Happy Birthday To Iman From Bowienet

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Forget that I’m fifty…

While it ill-becomes a gentleman to reveal a lady’s age, I know you’ll understand that I’m clearly no gentleman and it’s hardly a secret that the incredibly youthful Iman is fifty today.

I’m nervous about making too much of a fuss about it though, after reading this exchange in a recent interview

Q: In July, you will turn 50. How do you feel about getting your AARP card?

A: Turning 50 seems to be more of a milestone for the people around me than it is for me! My life has never been more rich and exciting, and the good things in my life give me the energy of a 25-year-old.

Regardless, I know you’ll all want to join me in wishing Iman a very special day, which shouldn’t be too hard when you look and feel like that and you have the company of such a wonderful family.

Happy birthday Iman, with much love from everybody at BowieNet.

(NB: I’d like to use this opportunity to thank all of those who pointed out via e-mail and the like that color is in fact the American spelling of the more correct colour. Well I never! (07.20.05 NEWS: NEW IMAN BEAUTY GUIDE DUE IN THE AUTUMN) More importantly, I’d like to thank those that didn’t e-mail me!)