Aladdin Sane Under The Spotlight In Clash Mag

Passionate bright young things…

The May issue of Clash magazine which sports a Duffy cover (more of whom shortly) has a feature about a Bowie album that also sports a Duffy cover.*

Tying in nicely with the 35th anniversary (04.13.2008 NEWS: ALADDIN SANE IS THIRTY FIVE TODAY) the magazine celebrates Aladdin Sane in its regular Spotlight feature.

Here’s a couple of lines from the piece, written by Shane Gladstone


“‘Aladdin Sane’ bridged the gap between ‘Ziggy Stardust’ and ‘Diamond Dogs’. With advanced orders of over 100,000 the album finally clarified Bowie’s position as an established rock ‘n’ roll star. In maintaining his fan base while diverting to more experimental territory Bowie was confident he could hold a crowd and set the trend.

Crucially this period saw the beginning of Bowie as pop auteur. Brimming with self-belief after having the audacity to kill off Ziggy, he went on to reinvent himself time and time again, becoming a key innovator and changing the face of the musical and cultural landscape throughout the seventies.”


If you don’t manage to track down Clash, I’ll post a large scan of the article on the MBs once this issue is off the shelves.

Speaking of Duffy, (the lass above that graces the front of Clash) in a recent interview she apparently expressed her weariness of constantly being called the new Dusty Springfield. Here’s what she had to say on the matter…


“I only got around to owning the Dusty Springfield box-set about a year ago. I just don’t relate to it. I don’t see how there’s a thread.”

In fact the girl from Gwynedd is more inspired by 70s rock and grew up listening to David Bowie. Duffy confessed: “It’s obviously an amazing honour to be compared to some of those really great artists, but the singers I’m obsessed with are David Bowie and Scott Walker. They’re the artists that have inspired me and made me alive. They make me cry with passion.”


It seems that David Bowie and Scott Walker are certainly impressing this generation of pop folk coming up…So good to see that great taste always wins through in the end.

* The pictures on the Aladdin Sane cover were taken by the photographer Brian Duffy.