Bowie Covers Prove Popular On

Hold my face before you…

I’m sure you’re all aware of the site where you can post images like the ones in the montage above. In fact, we posted something similar here on BowieNet some time ago, where I started the ball rolling by incorporating my boxer, Henry, into the sleeve of Diamond Dogs. But I’ll be damned if I can locate that news item now…Bowie Doggy Bag to the first person to e-mail me with the news item.

Anyway, it seems the idea of: “one or more persons obscuring or augmenting any part of their body or bodies with record sleeve(s) causing an illusion” has really caught the public’s imagination here in the UK, with recent pieces about in both The Guardian and The Mirror.

Both the aforementioned publications used the above shot created by somebody called See Gee. The post was originally accompanied by the following caption: “Back in the 70s, Bowie often used to come round to watch Scooby-Doo with us… his folks didn’t have a colour TV at the tiime. He didn’t even bother to take off his coat – he didn’t want to miss a single second.”. Well, it could be true.

For zillions more Bowie sleeves (and many other artists…including more Iggy) check out and the links to Facebook and flickr.


Hey man, oh Henry, get off the couch…

A few of you had the patience to locate our original news item from more than two years ago (01.16.2006 SNIPPET: BOWIE SLEEVES HELP CREATE NEW WORKS OF ART) which you can reach by clicking on Henry’s nose. But, Jackie_C was the first into the inbox with the correct information…so if you could furnish me with your address, Jackie, we’ll have your Bowie Doggy Bag out to you shortly. Thanx to the rest of you that took part.

Here’s the link to the original thread on the boards too.