Signed Aladdin Sane Artist's Proof Winner

Breaking glass in your room again…

Sorry folx, for one reason or another Christmas took a little longer than expected this year…still, I’m sure the extra wait kept the anticipation high.

I won’t prolong the agony further by reiterating the rules of the contest, but if you missed it, the details are here: 12.21.2008 NEWS: WIN SIGNED ALADDIN SANE ARTIST’S PROOF

Most of you managed way more than fifteen examples, and indeed one particular show off (hallo mate) managed fifty seven!

However, there could only be one winner and The Random Generator chose BowieNetter breakingglass to be that person.

Well done bg, please send your real name and address and we’ll have this valuable beauty to you pronto.

Thanx again are due to those very generous folk at St Pauls Gallery who are still offering a healthy discount to BowieNetters for those of you that didn’t win this contest. (12.07.2008 NEWS: ALADDIN SANE PRINT ON SALE NOW WITH BOWIENET DISCOUNT)

Stay tuned for the next instalment shortly.