Happy 30th Wedding Anniversary To Andre And Sue

Which came as some surprise…

You may not have made much sense of today’s headline…Andre‘s post from the MBs yesterday will explain everything…


Five Years ago tonight, the first night of A Reality Tour, was a special night for us. It happened to be the 25th Anniversary of our wedding to the day. Our first concert together had been David Bowie and the Spiders at Preston Guildhall in June 1973.

Total Blam Blam had got the message of the anniversary to David and I had got tickets that had us within touching distance of David Bowie at the front. Textbook, thanks to Bowienet ticket allocations. A great night was in prospect and we were in the same hotel as the band.

Imagine Sue?s surprise when David stopped the show with ?By the way?does anyone happen to be celebrating their 25th Wedding Anniversary tonight?.? and wishing us a Happy Wedding Anniversary. I had hoped something special would happen and if I was surprised, Sue must have been shocked! David dedicated The Man Who Sold The World to us, which was truly amazing.

Apart from the thanks to David, the real big thanks were due to Blammo, for even attempting to get something to happen. I had a hunch our luck was in but from years of following David, it was totally out of the blue and unique.

We went to many other dates on the tour, as usual, but that first amazing night at the Forum in Copenhagen will be one of the most memorable nights of 32 years of following David on tour.

We were there to meet David at the hotel afterwards to thank him and have a photo. Thanks David and thanks Blammo, you?re the best.

Andre and Sue XX

(Anyone got a DVD of the night please?)


So there you have it. Congratulations to Andre and Sue for thirty years of marriage (yesterday) and at least thirty five of Bowie fandom!

The pictures in this piece are from those I took on the night but never used in the original news stories. (10.07.2003 NEWS: EUROPEAN LEG OF REALITY TOUR KICKS OFF TONIGHT + 10.08.2003 NEWS: A REALITY TOUR: REPORTS, PIX AND PRESS RELEASE)

And there are plenty where they came from, if anyone’s interested in seeing more.

You can share your memories regarding that opening date of A Reality Tour in aforementioned message board thread along with several other BowieNetters who have posted words and pictures from the night.