David Records Two Songs For Rove Live

David ‘The Zoot’ Bowie in Adelaide on Monday.

Sell me a coat with buttons of silver…

A handful of lucky BowieNetters managed to snaffle a few last-minute places at the taping of Australian TV’s Rove Live in Melbourne today. David and the band played a couple of numbers, The Man Who Sold The World and New Killer Star and took part in what sounds like a typically hilarious interview with host Rove Macmanus.

One of those fans present, maeko.qinza, kindly sent in the following report, which I’ve illustrated with a couple of excellent shots taken by the ever-enigmatic Erik, at the Adelaide show on Monday. I know you all wanted to see this outfit, but I don’t think this is the suit he wore at Rove.

I’ve posted one of my own pictures below, which better matches maeko’s description. I took the shot backstage after David’s 20th October Paris show last year, during a presentation to David of an award for zillions of sales of Reality. Anyway, here’s maeko’s exciting account of the Rove Show:

Before I go on about David, I just want to thank Blammo so very much for staying up til 5am his time just to get SoulLoveChild, Vicious, Dr.Adam, Ski-rack and myself into Australia’s biggest talk show, Rove Live. You can’t believe how grateful we are. SoulLoveChild (Cassandra Moore): “we must give him simultaneous online sex!” 😉 (Blammo: Fair enough) What a lucky guy!

Well anyway. We got to Global television studios rather early. The studios were quite dodgy in a way that we couldn’t greet David and the band as they entered. So unfortunately no photos or stories on that front.

Getting in was rather easy – we were on the guest list. We felt like big shots! We were also given two packets of Jelly Bellies and a can of Red Bull each – so can you imagine how absolutely high I was after that?

The studio was tiny and I think it holds just about 100 people. It was so warm and intimate and we got to sit front row (thank you Bowie t-shirts!)! I was directly in front of where David was supposed to be sitting. I almost had a heart attack right there! And to my near left was the stage that was being set up with David’s Supro just leaning against an amp *squeal*. AND, we were just about, actually pretty much, the only Bowie fans there.

After a few run downs on how to clap and cheer, the show started. We had the Australian Idol, Guy Sebastian, there too and a few other Aussie guests.

That Suit!! I think. DB in Paris October 20th last year.

During an ad break, Gail Ann Dorsey walked out from backstage followed by David and the rest of the band. This is the first time I’m seeing David Bowie in skin and flesh too, so I was just sitting there stunned. He was wearing this beautiful silver, metallicy and very reflective suit. Vicious and I were just holding hands and screaming under our breaths “the suit!!!!”.

The band set up on stage with the lights really dimmed but you could still see David. When the show started again we had Ed Burns, a stand up comedian from Ireland, to my right doing his stand up comedy stuff. I had my back turned to David as I watched Ed. And that feeling was priceless. Here I’m laughing at this really funny guy with David Bowie just right behind me laughing too.

After Ed, David and the band played The Man Who Sold The World. It was fantastic hearing that in such an intimate place. The music just took control of me and I was moving and singing involuntarily – really!

Then there was another ad break so David and the band went backstage. Then they set up David and Rove’s seats right in front of me and also a huge gigantic bowl of Jelly Bellies. I really wanted to just dunk my head in it. It was that big.

Show back on and there he sat right in front of me about less than three meters away in his silvery, metallicy, reflective suit! It almost made me go blind. Too surreal.

I was still too stunned to remember what was said the first 5 minutes. But I think it was along the lines of “So the last time you came down here was Glass Spider wasn’t it?” – which I’m sure David has been asked more than 300 times now. David mentioned that he’s been loving every stop in Australia so far. He also said the feeling was unbelievable when he walked out of the Sydney Entertainment Centre with fans stuck onto the fences chanting. “They also nicked the cars, too!” laughed David. (Blammo: Stay tuned for more on that)

Rove also accidentally (but enthusiastically) said “He has sold *30* albums!!!!!!!” And then realised what he said and hung his head in shame… “I meant he has MORE than 30 albums!” hahahahaah..

This man has sold more than 30 albums! Impressive, eh?

Then at the right moment when there was a short tiny break in the conversation, I held up the sign that I made, “HELLO SAILOR!” His eyes lightened up went “Hey!” really quickly and gave me a huge grin. That just made my night. Absolutely.

Rove mentioned Florence Foster Jenkins which made David tell us the story of how she played at Carnegie Hall and the audience thought she was crap and she died a week after from heart break. Haha. They played a short snippet of F.F. Jenkins and David threw his head back and closed his eyes and tried to sing along to the rather high, and err… funny vocals. “I have the weirdest music collection. Y’know everyone buys Hendrix and all that. I buy this kinda stuff.”

David then reached for the bowl of Jelly Bellies. I thought he was going to eat one. But he sunk his whole hand into it and pulled out a pair of sunglasses from underneath! “This is the first time I’m getting free sunglasses!” and he put them on. “Fancy how they just fit perfectly!!” He started to do funny things with them, like popping them out of his eyes and wiggling them from the ear – it was absolutely hilarious. I couldn’t stop laughing. Then he finally said “Ok, I’ll stop now…”

The chat wrapped up pretty quickly and we were soon off air. He stayed there chatting to Rove. I couldn’t hear what was going on – but some very funny expressions coming from his face and arms waving everywhere.

On air again and David was with the band to my left to play New Killer Star. It was just fantastic even though there was a bit of a sound problem. We were just having a ball and grooving in our seats. The security had their eye on us a hell of a lot! I think they thought we were stalkers.

After NKS, David and the band were walking backstage. He didn’t turn to look at us… and I was thinking “Oh David, don’t you leave us like that!”, and then he waved to the crowd and turned to look in our direction. I waved like a lunatic and he gave us a huge smile. Thank you, David. That’s all it took!

We stayed back a bit and Harry Williams, the guy who designed our Club UK Melbourne Afterparty posters, got Spooky Ghost to take one backstage to get signed. (See above) Every member signed it, including David! 🙂

So that wraps up the night. I’m still trying to soak it all in. What a great way to see David Bowie live for the first time!! And thank you again, Blammo – for everything. YOU ROCK!

Well, thank you too, maeko… And thanks to Frankie for making it all happen for you people.