September 8th Give-away Part Four

Just when I won’t take another chance…

This is the give-away for the fourth batch of fifty places for what is pretty much a BowieNet show (seeing as the great majority of those attending will be BowieNetters) on September 8th at the Riverside Studio in Hammersmith.

I’m sure you all know how this works, if not, go check out the rules I posted on Thursday. (08/21/03 NEWS: SEPTEMBER 8TH GIVE-AWAY STARTS NOW)

Incredibly, I’m STILL getting plenty of blank e-mails with none of the information we requested, and/or not sent from a BowieNet account. Obviously, these entrants will not be attending on September the 8th …so please double check before you hit return!

So, for your fourth, and most likely, penultimate chance, (presuming you haven’t already won a place) e-mail me now at with a subject line of “September 8th – Give-Away Four”. Your e-mail will work whether you include the quotes, or you don’t.

This fourth give-away ends tomorrow morning (Thursday) at 10:00am UK time. Good luck, and pop back tomorrow at Noon UK time for the next fifty winners.