Bowie To Star In Cornelius Fly…not!

Rumours and lies, and stories they made up…Part 348

Following a posting on the BowieNet MBs by BowieNetter dbowieman David Bowie has denied any involvement with a film entitled Cornelius Fly.

It had been reported in the Icelandic press (see dbowieman’s scan above) and online, that DB was to appear in the film alongside English actor Sir Roger Moore, but Sailor has since been on the MBs to dismiss the report thus: “This is total b.s. I’ve never heard of it.”

Yes, this is David Bowie…And no, I’ve never heard of this film either.
But, if you’re interested in my rather impressive CV, just click on me!

Perhaps there has been some confusion with David Bowie the “often seen but rarely recognised character actor in American movies and television”, above. But methinks it is more likely that Gudjón Hafthór Ólafsson is trying to get publicity for his directorial debut.