Official 2007 Bowie/rock Calendar On Sale Tomorrow

This time tomorrow you’ll know what to do…

The official 2007 David Bowie/Mick Rock calendar that we’ve been telling you about, (07.27.2006 NEWS: OFFICIAL 2007 BOWIE/MICK ROCK CALENDAR DETAILS & 09.17.2006 NEWS: OFFICIAL 2007 BOWIE/MICK ROCK CALENDAR UPDATE) goes on sale to BowieNetters tomorrow evening (Sunday) at 8:00pm UK time. Come back here then for the link to the ordering page.

Sorry for the slight delay on this, but SlowDazzle wanted to make sure there were no gremlins in the system, and quite right too.

The good news is that we’ve managed to get a further quid off both calendars, and now we’ll be offering the regular calendar (above left) for £5.99 (GBP) plus shipping (I don’t think you’ll find that cheaper elsewhere) and the limited edition (above right) for a ludicrously generous £4.99 (GBP) plus shipping. This is a special deal for BowieNetters and won’t be repeated elsewhere.

The limited edition will be limited to two copies per member, but you can buy as many of the regular calendar as your fancy takes you.

Also, stay tuned for a contest for ten copies of the limited calendar, which both David and Mick Rock have kindly agreed to sign.

Please remember the limited calendar will only be available here via BowieNet…unless you lot fail to snap up the whole run of 1,000, in which case any remaining will be offered to ordinary folk at an alarmingly increased rate.