Rex Ray Give-away Part 6 Winner – Part 7 Is Go

All you’ve got to do is win…

We’re now on the seventh week of our ten week Rex Ray contest, (04.06.2008 NEWS: THE GREAT REX RAY GIVE-AWAY STARTS TODAY) and it seems we’re getting more and more entries every week.

So, on to the winner of #7/10 of the untrimmed 20″ x 14″ (508mm x 355mm) hand-numbered Berkeley print, (see above left) customised by Rex in the Reality style and signed by both Rex Ray and David Bowie in 2006.

And the winner is: barley

Well done barley, please send your real name and address to me and we’ll have your prize to you quicker than you can pull a fish from a barrel.

All you have to do to be in with a chance of being winner number seven and getting your hands on #4/10 of the Berkeley prints, is contact me here before midnight NY time on Saturday May 24th.

Usual BowieNet rules apply: Only one entry per BowieNet account per week, and please remember you must enter using your BowieNet e-mail or at least supply your BowieNet user name. If you do neither of these things you won’t be eligible to enter.

The seventh winner will be announced next Sunday May the 25th and the contest for the eigth artwork will commence at the same time.

BowieNet members can view larger versions of both of the above here on the MBs. Good luck.