Db's Favourite Music Plus New Pictures In Q Mag

You can’t stop meaningful Teenage Riots…

The November issue of Q is a 20th anniversary special that’s been produced in an edition of twenty different covers. I imagine the one above is the cover most likely to interest those of you reading this though.

In the spirit of Q’s 20th anniversary, there are twenty exclusive new interviews, and obviously David is one of the interviewees…except he isn’t!

Apparently, each artist was presented with a list of twenty questions, to which nineteen of them obliged. You’ve guessed who didn’t.

Accompanied by a different crop of the above Frank W Ockenfels shot (Frank also shot the cover), David, in the words of the magazine, “Had to be different.” with the explanation: “Ever unconventional, Bowie declined to answer any questions and emailed some thoughts instead.”

It’s an entertaining and informative piece, which I’ll let you discover the text of for yourselves…However, here at least is the concluding paragraph…


“What I do play a lot of while driving are favourite tracks by three of my favourite artists from over the last 20 years or so: Pixies, Sonic Youth and Scott Walker. Their works never cease to enthral me. Call me old-fashioned. I would have loved to have written [Pixies’] Debaser, one of the greatest rock songs in my opinion, but how about [Sonic Youth’s] Teen Age Riot? It would also have been nice to have had Walker’s Nite Flights in my catalogue and up my sleeve, too. But at least I can get to sing them, a pleasure in itself.”


Well, obviously we’ve heard David sing Nite Flights, both on BTWN and live. We’ve also heard Tin Machine‘s live version of Debaser, albeit with a Tony Sales lead vocal. Does this mean we can expect a Bowie version of the anthemic Teen Age Riot at some point in the future?…One can dream.