Space Oddity Song Of 1969 In Sunday Times

And the papers want to know…

Today’s Sunday Times has a nice piece by Dan Cairns regarding David Bowie’s 1969 epic, Space Oddity, in the paper’s regular SONG OF THE YEAR column.

Here are a couple of lines from it…


In 1969, Bowie needed a breakthrough. Yet nowhere on Space Oddity do you hear tentativeness. On the contrary, the assurance on display is breathtaking. A lyric ? inspired by space exploration, say some; an allegory for drug addiction, contend others ? that could, in almost anyone else?s hands, have seemed cheesy and wince-inducing became, thanks to Bowie?s performance and narrative pacing, the first intimation of his genius.


You can read the whole article online here. Thanx to Spaceface for the pointer.