Ziggy And Halloween Jack On Bbc4 Tonight

All you’ve got to do is win…

As mentioned by Spaceface in the BowieNet calendar yonks ago, BBC4 is showing DA Pennebaker‘s Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars (21:00) and Alan Yentob‘s Cracked Actor documentary (22:30) as part of their 1973 week.

I’m sure the sharpest among you have already spotted that Pennebaker’s famous film was indeed made in 1973 (July 3rd) but Cracked Actor wasn’t made until the following year, and in fact wasn’t broadcast until January 1975. (See original press advert above)

In what seems a feeble attempt to make Cracked Actor seem more 1973, the BBC4 home page has used the live shot below from the Cracked Actor documentary illustrating Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars!

Anyway, who cares. Most everybody has the excellent Ziggy Motion Picture DVD anyway, and this is a chance to get a digital copy of the Cracked Actor documentary on disc if you don’t already have it. Remember, UK copyright law supposedly states that you must erase any TV recording after viewing, or after about two weeks. Yeah, of course, we all know that, and I’m sure you all do it anyway.

For those that Yentob’s film has so far evaded, you can get a taste of the programme by taking a look at our 30th anniversary news piece from last year (01.26.2005 SNIPPET: BBC’s CRACKED ACTOR IS THIRTY TODAY) and by looking at a couple of pages of screen grabs on the excellent BOWIEGOLDENYEARS and The Young American websites.

Tissues for my eyes!