Bowie Macca Wedding Duet, Not!

“But he smiles like a reptile…” Stella presents DB with THAT shirt.

Bought him along to sing me a song…

Rumours persist in the UK that David Bowie has been invited to sing a duet with Stella McCartney’s dad at her wedding. Not true. But why let that spoil the opportunity to post the picture above from the GQ Awards last month. (09/03/02 NEWS: BOWIE RECEIVES GQ OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT AWARD)

You may remember that Stella presented David with the Outstanding Achievement award, and that she also used the opportunity to give him an Aladdin Sane T-shirt that bore the legend: “I’m an Icon…Get Me out of Here!”… A reference to the popular UK TV show, ‘I’m a Celebrity…Get Me out of Here!’. Stella kindly bowed to David’s request for her to sign the shirt, which she can be seen doing in our picture.

Bowie Donates Two Takamines To B.a.d.d.

“He signed it left hand…” DB signs up for BADD.

We can do all the B.A.D.D. things…

David Bowie has again contributed to Bikers Against Drunk Drivers (B.A.D.D.) for the 16th year in a row by donating two signed Takamine 12-String guitars.

The guitars are up for auction on eBay right now, and they both have separate inscriptions. David has signed one of the guitars: “Ground Control To Major Tom David Bowie 2002”, and the other is inscribed “Let’s Dance, Under the Moonlight, This Serious Moonlight, Bo 2002”, as in the picture below.

“Let’s Dance, Under the Moonlight, This Serious Moonlight, Bo 2002”

I asked Danny Perkins, Executive Director @ B.A.D.D., a little about David’s involvement, and this is what he told me:

I had been a huge Bowie Fan since 1973, when I started B.A.D.D. in 1986 after the death of my brother. I was already involved with the Hard Rock Cafe chain and had access to hundreds of artists. Bowie was my first choice to sign up as an endorser.

We met in Montreal, he was on a stadium tour. It was a huge place and took forever to get backstage. Once there, myself and a few volunteers set up a table to spread out a huge poster that was to be signed by hundreds of endorsers. I also set up a portable studio to record a PSA. David was great, he gave us the time we needed, recorded the PSA, signed the poster and autographed a few photos.

Every year since then he has supported our fund raising efforts with a wide array of items. One year he donated the Dan Armstrong Electric guitar he used to record Station to Station (it can be seen in a collector calendar). Another year he donated the Red suit he wore on the Glass Spider tour Yet another year he donated a green flight suit he wore on tour. He is without a doubt our most treasured supporter.

Danny Perkins and DB backstage at the Boston Orpheum Theatre on Wednesday.

With still more than a week left to go on the auction, the bidding stands at a very decent $2,025.00, with 100% of the proceeds going to B.A.D.D. The winner of the eBay auction will have first pick of the two guitars.

If you fancy owning a piece of genuine Bowie history, check out the eBay auction by clicking on any of the images above. You can also learn more about B.A.D.D. and the work they do by clicking here.

Boston Pix And Review Round Up

DB during ‘Heathen’ at the Boston Orpheum Theatre. Pic by
Mark Plati. Click for bigger version and another audience shot.

Someone passed some bliss among the crowd…

David Bowie played the last show of his string of seven East Coast dates at the Orpheum Theatre on Wednesday, and here are a couple of pictures taken on the night from Mark Plati and BowieNetter Stonefox. Here also follows excerpts from two reviews of the show. Click on the headings to see the full reviews.


Bowie in Boston by BowieNetter Stonefox.

The Boston Globe – Bowie and his music still defying time By Jim Sullivan, Globe Staff

The classic British rock stars who have paraded through Boston in recent months – the Rolling Stones, the Who, Paul McCartney – have proved to be an admirably vital bunch. But David Bowie deserves a special place as grand marshal for the deft way he has of mixing the classic, the contemporary and the completely obscure with a refreshing vibrancy. The charismatic Bowie simply has a quality that keeps him out of the oldies bin regardless of the commercial fortunes of his new releases.

Throughout the show, Bowie affably threatened the audience with Russian poetry readings, joked that his all-black outfit was on loan from Johnny Cash and, following “China Girl,” tried to convince the audience that that song, plus “Ziggy Stardust” and “Let’s Dance,” were on his new album so they would go out and buy it.


Return of ‘Bowie in Boston by BowieNetter Stonefox’.

The Boston Herald – David Bowie’s Orpheum concert shows that he’s still in Fashion by Sarah Rodman

”All things must pass,” sang David Bowie in ”Heathen,” near the end of his two-hour show at the sold-out Orpheum Theatre last night, and you think, yes, all things but David Bowie. You swear Bowie, 55, must have a portrait of himself in his attic that ages as he doesn’t – but that’s our rock ‘n’ roll Dorian Gray for you. Lithe, lean, dressed in black (like Johnny Cash, he said), hair blowing in wind generated by an electric fan.

You want to talk about a timeless catalog? Bowie’s got that in spades, and with ”Ziggy Stardust,” ”Life on Mars,” and others he dings the old nostalgia bell. It’s by having this depth of material – being so close to the front of so many different musical movements – coupled with a slammin’ latest CD (”Heathen”) that enables him to effortlessly bridge the years. Glam, funk, pop, punk, cabaret, covers – all put through the Bowie artistic filter and revved up as full-tilt rock ‘n’ roll.


Boston enjoyed the same set as the previous three audiences had (If it ain’t broke…etc.) except for the addition of ‘Alabama Song’ between ‘Be My Wife’ and ‘Sound And Vision’:

Boston Orpheum Theatre

Breaking Glass
Ashes To Ashes
Slip Away
China Girl
5:15 The Angels Have Gone
Absolute Beginners
I’ve Been Waiting For You
Be My Wife
Alabama Song
Sound And Vision
Rebel Rebel
I’m Afraid Of Americans
Life On Mars?
Heathen (The Rays)
White Light, White Heat
Let’s Dance
Ziggy Stardust

Here are a couple of reviews of the Philly show that have just surfaced, illustrated with two more Mark Plati pictures from rehearsals that day. Thanx to BowieNetter Mandn for forwarding the Philadelphia City Paper review.


MP and Slicky at The Tower, picture rather cleverly taken by Mark Plati.

Delaware County Daily Times – Is it any wonder, Bowie’s a legend by Andrew Cushman

The best thing about David Bowie’s concert at the Tower Theater this past Monday was that just before he thundered into the encore edition of “Ziggy Stardust,” he stepped to the mic and promised, “You will see us next year.” The fans who attended the set sure hope so.

Speaking of near-perfect, Bowie, who played the crowd like the crafty veteran performer that he is, was superb.

Bowie interacted with the crowd all night, saying he walked to the show from the 69th Street station, and later pulling out a talking James Brown doll, which was good for a chuckle.


Kat and Jerry seem oblivious to the unheralded return of The Jakalope.

Philadelphia City Paper – Like Clockwork by A.D. Amorosi

Bowie’s voice — whether delivered through clenched teeth or in full yelp — still soars powerfully when in theatrical croon mode, still bites down archly and chews slowly Dada-ist texts in his clipped English accent. This is good. Any great actor should get better with age.

Bowie let newer tunes like “Heathen (The Rays)” bathe in the same brilliant dramatic light as his usual suspects, nursing each nuance of this apocalyptic paean to steel-and-glass-smashed skies. Few artists of his age and caliber can maintain the passion for artful new writing and performance like this. Bravo.

Early Show Winners!!

Wating for the gift of.. (Early Show tickets..)



You and one (1) guest will be able to attend the Early Show taping tomorrow morning in NYC.

Here’s what you need to do.

1. On Friday, October 25th at 11AM sharp, be at the following address.

CBS Broadcast Center
530 W. 57th St

(betw. 10th and 11th Ave across the street from the BMW dealer with all those cool MINI’s)

2. Check in with either Howard or the Webmaster. Bring Photo ID and the confirmation email you received for backup.

NOTE: Although the taping is inside, be prepared for rain, as it is forecasted to. We’ll be waiting outside until they are ready for you.

3. Have fun and make LOTS of noise!!!

David will be doing 4 songs, and the show will air later next week.

You can expect to be out of the studio no later than 1:30.


Beacon And Tower Pix From Mp And Bnetters

“The band was altogether.” Picture from The Beacon Theatre by Happyland.

“It’s metamorphosis”

David Bowie played the last show of his current string of seven American dates at the Orpheum Theatre in Boston last night, but while we’re waiting for pictures and reports from that show, here’s some pictures (finally) from the Beacon Theatre in New York and The Tower Theatre in Philadelphia. Thanx as always to Mark Plati, and also to BowieNetters, Happyland, Desert Firefly and Anker for all of the pictures in this piece.

“And with each beam, The same old dream.” Bowie bathes in
white light at the Beacon. Pic by Desert Firefly, with sfx by TBB.

Since the initial flush of reviews for the first New York shows, I’ve had no luck in finding any other online accounts, which I guess is quite normal. But, as ever, there are plenty of BowieNetter accounts on the MBs well worth a read, and don’t forget to keep an eye on Ursula2k‘s David Bowie 2002 US Tour site site too.

Black is the new black, as modelled by The Goombah Three
backstage at The Beacon Theatre. Pic supplied by Mark Plati.

Both the Beacon and Tower shows had an identical setlist to The Bronx show, and here it is:

Breaking Glass
Ashes To Ashes
Slip Away
China Girl
5:15 The Angels Have Gone
Absolute Beginners
I’ve Been Waiting For You
Be My Wife
Sound And Vision
Rebel Rebel
I’m Afraid Of Americans
Life On Mars?
Heathen (The Rays)
White Light, White Heat
Let’s Dance
Ziggy Stardust

The audience at the Tower. Click for bigger version if you dare!

I’m sure you’ve already read that James Brown was David’s very special guest at The Tower, well, below is the photograph that proves the fact. Eye-witness reports suggest that James looked smaller than most had imagined, and that his performance was wooden… or plastic even!

“Get up offa my knee…” Now that’s what I call Plastic Soul.
JB and DB get aquainted backstage at The Tower Theatre.

Spaceface has managed to sniff out an interesting online piece regarding David Bowie’s association with the Tower Theatre. The article was written by Chuck Darrow for the Courier Post, and you can read the whole thing here.

The facade of that most historic of venues, The Philadelphia Tower Theatre.

I’ll post anything I get from last night’s show as soon as Mark sends me something. (It’s on its way now.) Meanwhile, here’s an excerpt of a great review of the Bronx show by Cheryl Spielman with an excellent picture from the Brooklyn show (confusingly enough) taken by BowieNetter Anker…hope you don’t mind Anker?

“We’re just here to have fun,” Bowie told the eager-to-oblige audience. Never one to shy away from a bit of role playing, the now retired frontman for the Spiders From Mars revealed that he’d been doing some not-so-serious moonlighting as the leader of Jimmy’s new “house band.” “Those of you who’ve been coming here to see us regularly on a Thursday night at Jimmy’s, over the last couple of months, know that this one has always gone down well with the locals,” he quipped, then delivered a pulsating version of “Breaking Glass,” from “Low.”

“His ever loving face smiles on the whole human race…” A picture from
Brooklyn in the middle of a Bronx review! Picture by BowieNetter, Anker.

Bowie’s vocals soared to operatic proportions on his spare reading of “Life on Mars.” Even more moving was his impassioned performance of “Heroes,” a song that took on new meaning when he performed it at last year’s post-9/11 “Concert for New York.” Originally written about lovers meeting at the Berlin Wall, it now serves as an anthem of hope for this still recovering city.

Bowie closed the 23-song set with a vibrant version of “Ziggy Stardust.” The now 30-year-old song brought home the irony that a man who has spent so many years thinking, writing, and singing about space had delivered a most earthy and unpretentious set of fresh, contemporary songs and cherished classics. But if Ziggy, Major Tom, or even a boy once known as David Jones eventually had to fall to earth, where better to land than smack in the middle of New York?

You can read the whole of this great review here. Stay tuned for a couple more Mark Plati pix from Boston.

PS – The first person to tell me why I used the lyric quote “It’s metamorphosis” at the top of this piece gets a little prize!

Bowie, A Jolly Popular Briton!

The people know…

I’m sure most of you are now aware of last Sunday’s countdown for The Top 100 Great Britons here in the UK, (sorry, computer problems have delayed some of my postings) but if you aren’t, read on.

We first mentioned the story back in August (08/22/02 NEWS: BOWIE SHORTLISTED IN 100 GREATEST BRITONS) when we posted the top 100 Britons that were nominated by 30,000 people. These things are always controversial and really rather silly, but they’re also fun, and I guess they’re guaranteed to create high viewing figures for the BBC.

Whatever your opinion of the final positions (I’m saying nothing) David Bowie did manage a very impressive number 29, not bad when you consider how many Britons have lived and died, (Probably loads!) and even better when you consider the only musicians with a higher placing were Lennon and McCartney.

Anyway, You can see the full run down here, and I’ve posted the top thirty below just so that you can see who the 30,000 lunatics polled above David Bowie! };-)

30 Guy Fawkes
29 David Bowie
28 William Wilberforce
27 Emmeline Pankhurst
26 William Tyndale
25 Professor Stephen Hawking
24 Queen Elizabeth II
23 Owain Glyndwr
22 Michael Faraday
21 Alan Turing OBE
20 Sir Alexander Fleming
19 Sir Paul McCartney
18 Queen Victoria
17 Michael Crawford
16 Margaret Thatcher (Baroness Thatcher)
15 Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington
14 King Alfred the Great
13 Lord Baden-Powell
12 Captain James Cook
11 Ernest Shackleton
Isambard Kingdom Brunel
Winston Churchill
Oliver Cromwell
Charles Darwin
Elizabeth I
John Lennon
Horatio Nelson
Isaac Newton
William Shakespeare
Diana, Princess of Wales

Please note, the last ten positions aren’t numbered, as voting is still going on to decide the final positions of the top ten. So you can now join in by voting for the greatest Briton here. The BBC2 series culminates in a live studio show in November, when the greatest Briton, as voted by the general public, will be announced.

Get Your Tickets To The Early Show Here!

Run through the shadows… (to the golden tickets..)

As mentioned in the news item [ 10/08/02 NEWS: DB ON ‘LIVE WITH REGIS AND KELLY’ AND ‘THE EARLY SHOW’ ] and to kickoff the new News Team on the Early Show David will be performing 4 LIVE SONGS to be aired sometime later next week.

The show will tape this Friday October 25th, and we’ve got first crack at the studio seats.

Enter this drawing and you and a friend could win spots at the taping.

Click below (or the image above) to enter.


If you want more info about the studios and air times check this page.

Get Your Tickets To The Early Show Here!

Run through the shadows… (to the golden tickets..)

As mentioned in the news item [ 10/08/02 NEWS: DB ON ‘LIVE WITH REGIS AND KELLY’ AND ‘THE EARLY SHOW’ ] and to kickoff the new News Team on the Early Show David will be performing 4 LIVE SONGS to be aired sometime later next week.

The show will tape this Friday October 25th, and we’ve got first crack at the studio seats.

Enter this drawing and you and a friend could win spots at the taping.

Click below (or the image above) to enter.


If you want more info about the studios and air times check this page.

Polyphonic Spree Bowie Cover Out Today

News had just come over…

The Polyphonic Spree, whose praises I have sung on BowieNet more than once, (09/01/02 NEWS: THE STARS COME OUT FOR DAVID BOWIE) release their brilliant new single, ‘Hanging Around’ today.

CD1 of the two CD set includes the band’s glorious version of David Bowie’s ‘Five Years’ that they recorded live at Maida Vale for a Radio1 session.

The band, who are currently in the middle of a UK tour, have some more US dates coming up… you really must go and see them if you get the chance. You can find tour information, and much more by clicking on the image above.