David Bowie: Pin Up View And Buy Online Now

David Jones fiddles with flautist for fashion feature, 1965.
Picture taken by Fiona Adams in Kingley Street (?), London.

A London boy, oh a London boy, Your flashy clothes are your pride and joy…

Those of you that can’t physically get along to the David Bowie: Pin Up exhibition currently showing in London, will be pleased to learn that the 41 pictures that make up the show can now be viewed online.

Click on the wonderful image above of a pair of young mods by Fiona Adams to get to the online gallery where you can also purchase prints of each shot. The particular photograph above was published in a magazine in 1965 as part of a fashion spread.

As for the BowieNet only view at the gallery this coming Saturday afternoon (June 25th), there has now been a slight change of plan as I announced on the MBs a couple of days ago. For those of you that missed that post, here’s the gist of it again…

The event has been extended by an hour and now runs from noon until six. Though Redferns is happy to admit 60 of us at one time, I personally feel it will be a little uncomfortable if this horribly humid weather we’re having lasts until the weekend.

If you want to be there for six hours, then you’re welcome to get there at noon and stay for the duration. But, for the more sane among you, you might want to attend during just one of three two hour shifts.

To this end, I have created a poll on the MBs in the hope that I can get a rough idea of how many are likely to attend during each time period. Of the 60 BowieNetters attending, 25 have voted so far, 64 per cent of whom intend to be there for the middle slot of 2:00pm to 4:00pm. This now means that everybody who originally applied can attend, or indeed, any BowieNetter who happens to be in the area can, as it won’t be so crowded.

BowieNetter OldSalt has kindly located a good nearby public house, The Station, where I believe most of us will be repairing to, to sample the local fare (they do splendid grub apparently) and make a bit of an evening of it.

If you’d prefer not to see any more of the pictures before Saturday as you’d rather keep them a surprise, then don’t click on either of the images here on this page.

Where were you in 72? Are you the bloke in the tank top?
Picture by Harry Goodwin, Starman on Top of the Pops.

The David Bowie: Pin Up exhibition runs from June 15th through August 6th.
Opening times:
Tuesday to Friday 10:00am to 6:00pm.
Saturdays 11:00am to 6:00pm.

Redferns Music Picture Gallery
3 Bramley Road, London. W10 6SZ
Tel: +44 (0)20 7792 9914

(Click on link above for map)