave tent and purple-haired teenagers held up swaying glowsticks as an incredibly well-preserved David Bowie sang songs much older than they were”.

They describe David’s set as “a hot 90 minutes”, and add that “he looked typically dashing in a black three-piece suit and unstrung electric blue tie as he took the stage for stark version of “Life on Mars,” accompanied only by Mike Garson’s agile piano. He sounded sensational, as did his tight backing band – especially guitarist Earl Slick and drummer Sterling Campbell. Slick in particular earned his pay with a string of stinging guitar solos… Newer tunes such as the winsome acoustic pop number “Everyone Says Hi” and the stutteringly funky and tightly coiled “I’m Afraid of Americans” fit in with ease.”

Earl Slick thinking “I’m gonna really sting em tonight.” Image: Mark Plati

Here are a couple more posts from our message boards :-

“I’m feeling a little repentant and nostalgic this morning ’cause I won’t see Bowie for a while now. That was my last show. It has been a brilliant three days, not just for Bowie (which is always a bonus!) but I met so many wonderful people, some I’ve met before and some were new but all the same, a great little community of people.” (caroline)

“Not many words to describe the show. I draw a blank, HOT, AWESOME, GREAT. These do not really work, but WOW……” (wldjareth)

David Bowie – “This one’s by Clint Eastwood.”
Image: Mark Plati. Keep em coming Mark!

Last word for this show should go to our tireless reporter in the field, SusanS. Sadly, she has to return to the UK.

“…David’s voice was incredible. He was hitting his notes with so much ease and holding them for SO long I found myself applauding way too early..he just carried on and on :-). It was really thrilling. He was so mobile and playful. His dancing was superb; all swishy and erotic (particularly a heartstopping, sexy dance behind Gail!) . He was full of energy, playing air guitar and bouncing so much his hair was flying around 🙂 He really seemed to be enjoying himself. Every song was so ‘ON’ I couldn’t stop dancing! He was hysterically funny as always, introducing ‘Ashes to Ashes’ as recorded by ‘Clint Eastwood’….’its my cowboy song’, and offering some interesting selection advice before launching into ‘Be My Wife’ 😉

…With David there are always such special visual moments to savour. Last night there was a particularly special one for me. It was the the sight of David approaching Earl Slick as he ripped into another superb solo. He stood behind him, and for a moment my whole life flashed by….he held out his arms and looked so beautiful. It was perfect..and right in front of me. :-).” SusanS.

For the remaining shows, and while the very much missed Total Blam Blam is on holiday, please send your set lists and photos, and anything else you wish to share, to spaceface and/or susans at our BowieNet addresses.

Set List

Life On Mars?
Ashes To Ashes
Breaking Glass
Slip Away
China Girl
Be My Wife
I’ve Been Waiting For You
I Would Be Your Slave
I’m Afraid Of Americans
5:15 The Angels Have Gone
Heathen (The Rays)

Everyone Says Hi
Let’s Dance
Ziggy Stardust


Bowie Returns To Europe

David Bowie at Meltdown: June 2002
Image: Celine

The European cannon is here..

You lucky, lucky people! As hinted by Blammo when he announced David’s nomination for this year’s Mercury Prize (07/31/02 NEWS: ‘HEATHEN’ SHORTLISTED FOR MERCURY MUSIC PRIZE), David will indeed be returning to Europe in September. We are pleased to announce that a show will take place on Tuesday September 24th at The Zenith in Paris, France. The Zenith is located at 19ème 211, Avenue Jean Jaures, 75019, Paris. Tickets go on sale on Tuesday August 20th, and we will bring you details of ticket outlets as soon as these are confirmed.

Watch this space for further details of a number of additonal European shows! As you wait, no doubt impatiently, here’s just a tentative / unconfirmed hint of the cities where shows may take place.

  • Berlin
  • Bonn
  • Munich
  • London

Click here to view the updated Bowie Tour Calendar

Tony Visconti Meet And Greet

Image: Helen2

Tony rapped all night

As rumoured on these pages ( 08/01/02 SNIPPET: KRISTEEN YOUNG AND THE LOW BOYS @ CBGB), Tony Visconti did indeed hold an informal ‘Meet and Greet’ after the Kristeen Young show at CBGB’s on Thursday night.

He sat among the BowieNet members and answered a barrage of questions, spending far and above the amount of time expected of him, and staying very late. Questions ranged from his work with David and other artists, down to minor details like travelling arrangements for the band. He even talked about being in the studio with David on that terrible day last September 11th. He was thrilled that ‘Heathen’ has done so well and was happy to discuss many details about the recording of the album. Here’s a shot of Tony talking to Pattibowie, aka Patti Brett, one of the original Sigma Kids.

Image: Helen2

After a blistering set, Kristeen also chatted to many of our members, talking about the work she did with David for ‘Heathen’. As we posted at the time, (05/21/01 NEWS: BOWIE LENDS SUPPORT TO YOUNG) you will recall that David saw Kristeen at CBGB’s last year.

Kristeen Young & David Bowie at CBGB,
New York, May 15 2001 – © Bob Gruen 2001

Jones Beach In The Rain

Image © Kevin Mazur/

It’s the rain before the storm

David’s set was unfortunately cut short by rain, thunder and lightning on Friday night. The band continued as long as possible, sometimes in very difficult conditions, but in the end it was just too dangerous to go on. They had hoped to return and complete the set, but this was not possible due to time constraints.

Despite the weather, David and the band were in great spirits, and really enjoying the challenge. David himself was full of his usual smart one-liners. He told everyone that China Girl was “on the new album, if you want to hear it again”, and introduced Katherine Russell as playing “keyboards, drums and a TV set”.

He did a little rain dance early on to try and stop the rot, but sadly it didn’t work. Once the rain got established, he ventured to the front of the stage, opened his mouth, dangled out his tongue and ‘drank’ the rain. This sight made the audience squeal once again. The man is so hot on this tour!

The weather provided a dramatic and often very appropriate set for some of the songs, especially ‘I Would Be Your Slave’. David sang the song straight up to the heavens, and was ‘rewarded’ with a bolt of lightning. ooer…

David Bowie and Busta Rhymes backstage at Jones Beach
Image © Kevin Mazur/

There are lots more great images from this gig at Wire Image.

Here are some quotes from the message boards which tell a little more of the story.

“Heroes” in the rain was phenomenal. And by rain, we mean downpour. It gave new meaning to the “I wish I could swim like dolphins can swim” lyric. And Bowie was in such a lovely mood… I have to admit that I was floored (even choked up for a few moments) by “Life on Mars”. All of the new stuff has really taken on a new energy since Roseland. “Slip Away” is really growing on me. (chamomile)

You wouldn’t believe the effects that lightning and thunder has on the song ‘I’m Afraid Of Americans’ unless you’ve seen it. (dbfan)

I never thought I’d have the odd pleasure of seeing David during a storm. It was so dramatic and darkly romantic. Bowie and band sounded so gigantic and monstrously beautiful.. (Antoine Poncelet)

I’ve lost track of the amount of times I’ve seen David.. but I can honestly say I’ve never been this wet during one of his shows! (nameless Bowienet member)

Set List

Life On Mars?
Ashes To Ashes
Slip Away
China Girl
I’ve Been Waiting For You
I Would Be Your Slave
I’m Afraid Of Americans
5:15 The Angels Have Gone

(Thanks to SusanS for the set list and anecdotes)


Win Tmwfte On Dvd Now… Or Sometime In The Future?

I’m changing time…

As promised last week, (07/29/02 NEWS: REGION 2 TMWFTE DVD OUT TODAY) here’s the competition to win one of five copies of the Region 2 DVD (Europe, Middle East & Japan only) of ‘The Man Who Fell To Earth’. It’s an easy concept, in that all you have to do is find six of the numbered stills, like the one below…but, in keeping with the film’s fractured time structure, they’re dotted all over BowieNet news, in no particular order!

When you’ve found the other five (you get the one below for free!) e-mail me with the six dates in the news that you found the six numbered stills, and the number of the still on that date. For example, this one would be: 08/04/02 = Number One.

Send your entry to me at with a heading of “I found all six of the TMWFTE DVD comp thingies”. The competition ends when I have five winners. Bloody good luck… you’re gonna need it!

Makeup For The Last Time Tomorrow Night

People stared at the makeup on his face…

For those of you in the Hollywood area that don’t manage to make it to the Boston gig tomorrow night, you can go and drown your sorrows in style at the last night of Club Makeup. A Bowie extravaganza in usual Makeup style is planned for “the best live, traditional glam rock n’ roll show in Los Angeles history”…and it’s all in celebration of the release of David Bowie’s glam classic: Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars.

Here’s the blurb for the show from

Saturday, August 3, 2002 – CLUB MAKEUP PROUDLY PRESENTS:

Back and front of the flyer for tomorrow night’s Bowie extravaganza at Club Makeup!

We are pulling out all the stops for the LAST official CLUB MAKEUP on Saturday August 3rd 2002. Can you believe it will be our 42nd show!! And, as always, our last Fandango will be a real barn burner.

MZ. ALANNA and the Gutter Gangsters celebrate the 30th anniversary of the release of David Bowie’s glam classic: Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars. The show will be as glamorous and as extravagant as ever when the all-star lineup hits the stage. Club Makeup favorites JACK ATLANTIS, ALEXIS ARQUETTE, CANDY ASS, KENDALL and N.Y.C.’s MICHAEL T. pay homage to the genius of BOWIE with songs from his catalogue. Abby Travis, Eric Mayron, Charlie Paulson, Noah and, of course, musical director Xander Smith, gather to salute 3 1/2 years of the best the best live, traditional glam rock n’ roll show in Los Angeles history.

Dress up in your best Bowie drag and get in 1/2 price before 11pm. Don’t miss it!!! EL Rey Theater 5515 Wilshire Blvd. Hollywood 21 & over- Doors: 10pm

If you do manage to get along, please grab me a couple of those gorgeous flyers.

Ziggy Tour Of The United States

When the kids had killed the man I had to break up the band…

Sorry about the headline, probably gave a few of you cardiac arrests…Anyway, as we mentioned on the 23rd of last month, the restored D.A. Pennebaker film of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars is now wending its way around the US. Here’s the current timetable:

NEW YORK, NY at the Quad Cinema opens July 26th
PHILADELPHIA, PA at the Prince Music Theatre opens July 25th
LOS ANGELES, CA at the Fairfax 3 opens August 9th
SAN FRANCISCO, CA at the Castro Theater opens August 9th
BOSTON, MA at the Brattle opens August 23rd
BROOKLYN, NY at BAM starts September 5th – 2 days only!
MILWAUKEE, WI at the Times Cinema – September 13th – Fridays only!
HOUSTON, TX at the MFA opens 11/1 – weekends only!

Go here for updates on the Cowboy Pictures website.