Db As King Arthur In The Sunday Telegraph '76

I see my times and who I’ve been…

I’ve had a few e-mails asking about the origin of the Bowie illustration in our recent Sean Bean piece. (02.17.2009 NEWS: BEAN ADMITS TO DOING A ZIGGY…BUT STRICTLY NO LIPPY)

Well, it was by Yvonne Gilbert for the Sunday Telegraph magazine in the UK sometime in 1976.

In a four page feature entitled: HOW DO THEY SEE THEMSELVES? the magazine invited six celebrities to “take all of history and become any of its personalities – saints and sinners”.

As you might guess, David’s choices were a little unconventional to say the least, with not only characters from the past, but a few from the future too…including: space pioneer, Ed Avalon and Xeros, Emperor of Isolar.

You can see the complete illustration and read the full article here on the MBs, but please bear in mind that it was 1976…I’ll say no more than that!