Bowienetters Organise Party In Amsterdam

Look around and see the friends…

Those of you reading this that are going to see David Bowie in Amsterdam on Friday, will most likely already be fully aware of BowieNetters angelnr12 and ramoana‘s Amsterdam bash. But, if you’re not a visitor to the MBs you may not have heard anything about it just yet.

Firstly I have to say this isn’t an official BowieNet event, but a bit of fun organised by two of our most active members. Here’s all the stuff you need to know, courtesy of A12 and Ram themselves. Hopefully I’ll see you there…

Total Blam Blam – (BowieNet News Editor)


In the Port of Amsterdam, there’s a Sailor who sings….. or…let’s get Amsterdamned!

On June 11 2004 Mr. David Bowie himself will perform one of his Reality-tour concerts in the ArenA in Amsterdam.
Since a lot of Nutters from all over the world will come over for that it will be THE chance to meet each other, doncha think?
Since the usual music in most bars is errr.. let’s say a lot of crap these days, and we don’t wanna lose too many people in the red light district before we get the chance to meet, not even to mention we don’t want people going over the streets (again) singing “show me the way to the next whiskey bar”) we decided to rent this place in the center of Amsterdam.
We rented the place including bartenders, people who will clean up behind us and this DJ we can command to play our fav music, hehehe.
To get out of the costs we’ll have to ask you to contribute 4 euro per person to join, but since the booze is cheap in this place (only 1,50 a beer) you’ll earn that back reaaaal fast if you can keep up with the amount of booze those nutters seem to put down. (believe me, I’ve seen it happening LOL)
The place will be open ’till 4 am.
For about a week before the concert takes place you’ll get send a numbered ticket, which counts as a lottery-ticket also.
We can store 200 people. And since there’ll be for about 30.000 in that venue it’s clear we can’t get in everyone.
So you’ll have to subscribe by filling in the form you can find right here:
After we’ve received your form and you’ve pay-palled us the 4 euro per person, we’ll send you an e-mail with all the details, and put you on the “after-party” list on the Nutters do the Dam-website (if you said YES to that on the form) :
Paypal to:
Please provide the (nick)name you used on the form and use subject AMSTERDAMNED
For any questions: feel free to email me at, again with subject AMSTERDAMNED so I won’t mistake your e-mail for another viagra-add.
NOTE: this is NOT just a Bowie-net thing…every Bowie-fan (scary word, ain’t it?) is very welcome to join!

Please note there won’t be tickets sold at the entrance of the party! Your subscription for the party must be sent before Wednesday June 9 11PM GMT, or you won’t be able to join!

Hugz&stuff, A12 & Ramoana

Tv Talks To Jerome Soligny About Diamond Dogs

Somewhere, Soligny, TV, Come back, Bro Bro, Dog’s Balls, Showdown, Can’t stop…

To mark today’s release of the Diamond Dogs 30th Anniversary 2CD edition, (released in US next Tuesday 15th) our crazy, but somehow impossibly charming, French friend, Jerome Soligny, has kindly supplied a short interview he conducted with Tony Visconti recently.

You won’t be surprised to learn that the questions centre around Tony’s involvement with the album, and though he has spoken on the subject before, it’s still a great read. And so, without further ado…

Total Blam Blam – (BowieNet News Editor)


Tony Visconti and Jerome Soligny having a bit of a cuddle yesterday… Possibly.

JS: When DB got back to you after his Glam period for that great “Diamond Dogs” project were you surprised by the material?

TV: I was surprised because I didn’t know what to expect. He always surprises me with his new directions. I thought the album was one of his darkest.

JS: The legend says he asked you to help him finish the album. In which state were the songs when you entered the studio (Good Earth?) together?

TV: They were mixed many times in different studios all over London. David thought that the studios were at fault so he called me out of the blue to ask my advice. I told him I had just finished building my own home studio, a then state-of-the-art 16 track studio. He came over for a trial mix. He liked it and came back to remix the entire album. Although it was technically finished when I got it, David was impressed with my new digital gear and we added some special effects that were previously unheard before, like the repetitive, “…bro, bro, bro, bro, bro,…” at the end of the album. I think he sang some extra parts, but by and large it was mainly a mixing job for me. I had already contributed string writing to “1984” but I hadn’t heard the rest of the album’s material until much later, when he asked me to mix.

JS: DB’s involvement in “Diamond Dogs” is very important in terms of instrumentation. Did he play more on this one ?

TV: I know he played more guitar and keyboards than on previous albums and he told me it was important that he did that because he had a concept in his head that he didn’t think session musicians could interpret. I thought his playing was brilliant.

JS: The “Rebel Rebel” riff is one of the most recognisable of the rock history. Coming from the man who conceived “Low” and “Heroes” a few years later, don’t you think it’s amazing to realise he can be brilliant with simple things?

TV: He is “Mr. Concept” and his concepts can sometimes be deceptively simple.

JS: What are your favourites on this one and why?

TV: I love “Sweet Thing” and its connected songs because this is an epic that came off well and is very compelling from beginning to end. It evokes an imagery of a detective film noire.

JS: What did you think of the “balls” cover at the time ? Have you kept one?

TV: I thought the dog balls were a great idea. I think I have that cover in storage. Why it was censored is beyond me. By the way, David was born in the Chinese year of the dog, but I don’t think they have ‘diamond’ years.

JS: Deciding not to work with the Spiders anymore, DB kinda put himself in an artistically dangerous situation. Don’t you think that kind of thing suits him very well?

TV: For him, always. It is not like him to be dependent. He will be dependent on a musical association, up to a point, but if a situation compromises his creativity he swiftly moves on.

JS: Why do you think this album is one of the fans’ favourite? Why do you think it can captivate the younger generations today?

TV: I’m not sure it is a favorite of fans, but it has a timeless sound to it.

JS: In terms of production and arrangement, “Dogs” is just another masterpiece. How would you rate your work compared to what you were doing at the time with Marc for instance?

TV: Oh, DD is the work of a visionary. I was already finished with Marc Bolan for a couple of years when I started working on DD. I was frustrated with Marc because he would not take the time out to write an album of depth and vision. He was caught up in the instant single formula, something he never recovered from. I have to say that Marc was producing extraordinary visions with his earlier works as Tyrannosaurus Rex, the album Unicorn, for instance.

JS: “Dogs” turned Ziggy into a soul boy. Do you think the art of mutation is DB’s finest?

TV: He is obviously very good at changing his sound and style, yet remaining David Bowie at the core. Not many artists can do this, in fact I can’t think of one. Prince could, but he doesn’t, he sticks to formula.

Happy 12th Anniversary Iman And David

Oh, I’m so much in love…

Today is the twelfth anniversary of the ceremony in which Iman and David renewed their wedding vows at St James Episcopal Church, Florence, Italy, and here’s a great recent shot of the happy couple to celebrate. Traditional 12th wedding anniversary gifts have a theme of silk.

A certain sailor has posted a few words about today on our message boards. If you’re a BowieNet Member, you can click here to read what he has to say, and to read anniversary greetings from BowieNetters around the world.

Happy day to all the family, from all of us at BowieNet!


Holmdel Pictures, Setlist And Reviews

Who else can look that good from behind? Unmistakably Bowie, cool as fuck! Click for more.

Let’s say goodbye till (the day after the day after the day after) tomorrow…

The last show of this US leg of David Bowie’s A Reality Tour took place at PNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel, NJ, last night. If there has been a lesson to be learned from these last few shows, it’s been if you don’t ask…etc.

Last night was no exception. I e-mailed David on the morning of the show to congratulate him on the 40th anniversary thing and I attached an mp3 of Liza Jane with a short note along the lines of: “Liza Jane attached just in case you want to relearn it for tonight!” Half of me was thinking not a snowball’s chance, while the other was secretly hoping it would happen.

As I’m sure most of you know, David and the band performed the first verse and chorus in celebration of that auspicious event forty years ago. Thanx David, only wish I had been there to witness it!

It was another memorable show for many other reasons too. Apart from it being the last US show, BowieNetter Luis managed to get a sailor hat up on stage which David wore while performing a salute. (See pictures below) But one of the more surprising moments was when David stopped TMWSTW half way through to berate a security guy. More on that shortly.

“Holmdel, we salute you.” DB last night. Picture by nancyh.

DB sports a sailor hat designed by Luis. Picture by caroline.

BowieNetters nancyh and caroline were both there snapping away and you can see more of their pictures on the MBs by clicking on the respective pictures above. Here’s a bit from each of them, nancyh first:

David seemed a happy, happy man tonight, really gave it everything, to the point of jumping at the mic stand for yelps during Diamond Dogs, much to Mike Garson’s amusement.

David was constantly scanning the crowd, slapping hands, grinning widely, and at one point actually stopped the show, right in the middle of The Man Who Sold The World, to complain to security hassling fans up front, telling them to back off. The entire venue was on it’s feet roaring approval all night long. What a spectacular closure for so many special shows.

Lots of bowienet love, including a fabulous six foot banner (see pic below) made by Mandn that about fifty b’netters signed a message on, David grinned and nodded both times it was displayed. Luis handed up a special sailor cap with “B’net” and his name on it, and David promptly saluted and put it on…

Mandn, Isabelle and somebody else (sorry) hold up that BowieNet Bon Voyage banner.

And this from caroline:

This was truly one of the best ways to finish seeing a Bowie tour! After *that* security guard got Bowie’s attention, the arena (audience) electrified and I could tell most everybody there thoroughly had a rockin’ time. Bowie was at his best and made sure he went out of his way to put on a memorable and entertaining show. He was laughing, joking with the band and the audience and just looked like he was having the time of his life up there on the stage.

The Spree outnumber David by around twenty six to one for Slip Away. Pic by Caroline.

As nancyh says, BowieNetter mandn was at the show… so here’s another bit from her too:

Last night was great! An even bigger gathering of BNetters and I met some of the Canadians too. They are wonderful! We had a nice picnic/tailgate party outside the venue. Loads of hugs and tears and pictures and stories. A really nice party!

The show was great! Again the band was in a fine mood, really happy and upbeat. Gail was dancing all over the place. She’s so great. David was really in top form and having a great time. The big surprise of the night (if you didn’t hear the soundcheck) was a bit of Liza Jane. “A little song I wrote when I was still Davie Jones, and it’s dreadful, but here you go…” so they did the first bit then stopped, with David saying: “Thank goodness I won’t have to do that one again for another forty years!” Fantastic! What a treat.

Again no other real surprises, but David did yell at a security guard who was extremely disruptive down front and giving the BNEtters a hard time for being in the aisles. Go David!! He told the guy “There’s only one show going on here tonight, do you mind stopping that.” and then went on to request a new guard as this guy was “too aggressive”. Yeah baby!!

Oh, the bunny (Isabelle) was in attendance! She was shocked when the Spree actually pulled her up on stage to accompany them on a song. They put her in with the choral group and gave her a tambourine and everything! LOL!! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more scarred bunny in my life!

David announced they wouldn’t be stopping for the curfew that night either. Fantastic! I just can’t remember everything. It was so emotional being the last show and there were plenty of tears from us as well as enthusiasm. We made David a banner that said “Bon Voyage Sailor” and all the BNetters in attendance signed it for Him. He blew us a BIG kiss after reading it!

A flawless evening is all I can say. David has a way of making you think you are in a little hall no matter what the size of the venue. He just makes it seem so personal and intimate every time. A great way to end the US dates. We will miss Him and are so thankful for the memories of the last year!

Great stuff… Yet another show that I am incredibly sad not to have been present at, not to mention being completely envious of those of you that were there.

Here’s the officially-confirmed 27-song setlist courtesy of HNB:

Holmdel June 5th 2004

01 Rebel Rebel
02 Cactus
03 Sister Midnight
04 New Killer Star
05 Panic In Detroit
06 Never Get Old
07 Fame
08 All The Young Dudes
09 China Girl
10 The Loneliest Guy
11 The Man Who Sold The World
12 Heathen (The Rays)
13 Hallo Spaceboy
14 Under Pressure
15 Ashes To Ashes
16 Liza Jane (Or a portion at least)
17 Station To Station
18 I’m Afraid Of Americans
19 “Heroes”

20 Slip Away (With The Polyphonic Spree)
21 The Supermen
22 White Light, White Heat
23 Reality
24 Hang On To Yourself
25 Diamond Dogs
26 Suffragette City
27 Ziggy Stardust

Billboard also has a review of the show that you can read online in its entirety here.

A Reality Tour picks up again for the Summer 2004 European leg in Amsterdam, this coming Friday June 11th at the ArenA.

Rngo Promo Cd Winners

And these are the words…

This one was pretty straightforward, and that was reflected in the 99.9 per cent of correct entries I received.

I asked you to locate the rogue anagram from a list of eleven Rebel Never Gets Old anagrams. (05.26.04 NEWS: RNGO IS GO: MORE FORMAT DETAILS… WIN PROMO CD)

The correct answer was: GO LEER DB TREE ELVES

The following BowieNetters each win one of ten very collectable and quite rare copies of the 4-track RNGO promo CD:


If you lucky folx would like to send your real name and addresses to me at with a subject line of: RNGO anagram winner, we’ll get your CD to you pronto.

Stay tuned for some more great contests, including a very generous competition next week to win some signed Earl Slick CDs and an actual real life guitar donated by Sanctuary Records, signed by Slicky too.

Marc Riley To Make Bowie Announcement Today

It’s a very special knowledge that you’ve got, my friend…

Flamboyant and suspiciously theatrical DJ, Marc Riley, will today announce some exciting Bowie news on his BBC 6 music radio show, Rocket Science. Don’t get too excited though, it’s not more shows or anything like that, but it’s still worth tuning in to hear details of a forthcoming Bowie thing which I can say no more about than that!

Tune in between the hours of 1400 and 1700 (UK time) today. You can click on the image above to listen in online… unless you own one of those fancy DAB digital radio things, of course.

Happy 40th Anniversary To David And Liza Jane

Oh yeah, I love her, little Liza Jane…

We mentioned this one back on new year’s day with the unbelievable news that David Bowie today celebrates forty years as a professional recording artist. (01.01.2004 NEWS: HAPPY 2004 AND CONGRATS TO DB FOR HIS 40TH YEAR) For it was on this day, June 5th 1964, that Vocalion Pop released a 45 with the catalogue number: V.9221.

Liza Jane/Louie, Louie Go Home, issued as Davie Jones with The King-Bees, was that record. David’s first ever release was pretty well ignored by the pop-pickers of 1964, but these days you’d be lucky to find a copy of that original release with a price tag under four figures.

Much has been written about the release, and no doubt this anniversary will see even more. BowieNetter clarkgwent informs us that there’s a large feature on the 45 in the next issue of Record Collector magazine, which is published on June 10 in the UK. I believe Clark, (aka Andy Barding) is the author of that piece, and who better to write about the record than somebody who was born on that very release date! Happy 40th, Andy.

One thing that is often overlooked in these looks back at this historically important release, (something I’m sure Andy isn’t guilty of) is just what a cracking record Liza Jane is… Not to mention the flip: Louie, Louie Go Home, which employed the “Just a little bit louder now, Just a little bit louder now” call and response device favoured on She’ll Drive The Big Car from David’s most recent album release.

Anyway, I won’t go on about the record, I’ll leave that for the spotters who know more than I. Suffice to say, congratulations and many thanx to David, and if you’ve got the recording to hand, dear reader, why not give it a celebratory spin right now.

Jones Beach, Pictures Setlist And Fan Reports

“How you move is all it takes…” DB throws another of THOSE shapes at Jones Beach.

All you’ve got to do is ask…

The penultimate show of this leg of David Bowie’s A Reality Tour took place at Tommy Hilfiger @ Jones Beach in Wantagh, NY, last night, and it seems it was another jolly memorable affair. Lot’s of BowieNetter action right down the front and with that kind of turnout and support it was obvious David would respond accordingly.

Regular contributor nancyh finally got her wish, kind of, when David hummed a few bars of Win just for her. (see request board above) Nancy has been a regular sight at the front of many of the US Bowie shows, easily identified by her persistent request for Win with the use of her board. It seems the latest modified version did the trick when David complied with her wishes directly after Station To Station.

Here’s a few words from nancyh herself, regarding the sorry looking Jones Beach Ball in the picture above:

Mandn and Gwn had a beach ball to which all the BowieNetters signed their names. It landed up on stage and David had his way with it during I’m Afraid Of Americans… I could see that he saw all the names on it as well. I managed to rescue the poor, deflated ball after the fact.

Nancy has also posted a bunch of pictures on the MBs, like the brilliant shot below, which you can view here if you’re a BowieNet member. Click on any of the images here with an Erik credit to view his latest batch of pictures in VT.

The ever growing scarf… where will it all end? – DB by nancyh

Other BowieNetters present who had a little to say about the show were mandn and withnail. First mandn:

A great venue and loads of band family members in attendance. Kat’s mother was not too far away from us beaming like any proud mom would. Sterling’s family was also there, although I didn’t see them. SO I think there was a little extra thrown into the performance that night.

The band was in a grand mood Friday night. Loads of frolicking around and smiles the whole night through. The weather held up and co-operated to bring us a really lovely night.

David was more than jovial and really had a great time with the crowd. He even joked that the fans in the upper decks of the stadium were still in the 80s they were so far up there… and NancyH got a few bars of *WIN* hummed to her finally!! Ah well, some is better than none.

Mike Garson was is a rare mood last night, too. During Heroes, he actually started throwing things at the other band members! He dinked Earl in the back of the head. LOL!! They were all just joking around and having a great time! There was also a Mike Garson puppet!! Somehow this little thing popped up right by Mike as he was playing and they just kept goofing around! it was great!

“There’s Delaughter in the hair…” Tim and David get it on for Slip Away once again.

And here’s a few observations from withnail:

As I sit here at the airport in NYC waiting as my plane to LA undergoes another security check (they made us all get off the plane), I am struck by a few things related to last night:

1. From 8 inches away, Sailor is the most magnetic, astonishing presence. The only time I have encountered such charisma was when I was 3rd row center for Fidel Castro’s speech commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution. Seriously.

2. Being so close reaffirmed my belief that no performer with this level of stardom has had this kind of a following since The Grateful Dead (and I would bet my life they wouldn’t have hummed a few bars from a rather obscure song just because NancyH had asked for it?often!).

3. Getting a high-five, and a nod/grin/wink from Sailor makes a guy go weak in the knees. (Ok, so it wasn’t exactly a wink, but “facial expression” doesn’t quite work, does it?)

4. I am 35 next month but my knees are pushing 45. In the front row of a Bowie show, however, they’re little lads of just 18! Oh how I ached this morning!

So?the show was, of course, amazing. Station to Station was transcendental and the addition of several new songs since my last gig in Ottawa was welcome indeed. As a live music addict, I can honestly say that apart from Dylan and the aforementioned Dead, I can think of no major artist who so regularly mixes up the set list. In fact, the only other artist I see regularly who does this is John Wesley Harding, a huge Bowie fan in his own right and who was supposed to be there last night but apparently was moving house.

Of course, with nancyh and I bouncing up and down for 2 + hours down front, Sailor couldn’t help but laugh at us and as has become his wont, mimicked the bouncing early on in the set. He seemed in fantastic spirits and early on, before he introduced the band, he said he wanted to introduce us all to each other. Noting as to how that was impossible, he introduced old friends susans to breakingglass (Helen2)! Apparently, they were (naturally) over the moon and likely still are.

I feel confident in saying that there is no performer at or near his level of fame (of course no one living is at his level of talent!) who has his level of rapport with the fans or shows such genuine appreciation for our continued devotion. In the grand tradition of folk troubadours, the above mentioned John Wesley Harding responds to emails regularly, but as he’d be the first to admit, he is hardly David Bowie.

Thanx also to both mandn and yourself, withnail. These little snippets are a great record of the kind of details that would be forgotten normally.

Speaking of little details, I’ll leave you with the officially-confirmed 25-song setlist courtesy of HNB:

Jones Beach June 4th 2004

01 Rebel Rebel
02 Queen Bitch
03 Cactus
04 Sister Midnight
05 New Killer Star
06 China Girl
07 All The Young Dudes
08 The Loneliest Guy
09 The Man Who Sold The World
10 Battle For Britain (The Letter)
11 Hallo Spaceboy
12 Heathen (The Rays)
13 Under Pressure
14 Station To Station
15 Ashes To Ashes
16 Quicksand
17 Modern Love
18 I’m Afraid Of Americans
19 “Heroes”

20 Slip Away (with The Polyphonic Spree)
21 White Light, White Heat
22 Diamond Dogs
23 Five Years
24 Suffragette City
25 Ziggy Stardust

A Reality Tour continues tonight with a final US show at PNC Bank Arts Ctr in Holmdel, NJ.

Get Spooked In Nyc Tonight

Mr Ghost on stage in Uncasville last night. A great example of how care-in-the-community
can triumph. Come back later for more of Erik’s excellent shots and the usual tour report stuff.

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow…

He of the experimental hair, Gerry Leonard (aka Spooky Ghost), is playing his usual haunt (pun intended), The Living Room in NYC this very evening.

Obviously there are a lot of Bowie fans in the area right now, so get your collective arse down there and show The Spook a bit of support. I’m sure he has enough of a following of his own not to worry about a BowieNet turn out, but I know he’ll be very happy to see you lot there too.

Here’s Mr Ghost’s very own announcement via his mailing list which you can sign up to by clicking on the bizarre Barnet in Erik‘s shot above.

These days in particular, we hear a lot of things that are true, but a lot that are not true. Mostly the things that are not true were preported to be true, until someone pointed it out and then strangely the person who told the untruth “strangely” cannot be found . Strangely strange …
Not true of this upcoming Spooky gig. I said I would play on June 3rd and it is true. Even if it mocks me. I will be there. See you there too perhaps. It’s our only chance … for quite a while … well, September …

Mr Ghost.

Spooky Ghost Solo Show
Living Room NYC
Thurs June 3 rd @ 11:00PM

So there you have it. If you’re allowed to stay out late, please get down to the Living Room tonight.

Uncasville Setlist, Pictures And Stuff

“Where have all the flowers gone?” Behind you, David!

Won’t you play your haunting theme again to me…

Uncasville got to witness A Reality Tour again last night when David returned to the Mohegan Sun Arena for another show. This sounds like it was another of those special evenings with a great audience that managed to get DB in the right mood for a very memorable night indeed.

The BowieNet presence down the front was apparent, not least of all when our very own Tess passed David a purple allium (see Erik’s pic above) which DB apparently proceeded to perform some jolly suggestive things on, (the allium, not Tess, as far as I know at least) which I couldn’t possibly begin to describe on a family website like this.

“And it won’t be forgotten…” Yes kidz, looks like David’s taking requests once again.

The request board in the picture above certainly seemed to do the trick for the lucky fan holding it aloft, when David changed the set just to accommodate the requested song. This could catch on you know.

Somebody who is not a stranger to request boards, BowieNetter nancyh, was at the show again last night, and here’s a couple of lines from her MB posting:

What a treat, tonight. Another blessed event in the Bowie realm. Similar set list as last night, similar spectacular energy, banter and obvious enjoyment displayed by one Mr Bowie, and great crowd response. Bowienetters in full effect up at the front. Lots of storytelling tonight, and audience chat.

David asked who’d been to the same venue back in December when he’d played there, and there were lots of cheers. (December? Half the people cheering were in Manchester the night before!) David looked around at the crowd carefully and said… “I’m mysteriously attracted to you all”.

We got the Bow-Wow, Woof-Woofs that were missing from Diamond Dogs in Manchester, and the audience became so frenzied and frothing at the muzzle that David felt the need to do the Diamond Dog howl not once, not twice, but three full satisfying times. Did you know there was a full moon last night? Coincidence? I think not.

“Been a fan for over 40 years. Bought Liza Jane when it came out!
First saw him at The Marquee in April ’64… he hasn’t changed a bit!”

Thanx a lot for that Nancy. Nancy also posted a bunch of pictures on the MBs, like the great shot below, which you can view here if you’re a BowieNet member. Click on any of the images above to view Erik’s latest batch of pictures in VT too.

“But I’d rather be a beggarman on the shelf” – DB by nancyh

Here’s the officially-confirmed 25-song setlist courtesy of HNB:

Uncasville June 2nd 2004

01 Rebel Rebel
02 Queen Bitch
03 Cactus
04 Sister Midnight
05 New Killer Star
06 China Girl
07 All The Young Dudes
08 The Loneliest Guy
09 The Man Who Sold The World
10 Battle For Britain (The Letter)
11 Pablo Picasso
12 Heathen (The Rays)
13 The Supermen
14 Hallo Spaceboy
15 Under Pressure
16 Station To Station
17 Fantastic Voyage
18 Ashes To Ashes
19 Quicksand
20 Modern Love
21 Let’s Dance
22 I’m Afraid Of Americans
23 “Heroes”

24 Diamond Dogs
25 Ziggy Stardust

A Reality Tour continues tomorrow with a show at Tommy Hilfiger @ Jones Beach in Wantagh, NY.