Bowie's 30 Greatest Songs In Uncut Next Week

A couple of songs from your old scrapbook…

Well the headline and the above advert say it all really.

The June issue of UNCUT magazine has a Bowie cover and a large feature, within which the magazine attempts to identify David Bowie’s thirty greatest songs via the opinions of thirty music world luminaries.

It’s an impressive list of contributors, from David’s own contemporaries such as Jimmy Page and Keith Richards, via chubby little losers like Ricky Gervais, to relative new boys such as Alex Turner.

There are some very cool choices and a lot of lovely things said about David in the feature, but sadly we’re not allowed to give you any more detail than that right now as we don’t want to kill UNCUT’s own online exclusive which will publish all of the contributors along with their choices, once the mag is published.

The magazine will also include the CD: REBEL REBEL: A tribute to David Bowie, which does what it says on the tin.

The June issue of UNCUT hits the shelves on April 24th and subscribers’ doormats shortly before.