Overnight Ticket Queue And Meet & Greet Winners

A tiny portion of the thousands that turned up this morning. Picture by Brian Rasic.

Chilly Down (in Hammersmith)…

Thousands of Bowie fans brought a bit of excitement to the streets of Hammersmith this morning when they queued (many overnight) for tickets for DB’s show at the Carling Apollo next Wednesday. Though there were some ugly scenes early on, caused by equally ugly ticket touts, (sorry to hear of your distress Paul and Michelle) it seems that most of the BowieNetters there came away with what they wanted.

3:00am, assorted Bowie fans look forward to a long, cold night. If you’re wondering
why it looks like it’s broad daylight, I used a night lens. Picture by Total Blam Blam.

I braved the bitter chilly elements for some considerable time* in the early hours of the morning, having arrived around 2:00am to get a few pictures, and chat with a few BowieNetters… or at least to have my ear bent, and rightly so! };-) Hallo to those of you I did meet, Martyn, Wendy, MARK, Rob (or was it Les…sorry always confuse you two), Trevor, aka Queen Bitch, and a few more whose names I didn’t catch. Sorry to have missed a few others of you that I would have liked to have met…hallo Zuzu, Lizsk2 and all the other BNetters that were present.

On a serious note, it really was very touching to see BowieNetters queuing overnight for tickets to give to other fans, even though many of them had already been successful in getting tickets for themselves over the phone earlier. We are all proud of your selflessness and generosity. Sad to see that there is at least one BNetter trying to profit out of the situation, though thankfully, goodness prevails.

Details as above. See the message board for bigger versions. Picture by Total Blam Blam.

While we’re on the subject of goodness, Zuzu has produced a brilliant Hammersmith page where people can go check out anything related to Wednesday’s show, including a list of people who still need tickets, details of when and where to meet beforehand, transport, local information, competitions and more. Thanx so much for that Zuzu, see you in the Old T(r)out pub! };-)

You can view bigger versions of some of these pictures on the MBs, In the meantime, keep your eye on the news, message boards and Zuzu’s page for any further developments.

Details as above. See the message board for bigger versions. Picture by Total Blam Blam.

Meet & Greet Winners

Speaking of further developements, two BowieNetters that didn’t need to queue for tickets, seeing as how they already have them, are the winners of our Meet & Greet competition, tgwtmh and Kisch. They have been informed of their win, and our congratulations go out to them and both their lucky guests.

For those still interested, the answer to the competition (09/22/02 NEWS: BOWIENET HAMMERSMITH MEET & GREET COMPETITION) was either ‘Shapes Of Things’ or ‘I Wish You Would’. Both songs appeared on David Bowie’s Pin-Ups album and both had been recorded by Jeff Beck’s former group, The Yardbirds. And of course, it was the wide-trousered Jeff who played as a guest of Ziggy and The Spiders at Hammersmith Odeon (now the Carling Apollo) on July 3rd 1973.

This question clearly foxed a few of you as 25% of the answers I received were incorrect.

*Actually, it was almost warm and I was only there for about an hour…well, do you want drama or not!?