Last Night On Staten Island

DB and the band often enjoy a game of sardines just before showtime. Pic by Mark Plati.

Staten is my island…

Guitarist Earl Slick enjoyed a triumphant homecoming show at The Music Hall, Snug Harbor, Staten Island, last night…and he dragged along David Bowie and the rest of the band for company on what was the first show of the so called ‘New York Marathon’ run of dates.

Apparently a few characters from Earl’s past turned up for the show, prompting David to observe: “We’re playing in front of all Earl’s family and friends. Joey Bag-of-Doughnuts, Carmine, Rat…”

Slicky’s local rag, The Staten Island Advance, has posted a couple of online pieces. One pre and one post-show item, both written by Dean Balsamini.

“We have a particularly pretty audience here tonight…And I mean that.”
DB on the rabble above. Picture by Mark Plati. Click for bigger version.

BowieNetter, Enemy of Silence, hit upon the marvellous idea of producing runner’s competition numbers (whatever they’re called) for the audience. I’ve not yet asked David what he made of the sight that greeted him when he took to the stage, but what would you think if you were confronted by the crazed lunatics above? };-)

DB will be onstage at St. Anne’s Warehouse, Brooklyn about now, so for those of you that can’t be there, please try and find some comfort in these brilliant pictures from Mark Plati,, and BowieNetters happyland and desert.firefly.

“Sailor over Staten Island…” © Theo Wargo/

Here’s last night’s set list:

Life On Mars?
Ashes To Ashes
Breaking Glass
China Girl
Slip Away
I?m Afraid of Americans
Speed Of Life
5:15 The Angels Have Gone
I?ve Been Waiting For You
Rebel Rebel
Heathen (The Rays)
I Would Be Your Slave
Everyone Says ‘Hi’
Hallo Spaceboy
Let’s Dance
Ziggy Stardust

Above is a rather steamy shot of David and Gail taken by BowieNetter desert.firefly, and below BowieNetter, happyland, has kindly given us permission to use a few of his superb shots, more of which you can find on the MBs. Please do feel free to send me any more pictures from the remaining shows if you think we can use them here.