Tony Visconti Compilation Cd Winners…a Bit

Oh no, don’t say it’s true…

Judging by the amount of entries we received for this, I’m guessing it was perhaps a little too hard for the majority of you to even consider taking part.

We asked: How many original UK David Bowie single release A-sides bear the name Tony Visconti as producer or co-producer? (08.03.2007 NEWS: TONY VISCONTI RETROSPECTIVE COMPILATION CD COMPETITION)

Well, I calculated somewhere around twenty eight, but, as unlikely as it seems, I reckon I may be one or two out either way…so I allowed a generous margin of error for you of five either way.

That means that if you guessed anywhere between twenty three and thirty three you were in with a chance of winning. Sadly, only these three BowieNetters were close enough!


Of course, we still have seven copies to give away, and we’ll be doing precisely that this time next week.