Db Picks Another Youtube Snippet And Talks Mike Garson

Heaven’s In Here…

As we announced last week, (04.26.2007 NEWS: DB PICKS YOUTUBE SNIPPETS OF HIGH LINE ACTS) during the run-up to The High Line Festival we’ll be posting a few YouTube snippets, selected by DB, of some of the acts that will be appearing over the course of the festival. Ken Nordine

Today’s clip is of the extraordinary Ken Nordine who plays the High Line on May 16th & 17th and who has Mike Garson opening for him. Check out Ken performing Cliché Heaven via this YouTube clip hand-picked by DB.

You can check out much more of Ken’s stuff at www.wordjazz.com

Mike Garson demonstrates his famous escaping from a piano routine.

As I say, opening for Ken on both nights is the familiar chap above…Whom DB himself has a few words to say:

“Happy to report that one-of-a-kind Mike ‘fingers’ Garson will be opening for Ken Nordine on both of Ken’s performances at the High Line, (16th & 17th May). Mike will be playing solo and will likely knock out some ridiculously lovely pieces in this very welcome return to our ‘scene’.

We’re sure many of us will want to catch this sublime combo of Mike and Ken, all at once, together at last, ’till death do u……I’ll get me coat.”

Ken Nordine and Mike Garson both play the High Line on May 16th & 17th and tickets are still available here for the 16th and here for the 17th.