See Kristeen Young In Ny Tomorrow And Next Week

Official Kristeen Young press shot by Tony Visconti.

Now I won’t see her till tomorrow…

I know a number of you that are travelling to New York for tonight’s Tibet House show are planning to make a weekend of it. Well, If you haven’t already filled tomorrow night’s window, you could do no better than spend it with Kristeen Young… erm, perhaps I should rephrase that.

The happily weak-wristed Tony Visconti (who took the pic of Kristeen I have used here) has sent in the following information about tomorrow night, and another gig on Tuesday, both of which are in NYC:

Saturday, March 1st, @ 11 P.M. The Continental, 25 3rd Avenue (and St. Marks)
Tuesday, March 4th @ 8 P.M. CBGB, 315 Bowery

Tony also informs me that Kristeen’s performance (with her band The Low Boys) will include three new songs, and that she has a new single released here in Europe called Touch Tongues. The single will be released through N Records sometime in March, and no doubt Kristeen will be performing it at aforementioned shows.

“She got a tv eye on me…” Kristeen Young’s left eye by TV.

One thing that has intrigued me about TV’s photograph of KY, is how she gets her eyelashes like that? (See detail above) That must be one very fiddly job.