Two New Paintings Of Db Now Showing

“At least a picture on your wall…” Bowie ’74 by Andy Parry.

Andy, here’s your fifteen minutes…

Speaking of Bowie-related art, (see yesterday’s news) two 1974-era pictures of the Diamond Canine himself are currently on display in England and France.

First up, Manchester artist Andy Parry has an exhibition of his work at Kro 2 in Manchester, including the painting above, along with a series of other depictions of celebrities that include Bryan Ferry, Tommy Cooper, Badly Drawn Boy, Jack Nicholson, Pete Postlethwaite and Jimmy Saville, to name but six.

Andy hit the local news recently when head honcho of The Fall, Mark E Smith, turned up at the exhibition with members of his band and demanded the removal of a caricature Andy had made of him. (See below) The Gallery obliged while the hot-headed punk genius was still around, but defiantly returned the picture to it’s rightful position once Smith had left the premises.

No oil painting… Mark E Smith of The Fall by Andy Parry.

This isn’t the first time Mr Parry has fallen foul of the locals, as he recounts in this tale of a teenage lad growing up as a Ziggy clone in Runcorn…


I was running at the speed of life by Andy Parry

Avoiding being an oddball wasn?t helped by going to see Bowie at the Liverpool Empire in June 1973. After this ? the best gig I?ve ever seen ? I became alarmingly, a ?small town Bowie?, in Runcorn. My sudden transmutation, from a hardcore Northen Soul, suedehead didn?t go down too well with parents, peers and girlfriend.

I was duly despatched to the psychiatrists by my parents, excommunicated by my mates and dumped by my girlfriend. I coerced my mother into making me my first cosmic cowboy outfit, complete with very conspicuous ?sticky out? shoulder bits.

I purchased a pair of girls? platform boots, (just in) from Whittakers in Runcorn High Street. ?They only make them for girls Sir? said the mocking sales girl??they will do just fine?, I replied. Outside the shop I proceeded to spray them and my new brush back Ziggy hair-do, silver.

Luckily for me, the then King of the Runcorn Skins, ?Gidge Garner?, a Paul Calfe prototype, took a shine to me. ?I like you Paz ? coz you?re an oddball? he?d say. Such patronage would save me from a bigger percentage of beatings.

Naively I set about preaching the word of ?Glam? to the locals, hoping for converts, and was largely unsuccessful. Although my mate Jeff ?Psycho? Derbyshire went a bit Eno for a while. Yet again my poor mother was press-ganged into making Jeff a ?For Your Pleasure? period Eno outfit, out of a pair of curtains stolen from the school music room.

Nights out were spent hanging around in shop doorways listening to Bowie, Sparks, Lou, Bolan, Ronson and Roxy on a ?portable? tape machine. My particular ?look? so incensed passing Runcornians that some would be driven to get off passing buses in order to administer a ?good hiding?. I soon mastered the art of running very quickly in my ?platties?!


Thanx Andy, that story most likely sounds spookily familiar to a multitude of men in their mid-forties, the length and breadth of Britain!

Andy’s paintings are still on display at Kro 2, which is near the BBC in Oxford Road, Manchester, and is well worth a visit. I’ve seen the originals and have to say that the images here really don’t do the work any justice.

“Halloween Jack is a real cool cat…” (Well, he’s half dog actually…but mainly human!)

Meanwhile BowieNetter artsfactory (AKA Laurent) has sent in details of a solo exhibition by French comic artist Thierry Guitard, (who’s artwork features every month in the very Bowie-friendly music magazine Rock & Folk) which takes place this month at the Art’s Factory in Paris, France.

The show is entitled ‘Rock ‘n’ Roll Circus’ and is showing the rendition of Bowie as Diamond Dog, above, and portraits of Elvis Presley and Iggy Pop, among many others. The show runs until February 25th.

Address: Art’s Factory – 48, rue d’orsel 75018 Paris, France. – Tel : +33 (0)1 53 28 13 50.
Opening hours: Tuesday till Friday 13:00 to 19:30. Saturday 11:00 to 19h30 – Sunday 14:00 to 19:00.

You can read the full press release here, presuming you understand French that is. If you don’t, BowieNetter Celine offers a good service at a reasonable rate, and she may even help with the translation too.


Bowieart and County Hall Gallery, in association with Bloc media, presents

The inaugural exhibition opens at County Hall Gallery, London, on 10 March 2005.  BLOC provides exposure for 16 of the UK?s most promising emerging artists at a crucial time in their career.  Sourcing talent from our most prestigious institutions, BLOC explores the trends, concerns, techniques and diversity of a new generation of British artists.


The exhibition includes work by Eleonora Aguiari who recently daringly masked Lord Napier of Magdala, the equestrian sculpture on Queens Gate (Kensington Gore, London) with red tape.   Doug Fishbone, the artist who recently bought 30,000 bananas to Trafalgar Square is transporting soil from Israel onto the gallery floor of County Hall, a minimal gesture with massive geo-political clout.  Whilst Raul Ortega Ayala, originally from Mexico, continues his investigation into the principles and world-weariness of office work; the artist creates a fantastical escape out of the materials he finds himself surrounded by during a stint as a jobsworth.

Glasgow based artist Ruth Barker?s, Dream of the Northern Lights replicates the aurora borealis in miniature which will be contained in a home made bell jar.  Continuing her investigation into learning and the abstracted reality of physics, Naglaa Walker, winner of a Jerwood Photography Award, will create an ambitious site-specific installation, including film and photography.

Sigga Bjorg Sigurdardottir?s, disquieting drawings and animations are motivated by the stories told to the young artist growing up in the darkness of Iceland. Through her fictional narratives relayed in film and drawing Erica Eyres invites you into an uneasy world of disenchanted youth and beyond. Animation is explored as a medium, in the work of Mathieu Gallois whose digital animation appropriates the schematics of on board safety information leaflets found on commercial passenger aircraft.  Another Goldsmiths graduate, Anthony Gross, presents an exploded narrative, through a fabricated day in the life of a group of generic commercialized males.  Incorporating music, images and the spoken word Ben Sadler?s new video piece The Palace is composed of a long narrative which operates using the aesthetics of film.

Catherine Morland paints English landscapes scenes in smoke on glass which are then projected onto a second surface; these delicate projections act like residual images or distant memories. Upturned overhead projectors are used a light source in the work of Colin Guillemet who presents drawings laser-cut onto aluminium plates.

Developments in recent painting are represented by the work of Simon Keenleyside and Lynette Yiadom-Boakye; wannabe Essex landscapes sit alongside larger than life painterly portraits.  Neil Zakiewicz on the other hand combines the grandiose and heroic tendencies of traditional subjects with a malleable and impermanent modern material; his subjects emerging out of foam blocks, leaning and warping and threatening movement or collapse.

A DVD catalogue, interactive cutting edge website and SMS services are provided by Bloc Media the Official Media Sponsor of Bloc 2005.  A panel discussion exploring the emerging art scene in the UK chaired by Dr Suhail Malik (Senior Lecturer and Course Leader, Postgraduate Fine Art Critical Studies, Goldsmiths College) will take place on Sunday 13 March 2005, 3pm.   The panel consists of Miria Swain (Curator, Modern Art, Oxford), Duncan McLaren (author and journalist), Martin Herbert (Critic) and Nigel Cooke (artist). 


BLOC at White Space, County Hall Gallery, London SE1, 10th March ? 22nd May 2005.

Friday to Monday 10:00am ? 6:00pm, 0870 744 7485, Admission Free



For more information on the featured artists and images visit

Or email or


London Underground’s public art programme Platform for Art is showing work by artists in BLOC as posters in the network at Charing Cross and Earls Court Stations. For more information please contact Tamsin Dillon




Re-launched in 2000, has a reputation of establishing the strongest young artists, connecting them with dealers, curators and collectors, the web site is visited by around 800,000 people a week.


BLOC provides an invaluable platform for a selection of the most exciting up-and-coming artists in the UK.  For several years now serious international attention has been paid to British based artists and more than at any other time in history, British art is booming.  BLOC presents the work of tomorrow?s stars, positioning itself as the space to encounter the strongest young artistic talent around.

Beth Greenacre, Director, Bowieart



County Hall Gallery is London?s most versatile art and exhibitions centre, home to the permanent Dalí Universe exhibition and inspirational temporary exhibitions.  The gallery is situated in the heart of London South Bank in surroundings synonymous with cutting edge art.


BLOC is a real opportunity to guide new artists from across the UK to the next level, securing the future of British art.  Art institutions in the UK are bursting with inspired, unseen talent and if British art is to uphold and maintain its world class standard we need to continue to bring that next generation into the spotlight.


Andrea Pedroni, Managing Director, County Hall Gallery



Bloc Media are the official Media Sponsor, providing all web, mail, sms and digital media technology.   Founded in 2000, Bloc Media provides inspired creative and digital marketing to the art, entertainment and fashion industries.


BLOC represents a new platform for emerging talent and a fantastic opportunity for the world to meet the next generation of truly inspirational British artists. We are delighted to be part of what is sure to become a staple in the British Art Calendar.


Rick Palmer, Managing Director, Bloc Media


For more information please contact:


Ed Greenacre, Bowieart                                  020 7352 4976

Nnenna Oleforo, County Hall Gallery            020 7450 7619

Rick Palmer, Bloc Media                                020 7739 1718



Life Aquatic European Release Dates

Somebody plays my song in tune…

Wes Anderson‘s latest film, The Life Aquatic, finally gets a chance to be viewed by Europeans when it is released in the UK on February 18th. The film, which contains a Bowie-heavy soundtrack (see numerous other stories regarding the soundtrack on these pages) will be released in other European countries throughout February and March. View the full list of release dates at

The 25 soundtrack CDs have now been despatched to the winners of our recent BowieNet competition, and should be arriving over the coming week.

Bowieart And Bloc Present New London Exhibition

I opened doors that would have BLOCked their way…

I’m sure the majority of you are subscribed to the Bowieart newsletter and take regular looks at the site anyway. But, if neither assumption is correct in your case, then you’re missing out on a lot of great stuff.

The latest project that Bowieart is involved with is an exhibition in conjunction with BLOC in London next month. Here’s a bit from the press release:

Bowieart and County Hall Gallery, in association with Bloc media, presents the inaugural exhibition which opens at County Hall Gallery, London, on 10 March 2005. BLOC provides exposure for 16 of the UK?s most promising emerging artists at a crucial time in their career. Sourcing talent from our most prestigious institutions, BLOC explores the trends, concerns, techniques and diversity of a new generation of British artists. You can read the whole press release here.

The artists selected include Eleonora Aguiari, Ruth Barker, Sigga Bjorg Sigurdardottir, Erica Eyres, Doug Fishbone, Mathieu Gallois, Anthony Gross, Colin Guillemet, Simon Keenleyside, Catherine Morland, Raul Ortega Ayala, Ben Sadler, Matt Stevenson, Naglaa Walker, Lynette Yiadom-Boakye and Neil Zakiewicz…all of whom are represented at the exhibition site, which is well worth an online browse at least, even if you can’t make it to the exhibition itself.

Beth Greenacre of Bowieart had this to say about the BLOC:

BLOC provides an invaluable platform for a selection of the most exciting up-and-coming artists in the UK. For several years now serious international attention has been paid to British based artists and more than at any other time in history, British art is booming. BLOC presents the work of tomorrow?s stars, positioning itself as the space to encounter the strongest young artistic talent around.

BLOC is at White Space, County Hall Gallery, London SE1, from 10th March to 22nd May 2005.
Opening times: Friday to Monday 10:00am ? 6:00pm. Admission Free.
Telephone: 0870 744 7485.

Other news stories that have arrived via the Bowieart newsletter but seem to have generally slipped under the radar include this one regarding the Glasgow School of Art going online at Bowieart at the end of last year…

Cécile Azoulay?s, Nightscape, 2004 from a set of 4 inkjet prints on black paper.

Bowieart is delighted to announce the handover of Bowieart pages from last years MFA at Glasgow School of Art to those currently in their second year at the college.

The Master of Fine Art programme at Glasgow is a two-year, full-time, research-based postgraduate degree. Throughout the 1990s, the City of Glasgow witnessed an explosion of activity in the visual arts. Artists, critics and curators from all over the world have visited Glasgow to see for themselves what curator Hans Ulrich Obrist has termed ‘the Glasgow miracle’.

There are many young practising artists working in Glasgow who have helped shape a thriving creative community generating artist-led initiatives, permanent and temporary gallery spaces, and innovative approaches to public and site specific work.

The Glasgow School of Art, Master of Fine Art programme began in 1988 and has achieved international recognition as a centre of excellence in postgraduate education in the visual arts. The course occupies a unique and influential position within the extraordinary dynamic that characterises the visual art community in Glasgow.

Whilst in the wider international art community the MFA has developed a wide range of international links and formal exchange agreements with other prestigious art schools and students have been invited to participate in four international exchange exhibitions: Berlin, Brussels, Chicago and most recently New York.

You can check out the work of the Glasgow School of Art in the COLLEGE section of Bowieart under Student Artists. While you’re there, take a look at the other 10 colleges in the US and the UK that are represented on Bowieart.

Db Joins The Arcade Fire On Stage In Nyc

“Run for the shadows, run for the shadows…” The Arcade Fire and friends play to Win.

Did I find you, or you find me?…

No, not that DB. But, THAT DB was present to witness David Byrne join The Arcade Fire on stage at the Irving Plaza in New York on Wednesday evening, for a rendition of his old band’s (the much missed Talking Heads) quite beautiful song, (as quoted in today’s lyric) This Must Be The Place (Naive Melody), from the very funky 1983 album, Speaking In Tongues.

THAT DB has been bangin’ on about The Arcade Fire to anyone he thinks will listen since last year, and with very good reason. If you’ve still not heard the brilliant debut album, Funeral, you really must check it out…as David suggested in his journal entry back in November. (11.24.2004 NEWS: DB BACK ON THE MBs …WITH A VENGEANCE)

The band embarks on a short European tour in March, including two dates in London. Here’s the itinerary:

The Arcade Fire March 2005 European Tour

8th London UK Kings College
10th Paris, France Le Nouveaux Casino
11th Amsterdam, Netherlands Melkweg
13th Berlin, Germany Magnet
14th Oslo, Norway Garage
15th Stockholm, Sweden Debaser
17th London, UK ULU

They then travel back across the water for some Canadian shows but are back in Europe for more dates in May, if you don’t manage to catch them this time.

Funeral will be released in Europe on February 28th as a CD and gatefold vinyl through Rough Trade… that’s for those of you mad enough not to already own an import copy of the album.

Visit the official The Arcade Fire site here, and the jolly cool Arcade Fire fansite, Us Kids Know, here, from where you can find links to aforementioned David Byrne guest appearance.

The Arcade Fire are Win Butler, Régine Chassagne, Richard Parry, Tim Kingsbury, and Will Butler (Win?s little brother).

See Ziggy's Band Live In The Uk Tonight

Come to the show tonight…

As mentioned in the news last week, (01.29.2005 NEWS: ZIGGY’S BAND TAKES TO THE STAGE NEXT WEEK) don’t forget BowieNetter Mark Wheeller‘s production with the Oaklands Youth Theatre, Ziggy’s Band, begins a three-day-run in Southampton in the UK this evening.

The pictures here are from a dress rehearsal a couple of days ago, after which Mark said: “It went really well… feeling a little more confident now!”.

If you can make it along, please do go and give them some appreciation with typical BowieNetter warmth and vocal encouragement.

Remember these are simply snaps from rehearsals…I believe the Oaklands Youth Theatre’s answer to Pierre LaRoche will be on hand tonight and Ziggy’s air guitar (see above) will also be fully-inflated! };-)

Here are the details you’ll need if you are thinking of attending:

Oaklands Youth Theatre Proudly Presents Ziggy?s Band
Written and Directed by Mark Wheeller – Choreography by Danny Sturrock
Thursday 3rd February – Saturday 5th February. 7.30pm.
Oaklands Theatre (Lordshill) Southampton

Tickets for Ziggy?s Band are available from:
Oaklands Community School Reception 02380 739797
£4.00 (Advance sales)
£5:50 on the day of the production

I’ll hopefully see some of you on Saturday night.

No Bowie Live Dates Planned For 2005

David Bowie live on stage in LA exactly one year ago today.

Round and round the rumours fly…

Rumours persist about DB playing European festival dates this summer. Normally I would ignore them, but even Rock & Folk are in on the act, apparently claiming that David will perform at this years Vieilles Charrues Festival in France.

There are currently no David Bowie live dates planned for 2005, but obviously you’ll be the first to know if this situation changes.

Btwn Dvd Out Next Month

Putting on the black tie, cranking out the white noise…

Seeing as how most of you will have already bought the excellent Black Tie White Noise triple disc reissue back in 2003, you probably won’t be interested in this…But, it’s my duty to report, nevertheless.

Now that the triple disc has been deleted, (don’t panic, it’s still very easy to find) the 63-minute DVD is being released in its own right through EMI on March 7th in Europe and around a month later in North America.

I’ll leave you with this montage from the back cover which utilises stills from this most delicious visual feast, funnily enough.