Earl Slick Competition Almost Over

Mr Big Trousers does his thang in Amsterdam earlier in the year.


I’m pretty sure everybody who intends to has already entered our exclusive Earl Slick competition in an attempt to win a signed electric guitar, or one of ten signed Zig Zag CDs, kindly donated by Sanctuary records.

You still have a few hours to get your act together if you forgot all about it, as there is still around nine hours left of Sunday in Pago Pago, and I know that’s one place that’s half a day behind Europe but which has a high concentration of Slicky fans.

If you do still want to enter, get your skates on and go read the full set of questions posted a week or two ago. (10.19.2004 NEWS: EARL SLICK COMPETITION – LAST QUESTION)

Winners will be announced sometime tomorrow, Monday, November 1st. As it’s technically still Halloween night here, I’m off to put the willies up my wife.

Make An Italian Bowie Weekend Of It

Let the children boogie… (a bit longer)

How does the old saying go? “When in Rome, why not go to Bassano del Grappa the very next day?”

Of course, this is a reference to yesterday’s news story about the fan bash in Rome on Saturday evening organised by Velvet Goldmine. (10.28.2004 NEWS: ROME GOES GLAM ROCK CRAZY ON SATURDAY NIGHT)

If you are attending, you may well want to make it a weekend of Bowie fun by going to a second party on Sunday. Billed as The Bowie Horror Picture Show (I’m guessing Halloween is Europe-wide) this one is organised by yet another excellent Italian fan organisation and website: Moonage Daydream… who regular visitors to these pages will be well aware of.

Primarily the evening has been organised to coincide with the launch of Philippe Auliac‘s book: PASSENGER, “a collection of photographs of David Bowie and Iggy Pop taken by Philippe Auliac in London and Paris in 1976 and 1977.” I’ve not seen a finished copy of the book yet, so I can’t comment on the editorial content. But, I do know that Philippe’s pictures are among the very best taken of David during that period.

Anyway, here’s a bit from Daniele of Moonage Daydream:


A full night for all of Bowie?s fans in Bassano del Grappa. Including live music with PIOL & MASTICA Unplugged Bowie and dancing in the street with all the best glam from Dj Ziggy and Aladd Insane.

Last year we partied with 500 people all night long, and this year there are fans from as far afield as Australia and Ireland. I think this is the biggest Bowie Party the world has seen!

The event takes place at SHINDY CLUB via San Giorgio 124 ? Bassano del Grappa (VI) See www.moonagedaydream.it for more details.

Please let us know how it goes folx. Hopefully I’ll get my act together and attend next year… sounds like I’m missing out on a really good time, as Mr Ferry would say.

Rome Goes Glam Rock Crazy On Saturday Night

Let the children boogie…

If you’re kicking your heels in Rome on Saturday evening, why not pop along to LET’S GLAM 3 for some jolly good Glam Rock fun! Here’s all the stuff you need to know, sent in by all the young dudes at the Italian Bowie fan organisation, Velvet Goldmine:

LET?S GLAM 3 – Press Release

WHERE: METAVERSO CLUB ? Via di Monte Testaccio 38 ? Rome

WHEN: Saturday October 30, 2004 ? h. 22.00

Let?s Glam, on his third edition, comes back!

The evening is dedicated to the music of David Bowie and the glam atmosphere of the 70s.


  • The tribute band Vicious Underground will play songs of David Bowie, Lou Reed, Roxy Music, T. Rex and other bands who have marked those years.
  • The fabulous DJs Glamy and Blam Blam will recreate the colours of that time driving the crowd along a nostalgic and glittering musical track
  • A crowd of glamorous and unconventional characters will gather for the annual meeting of Velvet Goldmine, the Italian fansite of David Bowie, and will celebrate together the release of “A Reality Tour DVD” which will be shown during the evening

The evening is organized by Velvet Goldmine, the Italian fan club of David Bowie, whose website www.velvetgoldmine.it is born in 1999 and is, with almost one thousand daily contacts, the on-line meeting point for those who loves the music and life-style of David Bowie.


www.velvetgoldmine.it e-mail velvetgoldmine@velvetgoldmine.it

Thanx Velvet Goldmine, sounds like a lot of big Glam fun. 

NB: I should point out that DJ Blam Blam is no relation to the English family of the same name. };-)

Remembering John Peel – Tony Visconti Pays Tribute

Cold tired fingers, Tapping out your memories, Halfway sadness…

I posted the very sad news of the death of legendary DJ John Peel on the MBs, as the story broke yesterday. It’s impossible to put across in this forum just how valuable, visionary and influential the man truly was, and it would be foolhardy to attempt to list the musicians that have benefited from his patronage since the late sixties. There have been so many that it would be too easy to forget somebody of major significance.

We all know how John championed the young David Bowie, a good example of this was when he allowed David and “friends” to take over the Paris Cinema Studio on London’s Lower Regent Street, thirty three years ago, on June 3rd 1971. I’m sure you’re all aware of this particular show where a softly spoken and gentle-mannered John Peel marvelled at the changes of line-up for each of the nine songs performed.

John wrote about the event in his regular weekly Disc and Music Echo column, PEEL, (issue date June 12, 1971. See scan, above.) well before the show’s broadcast on the 20th. I’ve transcribed the relevant bit, complete with errors, not least of all the wrong gender for young Zowie Bowie!

With David you can never be too sure what’s going to happen. This time he’d arrived with an entire circus. Geoffrey Alexander was there, for example, because he lives in the same road as David and likes to sing and that’s as good a reason as any. All the songs were David’s except for Chuck Berry‘s “Almost Grown” and Mick Ronson, Mick Woodmansey and Trevor Bolder of Ronno were playing on most of them – as was Mark Carr-Prichard of Arnold Corns. I hope, but cannot guarantee, that I’ve spelt everyone’s name right.

They started with “Queen Bitch,” which will be on the next David Bowie LP and so will “Bombers.” “Superman” was on the last one, ‘The Man Who Sold The World,” which was very good and very much overlooked. Also overlooked has been the Arnold Corn’s single “Moonage Daydream,” which David wrote and produced. Their next one will be “Looking For A Friend,” so David sang that next before going into “Almost Grown.”

Last Sunday David became a father. He seemed uncertain about the baby’s name, saying he preferred to let a name develop round the evolving personality. At the moment she’s Zowie Bowie which is a good start. Her father had written a new song specially in celebration and that’s called “Kooks” and he did that one by himself.

If you have the first Tyrannosaurus Rex LP, or David’s “Space Oddity” LP, or the Gentle Giant LP, then you have in your home an example of the painting of George Underwood. George, it turns out, is a Dylan freak, so David wrote him a special song which he, George, sang next and which may also be a single. It’s called, logically enough, “Song For Bob Dylan” – at least, it is at the moment.

You may have seen and heard of Dana Gillespie before. Anyway, it was her turn next. David says that she’s a very good songwriter, but she didn’t sing any of her own songs, which was a pity because I’d have liked to hear them. She has a better voice than I’d imagined too – really good. She sang David’s song “Andy Warhol” which is going to be another single. The programme ended with just about everyone singing “It Ain’t Easy” and, come to think of it, that makes two David didn’t write.

Trainspotters, such as myself, will notice no mention of Oh! You Pretty Things, a track supposedly recorded but never broadcast. This recording has never made it to the numerous bootlegs (which I guess it wouldn’t if it wasn’t broadcast!) and wasn’t included on the official Bowie At The Beeb set, where its absence was explained away thus: “does not remain on archive”. I suggest the song was never recorded during this session, particularly as Peely makes no mention of it in his gig report. But I could be wrong.

Tony Visconti sent in a few words about the man he considered his “dear old friend”…

John Peel was responsible for so many breakthroughs and breakouts in modern music. He always backed the underdog who often came out on top because of John’s unfaltering belief in them. Without John there probably would have been no T. Rex. When other British DJs were mocking Marc Bolan, John played his music every Sunday and even recorded a spoken word segment on the first Tyrannosaurus Rex album.

In David Bowie’s early days John had us (David, Mick Ronson, me, et al) on Top Gear and other shows of his several times, and championed David as a rising important voice on the British music scene in the late 60s.

For me, John was my benchmark for what was cool, hip and the truly ‘next-big-thing.’ Even when he played extremely left field music, I was so grateful to hear things that would be impossible to hear anywhere else. He and his producer Bernie Andrews were responsible for all of those fabulous ‘live at the Beeb’ recordings. The BBC wanted to erase the live tapes believing them to be irrelevant (and they did, most of them), but John and Bernie made their own copies and those are what you have heard in recent years. What a pioneer John was.

I hope that the spirit of true and honest rock music has not died with him. – Tony Visconti – October 26th 2004

Thanx Tony. BowieNetters can read yesterday’s thread on the message boards here. Also, click on the scan above to get to the BBC site where you can join hundreds of others who have left tributes for John.

Exclusive Gail Ann Dorsey Bowienet Chat In One Hour

And the woman comes again, Just an hour or so…

The headline says it all. BowieNet members should log in here at around 2:30pm EST. (7:30pm UK time)

As I said yesterday, it would be nice to present Gail with some imaginative questions. Click on the image above for some inspiration on GAD’s official site, where you can find lists of some of her very favourite things, such as Top 10 bands, Top 20 albums, Top 20 books and Top 20 films. See ya later, kidz.

Gail Ann Dorsey Bowienet Chat Tomorrow

Gail Ann Dorsey gives it a bit of attitude in Amsterdam back in June.

She’ll come, She’ll go…

We told you about this a couple of weeks ago, (10.08.2004 NEWS: GAD CHAT ANNOUNCEMENT, TICKET WINNERS AND MORE) so I’m sure there’s nobody here that doesn’t already have this marked on their calendar, and you should be receiving an e-mail reminder soon for good measure, but just to be sure…DON’T FORGET WEDNESDAY’S BOWIENET CHAT WITH GAD… THAT’S TOMORROW KIDZ!

Anyway, get your thinking caps on and start composing some original questions for The First Lady of Bass. The chat kicks off about half an hour later than first scheduled and will now take place at around 2:30pm EST which I believe is 7:30pm UK time, etc.

Members should log in here at aforementioned time.

Tv Says: No Manufacturing Fault With Dublin Dvd

He always heard that crazy sound…

Tony Visconti has been in touch regarding the sound on the David Bowie – A Reality Tour… So I’ll shut up and let him get on with it:

To Bowienetters and David Bowie fans everywhere:

When I heard the official release of the Dublin Live DVD, I perceived a kind of compression effect on the audio, especially noticeable on songs like “Sunday” and “Hallo Spaceboy.” They sounded different from the mixes I had done. This was reflected in some posts I had read on the message boards here.

The production team in London conducted comparison tests between the original mixes I had sent and the final DVD, and concluded that the sound was virtually the same. Then we started looking at the way it was being played back on domestic equipment. Whereas most modern DVD players will default to the correct playback setting for this DVD, a lot of older models won’t automatically. Even if you have a 5.1 system this would somehow effect the surround playback too. I had to go into the menus of both my DVD player and my DVD amplifier to set the surround menu for this specific product manually. The sound is now perfect on my home system.

I can now positively say that there is no manufacturing fault with the Dublin Live DVD. Unfortunately Surround Sound is still in its infancy. So many incompatible formats are available to the public and then there are so many options available in the way you can enhance the playback. As an audio professional this makes me very sad, because Surround Sound is a fantastic way to listen to music. For those of you who are still hearing this ‘compression’ effect, you’ll just have to get into those menus and tweak. This is not a fault of Sony, Blink TV or anyone involved in the making of this fine David Bowie release.

Tony Visconti

Thanx for taking the time to let us know that Tony, much appreciated. Well it seems from the message boards that there are many of you that have had no problem with the sound at all, but for those of you that have, I’m afraid you’ll have to try Tony’s suggestion and get tweakin’!

Vote For Db In Tonight's Uk Music Hall Of Fame

Vote now for the candidate…

After the massive success of viewer-voting programmes such as Channel 4’s Big Brother, the station has come up with another great money-spinning idea with the UK Music Hall of Fame.

Anyway, our man is one of ten nominees for this week’s show (tonight Channel 4, UK, 21:00 GMT) which aims to find the most important artist of the 70s.

Obviously the evidence flashing away above is worth more than any vote and the title would automatically go to David Bowie in a just world. If you disagree, your taste is wrong. 😉

Anyway, no doubt the thing will be won by an artist whose fans have less great music to spend their money on and don’t mind spending their cash on telephone voting. (I’ll delete that line if David wins!)

Click on DB’s first 70s album in the animation above, The Man Who Sold The World, to get to the Channel 4 UK Music Hall of Fame site.

View More Reality Tour Dvd Tracks Here And On Aol

Watch That Man… (A bit more)

It seems from the feedback on the MBs that there aren’t too many of you that have yet to purchase the David Bowie – A Reality Tour DVD. But, of course there will be some that don’t yet have it for one reason or another.

I’m sure that those of you who were still keen to view tracks online have already seen the extra five tracks on the David Bowie – A Reality Tour DVD player that we promised last week. (10.14.2004 NEWS: PREVIEW FIVE A REALITY TOUR DVD TRACKS NOW)

The ten tracks now available in full to BowieNet subscribers via the player are: Rebel Rebel, All The Young Dudes, The Loneliest Guy, Hallo Spaceboy, Under Pressure, Never Get Old, Five Years, I’m Afraid Of Americans, The Man Who Sold The World and Ziggy Stardust. Non members can also view snippets of those songs via the player.

If you don’t have the DVD yet and you’re not a BowieNet member, you still have a chance to see four tracks via AOL Music. Though they do claim to be showing five tracks, there are definitely only four available as I write this: Rebel Rebel, All The Young Dudes, “Heroes” and Ziggy Stardust.

Don’t forget the BowieNetter viewing parties scheduled for this coming Saturday. You can view the details of the parties here.

Earl Slick Competition – Last Question

“Zig Zag played guitar.” Earl Slick relaxing backstage in LA, February 3rd, 2004.

Inspirations have I none…

OK, on with the Earl Slick contest……here follows the fifth and final question:

Q5 – What inspired Earl to call his latest album Zig Zag?

Probably the easiest one yet, and one you’ve most likely stumbled upon while searching for the other not-so-easy answers. Anyway, that’s the last of ’em… and to recap here’s one to four again:

Q1 – What is Earl Slick’s real name?

Q2 – What is the link between Earl Slick and PJ Proby?

Q3 – What are the names of Earl Slick’s two dogs?

Q4 – What was the make and model of the guitar Earl Slick used on the Diamond Dogs Tour of 1974?

I’m going to leave this contest open until the end of the month and I’ll announce the eleven winners (ten signed CDs and one signed guitar) on Monday November 1st.

Send your five answers to me at TotalBlamBlam@davidbowie.com with a subject line of “Signed Slick stuff”.

The very best of luck to all of you.