See Kristeen Young In Ny Tomorrow And Next Week

Official Kristeen Young press shot by Tony Visconti.

Now I won’t see her till tomorrow…

I know a number of you that are travelling to New York for tonight’s Tibet House show are planning to make a weekend of it. Well, If you haven’t already filled tomorrow night’s window, you could do no better than spend it with Kristeen Young… erm, perhaps I should rephrase that.

The happily weak-wristed Tony Visconti (who took the pic of Kristeen I have used here) has sent in the following information about tomorrow night, and another gig on Tuesday, both of which are in NYC:

Saturday, March 1st, @ 11 P.M. The Continental, 25 3rd Avenue (and St. Marks)
Tuesday, March 4th @ 8 P.M. CBGB, 315 Bowery

Tony also informs me that Kristeen’s performance (with her band The Low Boys) will include three new songs, and that she has a new single released here in Europe called Touch Tongues. The single will be released through N Records sometime in March, and no doubt Kristeen will be performing it at aforementioned shows.

“She got a tv eye on me…” Kristeen Young’s left eye by TV.

One thing that has intrigued me about TV’s photograph of KY, is how she gets her eyelashes like that? (See detail above) That must be one very fiddly job.

Bowienet Pre-tibet Show Party Just Hours Away

I’m looking for a party…

A quick reminder about the BowieNet Pre-Tibet show party at Le Bar Bat this evening. This will be a great opportunity to meet up with other Bowie fans before you all trundle off to tonight’s show.

Bowienetters and Tibet show ticket holders are invited to come and enjoy complimentary drinks to calm those pre-show nerves. Bowie music has been supplied by our very own RaMOANa who has recorded a couple of hours of rare and popular Bowie tunes for your enjoyment.

Here are the details again for those of you that missed them on Tuesday:

Friday, February 28th from 5-7 PM at Le Bar Bat
311 West 57th St (Just West of 8th Ave.)

When you arrive, just say you are with BOWIENET at the door to be taken to the specially reserved area. If you have tickets to pick up at Will Call, you may want to leave the party early to pick them up and avoid a box office ticket frenzy. Have fun you lucky, lucky people. };-)

Exclusive Rehearsal Pic In New Journal…and More

“It’s a mixed up muddled up shook up world…” Bits of Ray Davies and David Bowie, yesterday.

Everyone will be alright tonight…

Just ahead of tonight’s Tibet House show, David has written a new journal about tonight’s performance, and yesterday’s rehearsal for it. BowieNetters can view an exclusive shot of Ray Davies and David Bowie from rehearsals in this latest contribution from David.

Meanwhile, have published a piece about the 15th annual concert for Tibet House. But, be warned, if you don’t want to know any of the songs David will be performing tonight, then don’t read the article. Here’s a small excerpt from the piece, with a poignant quote from DB:

Bowie’s ties to Tibetan culture go back to his youth: As a teenager, he spent time studying with exiled monks at London’s Tibet Society. “There was one brief period where I saw myself as becoming a Buddhist,? Bowie says. “There was something about their humanity and their spiritual awareness and their peaceful outlook — something which is sorely lacking at the moment.?

Read the whole thing here, and click on the image above to take you to another exclusive glimpse into David Bowie’s world, via his latest journal.

Db Sees The Future In New Journal

David Bowie, getting on a bit…courtesy of a
bit of Dick Smith’s make-up for The Hunger.

And there was a little old man…

Today, David Bowie hints at the schedule for the 2003 tour, and he tells us what the likelihood is of this being his very last tour. He also looks beyond this tour and how he imagines his career may progress as he gets older… and older.

Click on the above image to take you to yet another excellent BowieNet exclusive.

More Tibet Stuff In New Journal…is Tv Out Of Practice?

A beaming Tony Visconti showing a discernible reduction
in muscle mass just the other day. Photo by Ebet Roberts.

I’ve got a girl out there…

In his latest journal, David gives further clues to the songs he may perform at the Tibet show on Friday…with the help of Mr Gerry ‘Spooky’ Leonard. And, he also has a very interesting theory as to why Tony Visconti’s bowing action isn’t all it could be.

Click on Tony’s wrist to take you to David’s very latest journal. };-)

Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed

Lou Reed and David Bowie onstage together at MSG five years ago.
Just two of the artists due to perform at the Tibet show this Friday.

Friday On My Mind…

I recently probed DB about the kind of set he may be playing on Friday at the Tibet House Benefit Concert. All he would give away was this:

We’ll most likely do one new and one older song, that’s apart from the duet with Ray.

I can say that the song I heard rumoured by fans at the Darkness and Disgrace show at the weekend, is not one of the selections.

Speaking of giving things away, BowieNet has organised a little pre-Tibet show party. Here’s all the stuff:

Bowienetters and Tibet show ticket holders are invited to come and enjoy complimentary drinks among like-minded friends before Friday’s show. Bowie tunes will be the order of the day, not to mention much pre-show excitement fun. Here’s the when and where etc:

Friday, February 28th from 5-7 PM at Le Bar Bat
311 West 57th St (Just West of 8th Ave.)

When you arrive, just say you are with BOWIENET at the door to be taken to the specially reserved area. If you have tickets to pick up at Will Call, you may want to leave the party early to pick them up and avoid a box office ticket frenzy type malarkey.

Rupert Goldsworthy Curates New Show In Ny

Just a few of the pieces you can expect to see at the Marcus Ritter Gallery.

Put you all inside my show…

Rupert Goldsworthy, who you may remember from the “Bowie” show he curated at his own gallery back in 1999, has a new group show at the Marcus Ritter Gallery in New York. The show runs until March 10th, and here’s the press release:

Location: Marcus Ritter Gallery, 453 West 17th St, New York NY 10011 (Corner of Tenth Ave)

Show Dates: February 11th – March 10th 2003

Gallery hours: Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Marcus Ritter is pleased to announce a group exhibition curated by Rupert Goldsworthy presenting new work by Christopher Brooks, Rupert Goldsworthy, Nate Lowman and Chris Murtha.

The show brings together four artists all concerned with language.

Christopher Brooks uses sign-painter’s enamel paint and collage to make paintings that seem to create a debased abstract formalism. Part of a group of artists who graduated from School of Visual Arts with Michael Lazarus and Inka Essenhigh, Brooks shares their use of medium but he pushes his work away from illustrative qualities to produce a hybrid of Funk art and cod-Minimalism.

Rupert Goldsworthy continues his paintings working in flasche, that in the words of Times critic Holland Cotter “eulogise the world of rock casualties, terrorists and drag queens”. In his new works he introduces a Chinese theme, using graphics and lettering from Chinatown product labels to produce paintings that move between recognizable language and graphic appeal.

Nate Lowman, a recent graduate of NYU. He shows new paintings of John Walker Lindh, the “American Taliban”. Lowman reproduces Walker Lindh’s strange bearded Manson-esque features, mixing in elements of Pop Art and street argot. Nate Lowman recently exhibited his Walker Lindh paintings in Paris and will show in Los Angeles in February in a group show at Grant Selwyn Fine Arts.

Chris Murtha, a contemporary of Lowman’s from NYU creates sculptures and installations which have a great detail and poetry. His work seems grounded in Neo-Conceptual practice.

All the artists in the show seem interested in the nexus of where language becomes sign, making a hybrid between formal styles of Pop Art, Minimalism, Conceptualism and Funk art.

This is perfect timing for all of you that will be in town for the Tibet Show, if you do decide to pay a visit (and you really should), please do tell ’em you read about it here.

Db Contemplates Major New Work In Latest Journal

David Bowie in pensive mood by Kevin Mazur.

Walking in the snowy street…

In the absence of a picture of David actually engaged in the activity he describes in his latest journal, the above is a picture of him contemplating what he might do with his finds. Actually it isn’t, it’s another shot of him from the MusiCares Person Of The Year Ceremony last Friday… but I’m sure nobody’s complaining.

Click on David’s cufflink to take you to his latest entry. (oooer missus) };-)

Bowienet/ebay Auctions To Resume Shortly

The return of The Thin Multicoloured Duke.

He followed me home mummy…Can I keep him?

I’m sure most of you recognise the chap above, or your know you’ve seen him, or somebody like him, somewhere?

Well, we plan to resurrect the BowieNet/ebaY auctions of Bowie-related memorabilia with this incredible stage prop from the Outside tour of 1995. Stay tuned for details of how you could own what must be the ultimate Bowie collectable.

While we’re on the subject of ebaY, the two auctions for the remaining two pairs of VIP tickets for next week’s Tibet House Benefit Concert only have a couple of hours left to run. Let’s hope the deadbeats have stayed away this time.