Happy Birthday David Bowie… We Love Reality

Reality – The BBC’s album of 2003? It’s certainly looking that way.

I never looked over reality’s shoulder, Ha ha ha ha…

I’m sure you’ll all want to join me in wishing David Bowie a most splendid 57th birthday, and a generally groovy day off between shows. I’ll leave Heinz to tell you the significance of the number 57, and I don’t mean Heinz Burt… sorry, I’m going off on tangents again…

Well, what do you give the man who has everything for his birthday? Appreciation for his art… that’s what you give him.

Regular visitors to these pages may have noticed that I have been following the progress of the BBC Album Of The Year poll just a little bit, (12/23/03 NEWS: HELP BOWIE BEAT BEATLES IN BBC BEST ALBUM POLL – 12/24/03 NEWS: SAILOR WISHES YOU ALL HAPPY HOLIDAYS – 01/02/04 NEWS: BBC ALBUM OF THE YEAR POLL… THE 1812 OVERTURE) and you have all risen to the occasion and made Reality the very clear runaway leader of the pack with an astonishing 85% of the vote.

Here’s how the breakdown stands as I write this piece:

David Bowie – Reality (1939) 85%
The Beatles – Let It Be…Naked (119) 5%
Kraftwerk – Tour De France Soundtracks (65) 3%
Neil Young – Greendale (62) 3%
Steely Dan – Everything Must Go (43) 2%
Paddy McAloon – I Trawl The Megahertz (25) 1%
Robert Palmer – Drive (18) 1%

That recognition in itself would be lovely enough, but below I’ve pasted all of the Bowie-related comments posted by fans who were asked to recommend their favourite album of 2003 on the BBC site.

On a final note, before I leave you with the Reality endorsements, wouldn’t it be nice to get the vote count up from 1939 (as it stands right now) to 1947… I’m sure you all understand the relevance of that particular number on this day.

Total Blam Blam – (BowieNet News Editor)



David Bowie – Reality
Steve – China

While ‘Let it Be… Naked’ didn’t offer us the definitive view it promised, Bowie’s ‘reality’ shone like a light in the mist for all music listneners, reaching high echelons in the music chart with little to no radio airplay. It proves ‘Heathen’ to be no one off, and stands up well against the classic 70’s stuff. Also, as live performances go, the album truly shows its colours, with the crowd truly feeling the more rocky edge to this album.
Mannishboy, Liverpool

The two musical highpoints of the year must be John Cale’s Hobo Sapiens and David Bowie’s Reality. Had the pleasure of seeing both in concert and they really did justice to their respective albums. An honourable mention goes to Calexico’s Feast Of Wire.
Mr N.Palmer-Gough

David Bowie – Reality
Uriah Canaff, Tel Aviv

David Bowie’s Reality-Album of the year

Reality, David Bowie I just can’t get enough of it!
Diane, The Netherlands

David Bowie – Reality, is by far the best album of the year. It’s a beautiful piece of work and it really rocks live too…..just WONDERFUL 🙂
Sandra (aka Spidey) Coventry

David Bowie

DAVID BOWIE!!!!!!! He is a master at what he does and deserves all the credit in the world! He’s given so much to us the fans, it’s our turn to give back. Help him win this
Rachel, US

Get in touch with ‘Reality’ by Mr. David Bowie.
Rob Pongi, Tokyo

without doubt david bowie – reality
michael dawson edinburgh

best album and concert of the year – bowie reality.
jackie skinner

David Bowie…Reality. It Rocks. Bowie rocks better than ever.
Charlie, Cleveland, USA

David Bowie – Reality. Two fantastic albums in as many years. Reality is a fantastic collection of songs which sound even better live. And, Bowie live this year is something to behold.
James Arthur – Dunfermline

David Bowie – Realty, of course!
Mary Schwalbe Lake George NY

Shouldn’t we be voting for people who are alive, or at least have some semblance of such? I think that, apart from Neil Young, only Bowie still stands (and very well) in that category. He has continued to show,time and again, his talent and skill as the greatest songwriter to have made it through the doldrums of Pop (almost) unscathed, and to continue as a herald of what all ‘true’ artists are capable. Continuity and brilliance that touches not only his, but subsequent generations.
Luis, Portugal

Reality is really a class album.It has some great songs on there.Fall dog bombs the moon,Days,Bring me the disco king,She’ll drive the big car and a fantastic version of the late great George Harrison’s Try some Buy some.
Gaz Fife Scotland

daivd bowie all the way!!!!!!!!! he’s so amazing and I’m seeing him on tour
greg vauncouver

David Bowie’s album Reality is the best! David Bowie is the best!
Nina, Canada

David Bowie – Reality.
Nick, Ipswich

THank you , David .
Ninon Meudon

David Bowie’s “Reality” is a welcome return to his signature sound. I’m already a huge Bowie fan, but his latest release has turned many of my previously un-Bowie-fied friends into fast fans. The songwriting is brilliant and demands the attention of both casual pop listeners and selective music connoisseurs alike. Clearly a classic-to-be.
Katy, Los Angeles

david bowie’s reality – an absolute pleasure. the musical liquid i like to dip in the most.
steinunn, santa barbara

Bowie strong as ever!
dj24, NL

Reality is unique from start to finish !
george USA

reality concerts were on another level.Fantastic live. Is there, or has there ever been a better partnership than “bowie & visconti”? NEVER


Reality is really cool!!!
Rebel, Italy

BOWIE’s New York masterpiece, REALITY!
Geoff, London

Bowie ROCKS!!! And so does his new album. It’s great live, and should get more time on the radio, vote for it!
Carl Carlson, Vancouver, BC

Bowie Reality for sure
Bjorn Ice

I vote for the outburst of laughter after claiming “Never looked over reality’s shoulder” So typical and so confirmatory. The album as a whole is just great. Never get old…
claudia – holland

My vote is for David Bowie with Reality, one of the best he made.
André de Gans Netherlands

Reality is my highlite of this year, because …I love it. Happy New Year. Lutz
Lutz Giese, Goslar, Germany

toni-s from canada

Bowie’s ‘Reality’ is like driving through a city you’ve never seen and finding something new and exciting around every corner. What gives the disparate songs continuity is Bowie’s voice. From the rocking ‘New Killer Star’ to the stark and haunting ‘The Loneliest Guy’ to the jazzy ‘Bring Me The Disco King’, Bowie’s voice is the lead instrument. If only for the vocals this would be a great album, but the songs themselves are as strong as any in Bowie’s back catalog. Even more impressive considering it comes only a year after his brilliant album ‘Heathen’.
Kim, USA

Got to be Bowie – Reality, Some say this is a return to form, but he has been on form since1995 outside at least as fans will know, reality is excellent, check out the single New Killer Star, Fall Dog Bomds the Moon & Bring me the disco king for what will become 3 Bowie standards I am sure. Saw him in Glasgow for the 6th time and he just gets better every time. 5 star rating, awesome Ps. nice to see Deep Purple, Bananas getting so many mentions,Haven’t bought it yet but still a huge fan
Gary Killorn – Oban, Scotland

my vote goes to david bowie’s “reality” which i must admit i didn’t really care for upon first listen. i listened to it nonstop for about 3 hours and now i LOVE it!
patti – phila, pa usa

Reality: Bowie is releasing albums in the *fifth* decade of his career (Heathen, Reality) that are innovative, relevant and *listenable* … who else who started from in the 1960s can still claim that?
ejm, ipswich

Bowie’s well back!! reality kicks ass!
marc , london

The best Classic Rock/Pop album of 2003 was without a question ‘Reality’ by the thin white duke of music, David Bowie. It is awesome to hear the man back at the top of his, or anyone’s, game!
Tony Pirtle, Phoenix

I vote for David Bowie, one of the two best singers of the world. 🙂
Marion 🙂 Ziemke, Germany

Reality.david bowie.
Margaret Morton.Cumbria

“Reality” by New Yorker, David Bowie. A vibrant, creative and optimistically-themed album from an ageless baby boomer. Yet it appeals to all generations.
Pat, New York City

I vote for Reality for sure. Each listening of the album bring a new vision. You don’t get bore. You have to discover Reality and of course Bowie.
Marjolaine, Québec

David Bowie – Reality
Sarah, Sydney

Bowie-Reality…already a classic!!!

Bowie’S Reality demonstrated that age – as some might argue – is not a barrier to making vital popular music. It stands out with Blur, The Mars Volta and others!
John, Manchester

David Bowie – Reality
Marios Vourtsis – Athens

Reality, by Bowie! Just listen to this piece of work. Then there will be no reason for me to Justify my vote
Marianna from Greece

tungsten, slovakia


Bowie´s reality album is truly one of the highlights of 2003. It has also been amazing to see how well the new songs work live. Reality is in every sense a classic Bowie album.
Mike, Stockholm Swed.


Reality is just what David Bowie said it would be an album made for playing live, and the song New Killer Star shows David Bowie continues to rock and create new songs that earn their place in his amazing cannon of music even at the age of 56yrs old.
Ben Scarr- Hertfordshire

Bowie – Reality!
Homer, Denver, CO USA

reality,,,,bowie ..major ADVANCED rock….ARTIST.
will mon-67

David Bowie , Reality after being in the music business almost 40 years David has turned out great album after great album, while most pop stars have one or two then vanish. David has released not only a great album, up there with his best work but blows away all others to come out this year. He deserves best album because it is the best and he has proven he is one of the best ever,another classic.
Scott, New York City

David Bowie has done it again !
Au Courant – New York

Bowie’s Reality.

Had to be Bowie. The guy is a legend.
Adam, Liverpool.

Bowie rules, ’nuff said. 🙂
James, USA

David Bowie/Reality … works live even better than on CD, and this CD already is great. There’s nothing that gets over the dignity of ‘Bring me the disco king’


David Bowie-Reality

Was there another album worth to mention? I like many different kinds of music. Just listen to Reality and you’ll hear everything you’ll like.
Henriëtte Spit Holland

David Bowie > All Disco King Of Disco Kings Bring me the Reality
FNORD – Boston

David Bowie’s “Reality” is BY FAR the best album this year!
Kelly, Oregon USA

My choice is obvious – David Bowie with “Reality”.
Max – Poland

david bowie-reality AWESOME
jess, quebec

Reality is the shizzle. it is one of Bowie’s best albums to date. (not the, but it’s up there)
duff mazze, NM

David Bowie – Reality
barbara, Frankfurt, Germany

While I am and always will be a huge fan of The Beatles, my vote goes to Bowie who, unlike The Beatles, continues to revolutionize music with each new album.
Sean, Ottawa (Canada)

many great albums this year…..however Reality by Bowie must be the best and gets my vote. I got a copy and gave it to some teenage age friends …didnt tell them who it was until they begged me too because they wanted more material by the unknown artist…ahh bowie ,,,still the power to charm…
chris gaffney dublin

Bowie’s always been underrated because of inaccessibility. Reality is at instant accessible, stuffed with great melodies. Bowie is like wine : better when getting older

REALITY is FAR and ABOVE not only the BEST album of the YEAR but a BRILLIANT effort by *THE MAIN MAN* himself. AWESOME……..!!!!! Damian Andressen
Damian Andressen – US

David Bowie- Reality Quite an album
Rob Hammel, London

BOWIE Reality!!!! Amazing album! Listen to it, and you’ll vote for it as well.
PirateStardust – NJ

Reality, David Bowie’s album is just number one.
Brigitte Roy,France

callum australia

Reality is one of the best bowie albums a must.
michael carey – carlow ireland

Once again, Bowie treats us to his mastery as a songwriter. I Saw him at Birmingham in November and he was better than ever! The material on reality stood up well to the acid test of a live performance and proves that Heathen was the starting point of a new beginning.The starman’s found his sparkle!
Mark Coombs

David Bowie “Reality”
Dean Shemansky, NewJersey

James Crockett

David Bowie’s Reality CD brings him full circle. As a loyal bowiefan I have followed his music and carrer for the past 30 years. And his music continues to be cutting edge and ahead of the times. It’s his trademark and what sets him apart from all the rest. The rock world owes much of their present day freedoms to this man and his style.
Tim S. San Diego, CA

David Bowie, Reality
Eggs, Eggland

Bowie as Reality contains The Lonliest Guy, New Killer Star and Bring Me the Disco King, and all the choices others smell badly.
Andy my mum’s house in Stockport

Best alblum from Bowie in years; eagerly awaiting to see him in concert; so surprisingly for being old, ‘Let It Be’ – naked is a close second, followed by N.Young.
Michael C. – Philly, USA

While Evanescence and Muse may seem like good choices upon first inspection, if you would observe the category, I don’t think you’d find either could be considered Classic Rock/Pop. Never mind, though. Bowie’s “Reality” really is a breath of fresh air in what has been, all things considered, a rather disappointing year for music. Radiohead’s Hail to the Thief was good, but not up to their earlier standards, and the new Sigur Ros album was certainly worth a listen, but all in all, music has appeared rather stagnant this year. Nice to see at least one man continuing to engage his audience, then. And besides, his live show is absolutely fantastic. November 26th at Wembley Arena will be a time and place to remember.
Chris, Southwold

David Bowie rules! His new album “reality” kicks ass!

Has to be either Reality by David Bowie or Rags to Riches by Idea Fire Company – torn between the two.
Graham Poughkeepsie

David Bowie, Reality
Björn Hoffmann, Kerpen

here are he best:bowie’s “reality” and led zeppelin’s “How the west was won”.All the rest is wasted time…Maybe exept the beatles
alon k.,jerusalem israel

Reality by DAVID BOWIE best album for 2003
Niki Lowdell

As an old wrinkled Ziggy fan, this and Heathen are a great return to form. Not in the same league as Ziggy, AS, YA Heroes and Low but one of his finest. Clearly the best album and performer of 2003. Was at NEC – wow!
Cagey UK

Reality, David Bowie – Not every artist was destroyed by fame…
Steffi, London

David Bowie: Reality it´s just great.
Dirk, Freiburg (Ger)

David Bowie ‘Reality’ first bowie album i bought was ‘Scary monsters’ in ’80, when i was 11, changed my life ! bought ‘Reality’ when i’m 34 and still as thrilling-he’s amazing !
Nick Vernon, Liverpool

Bowie’s Reality,it’s an excellent follow up to Heathen,and has a fantastic mix of songs,Disco king alone is worth the admission price!
Noel Coyle,Ireland.

David Bowie, Reality. Can´t stop listening.
Doortje, Germany

Reality by Bowie. Because it’s proof he’s still fresh as he approaches 60 and unlike Jagger, Elton etc does not rely on endless nostalgia and remixes to keep a profile. Nothing against Jagger but that’s how I see it.
Andrew, London

David Bowie , Reality,Great Cd, I keep listening to it , even after seeing his fantastic show , on Dec. 13th
Sean Reid Montreal,Quebec , Canada

David Bowie Reality-the best album of the year.
Shelly Knoxville TN

We shouldn’t be surprised that Reality was so good given that the previous few (Heathen, Hours, Earthling, etc) were also superb.
Vince, Leeds

Reality – David Bowie Awesome album everything and so much more play it more play it over and over never stop playing and you never gonna get old …………
Ursula – Plymouth Devon

Reality David Bowie
Jim McNamaraU.S.A,

David Bowie’s Reality. Serious, playfull and a good sense of irony.
Tee, Finland

Sergey, Slovakia

David Bowie and Reality, for me a fantastic act in this year, the best album and a really great show!
konny, munich


Reality is by far the best album of the year. Cannot stop listening to each track, all are superb. Particularly ‘Never Get Old’, very catchy. I put this album up there with Hunky Dory, Scary Monsters, Ziggy Stardust and the awesome Low. If you haven’t bought it yet, or received it for Xmas, then go out and buy it, particularly the Limited Edition with bonus DVD of the Reality Riverside Gig.
me, uk

David Bowie. Enough said
Caroline Evans, Montreal

David Bowie,Reality Once more this album proves he’s the BEST.Strong advice, go and see him LIVE, more than worthy!!!

david bowie because he invented the future of music sound.plus kraftwerk invented techno and some of the best sounds in the world.

David Bowie, Reality – well done old man…
Steffi, Pr. Oldendorf

David Bowie- Reality
John North Dakota

David Bowie -Reality Any one who thinks that he has had his day should have a listen to this — Bowie at his best (Dont just listen once though !!!!)
Terry – Sandgate Folkestone

Reality, of course, as the Mainman is back with a vengence. His best since 1.Outside
Plippy le Plop (eg EG)

Bowie, Reality
Steven. Miami Beach

there is old, new, borrowed and blue but there is only one david bowie.
john essex

David Bowie, Reality
Gingeryaia, Enger

David Bowie is awesome saw the master at birmingham and as usual never let us down. The old and new songs were justified once again.Album of the year a must for any collection
David Flinders

Theres only one! Bowie – Reality – of course!
Franny, Glasgow

David Bowie – Reality Great album. If only he would of came to Florida for his tour.
Melissa, Florida

Bowie walks on water. Bowie rules…always has, always will.
Suky Jones/Boston, MA USA

REALITY is quite simply the AAA+++++ disc to vote for in 2003’s VERY MOST EXCELLENT!!! “DR(J)B” is still the Best in The Universe & will continue to be until the end of Time!!!
Ami L.L.USA’EP’60707

David Bowie – Reality.
Grace, Italy

Reality, David Bowie. A musical journey of the highest quality. Expert vocals, brilliant melody, thought-provoking lyrics, original solo instrumentals, top-notch performers, wonderful variety..David is still the best!!!!!!
Budy, Bangor Co.Down

David Bowie, Reality….no-one comes close. Saw him rock Wembley Arena, and even the London crowd got up off their proverbials and partied!!!!
Joe Carr, Kilsyth

Reality is the Album of the Year – real music, by real talent and musical genious, really great live too, energy and passion, variety of styles and range yet unmistakably David Bowie. The Pop Idols have a long way to go to match this…and it’s not as if its a one off, it’s at least his 25th studio album, and follows the brilliant “Heathen” album from last year which should have won the Mercury.
Carl – Harrogate UK

Reality by a long way. Bowie continues to amaze and this album is full of hooks and quirks that just make you want to hit the repeat button!
michael maloco. DUNFERMLINE

Reality is awesome and has my vote for album of the year! Fantastic album! Job well done as is only expected from one of the very best artists in the music industry ever!
Pen, Minnesota

David Bowie – Reality
Rossella – Torino

David Bowie’s Reality album shows how David has managed to evolve and stay so fantastically intriging throughout his entire career. God I wish I had even a tiny piece of his talent.
Matt, Beverley, East Yorkshire.

I am 14 and only listen to david! sometimes i feel like i am the only bowie fan alive because his music is obviosly not directed to my age group, my friends often tell me i was born in the wrong era, but i just think i know good music! I don’t want this “hip hop” nonsese!!! in conclusion i would like to say: David bowie’s music is an inspiration and not to dance to his tunes is a crime! David bowie is a total champion!!! !!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID!!!!!
Lauren, thebowiefan, Old, Austrailia

David Bowie is one of the few living rock artists that can truly be called “A LEGEND”. Reality proves that he continues to wield the power to rock. Keep ’em coming Dave!
Michael Meara, Australia

Quite easy: David Bowie!! Reality is another album in line,just like all the other Bowie albums GREAT AND NEVER DULL!!!Can”t wait for the next one!
Linda B. The netherlands

David Bowie-REAlITY, is the number one. This album has very interesting songs like “new killed star”, “looking for water”, “fall dog bombs the moon”, “days”. Bowie is great.
Monica, Spain

To quote someone else, ‘David Bowie, often copied, never equalled’. This is a brilliant album live, he just gets better and better!
Debs, Essex

I saw David Bowie on his current Tour in Frankfurt and Hannover. What should I say? It was just great and the reality material was even better played live. It’s Reality, no doubt!
Carsten Nödel, Kassel, Germany

Has to be Reality. Bowie just gets better and better. Saw him at Wembley in November and the Reality tracks sounds amazing live. No-one else continues to push the boundaries in the same way that Bowie does. Buy it, listen to it, love it!!
Kate Mussell, Woking

Reality is an absolutely fantastic album – this and Heathen are the best David Bowie has done since the 80’s.
Anita Traynor – Manchester

Reality, Bowie!Of course! As long as we are endowed by his presence, I reckon there will be no greater a man than he is.Unfortunately, I was horribly misfortuned to live on the Balkans and I only saw him once (I hitchhiked 1000mk for the occassion-1997, Budapest at PEpsi Sziget Festival. I can’t even be a member of Bowienet, so I take this opportunity to say: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR. BOWIE (and Merry Christmas Mr Warren)and may you live long, and happy enough to bless our ears with more and more of your music!
Tania I., Macedonia

David Bowie – Reality. Very playable album from great artist.
Teemu, Finland

Boooowie is the best
Jane, Moscow

DAVID BOWIE – REALITY ! No doubt !! And to see him laughing is like to enjoy a sunrise…. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAVID !!!
Eva T., Cologne, Germany

Reality is a fantastic album and one of Bowie’s finest. I’ve listened to Bowie since I was 9 years old (I’m 30 now) and through all the years he remains to be one of the most talented musicians, never repeating himself, outstanding when it comes to set new trends & standards. It’s a shame that the “Reality”-singles get so little time on German radio. Anyway, I can only recommend everyone to see David Bowie live, he and his band are absolutely amazing (just to remind you that we could enjoy a 3-hour-show in Berlin last November *g*). And as for today I should add: Happy Birthday, David!
Rodica, Berlin

Bowie is now 57 (Happy Birthday, Dave!) but unlike the others of his generation he’s still moving forward. This is a completely different set to the rightly acclaimed Heathen, more varied, maybe more immediate and poppy, but it still justifies repeated listening. As one who was lucky enough to witness the Reality preview concert in September, I can confirm that every track sounds great live and can be played by perfection by his excellent band. It will be interesting to see what direction he’ll take next!
Ade, Aberdeen

bowie’s reality is “killer” – how does he keep going? God Bless him… and thanks, Davie!
jt, New York

David Bowie has once again topped himself with the Reality album. Can’t wait for the next one.
Wanda, NYC

I vote for David Bowie’s Reality, because his music is always different in every album, songs have great lyrics, and even in 2003, he still have new brilliant songs, like ” Never get old ” or ” New killer star ”. It’s today January 8th, so I want to wish David an extraordinary birthday, ’cause he’s amazingly special and have a lot of talent.
Axelle Perry, Canada

david bowie reality is the best!!!
tsachi alush, tel aviv

I think David Bowie’s ‘Reality’ is the clear winner for best album this year. Hailed as a ‘come back’ album, people seem to be forgetting the amazing ‘Heathen’ album of 2002. I love Reality, if you get the chance, go and see David on his world tour this year!
xen, london


David Bowie – Reality
Maribel, Dominican Republic

David Bowie never lets us down, and always sings about what is just under the surface of what I’m feeling. His songs weave in and out of my life and I couldn’t choose a better soundtrack.
Patina – Los Angeles

David Bowie’s Reality is a tremendous album that truley shines when performed live.
Brett – Kentucky, USA

“Reality” is an amazing album. Bowie, again, captures that part in each of us that we forget, that ethereal magic we feel when rapture envelopes us. We accept the offer, the ride, and are rewarded for placing that trust in the telling. I’m excited to be taking my son and daughter to their first Bowie concert, in Vancouver, B.C., this year. Definitley, “Reality” album of the year.
jose/ bainbridge island

“Reality” is the best album of 2003!!!, Bowie never gets old! I can´t imagine a world without bowie. I´m waiting for you!
Daniel Lamas, Barcelona

lydia from rome

welcome to reality! great album david. congrats!
ben berkowitz