Ziggy Stardust Signed Proof Contest Final Part

“It was cold and it rained…” Ziggy fast forwards thirty five years and relocates to west London.

I could make a transformation…

OK, as it says on the tin, here’s the second part of our Ziggy print contest.

Here it is, the third and final part of the contest we first announced a week ago. (03.25.2007 NEWS: ZIGGY STARDUST SIGNED ARTIST’S PROOF CONTEST PART ONE & 03.29.2007 NEWS: ZIGGY STARDUST SIGNED ARTIST’S PROOF CONTEST PART TWO)

We all know the Ziggy Stardust cover is about as perfect as an album sleeve can be, but there’s no harm in having a little fun with it from time to time.

What we want you to do is re-create the back or the front of the original sleeve in any fashion or medium you desire.

Above is one I made earlier…a version I created back in 2002 for a news item about the K WEST hotel in West London. (11.15.2002 SNIPPET: THE QUEST FOR K WEST)

So a bit of photo manipulation, a painting, a drawing, an embroidery, a life-size sculpture…anything you like in the spirit of the original sleeve, as long as you can e-mail the final result to me as a jpeg. (But not yet)

Give it your best shot, but don’t worry if you really don’t think this is your kind of thing, all correct answers for the first two parts will be entered into the draw anyway…But, you never know, there just might be something extra for the best contribution to this final part.

Please do give it a go, it would be fun to create a BowieNet gallery of your attempts, plus, considering the prize, I think it’s only fair that you should have to make some kind of effort before you can accept a prize of such value without feeling guilty. 😉

The contest is open for the whole of April, to give you a chance to ponder how to approach this final part. Please don’t send in any answers or jpegs until I tell you how to at the end of the month.

Speaking of changes to David Bowie album covers…