David And Iman Attend Tribeca Premiere Of Moon

We’ll orbit the Moon, just one more time….

David Bowie with wife Iman and son Duncan Jones attended the premiere of Duncan’s full length directorial debut, MOON, at the 2009 Tribeca Film Festival at BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center in New York City this evening.

As you know, David had already been at the Sundance premiere of the film back in January (01.23.2009 NEWS: DB ATTENDS SUNDANCE MOON PREMIERE WITH DUNCAN) when he expressed his pride for Duncan here on BowieNet thus: “It’s such a great movie. It’s hard to believe it’s his first. I’m so happy for him and proud as Punch.” (01.25.2009 NEWS: DAVID BOWIE ‘PROUD AS PUNCH’ FOR DUNCAN)

See our previous news item for further screenings of MOON at Tribeca (04.07.2009 NEWS: SPOTLIGHT ON MOON FOR 2009 TRIBECA FILM FESTIVAL) and check out these pages on Getty Images and WireImage for many more pictures of David at Tribeca with Duncan and Iman this evening.

Also, check out the newly updated official MOON site for links to a very informative press kit, the Moon facebook page and the Moon trailer, if you didn’t already watch it when we posted it earlier in the month. (04.10.2009 NEWS: MOON TRAILER ON IGN)

Geeling Ng And Jeff Beck Remember Bowie Filming

Like the video films we saw…

These two items can be found in the June editions of Q (above) and MOJO.

The Q piece is part of a feature called Almost Famous which concerns itself with “the stars of classic music videos who weren’t in the band”.

As you can see, Geeling Ng fits that description playing opposite Bowie in the romantic and quite beautiful China Girl video from 1983.

You can read most of what she recalls from the making of the video in the extract above and even though she is now a TV personality in her own right, she goes on to say that she is proud of the fact that she still gets recognised as the girl in the China Girl video.

Which leads us nicely on to somebody who has stubbornly refused to appear in a certain Bowie video for over thirty five years…I know what kind of welcome you’re gonna give to…Jeff Beck!

The excerpt above is from an eight-page Jeff Beck interview/feature in the current MOJO. In the piece Beck reiterates his flimsy excuse for not granting permission to use the segment of the 1973 Ziggy retirement concert at Hammersmith Odeon that he features in.

As you know, he appeared as guest guitarist during The Jean Genie/Love Me Do and Round And Round and there has never been a complete official document of the show because of his insistence that his “really embarrasing shoes” and guitar antics are too much for a modern audience to bear.

Well, IMHO, Jeff needs to finally get over himself. Will there really be anybody wanting to look at his footwear while Bowie is on the same screen? I doubt Jimi Hendrix playing a banjo with his chin while wearing clown shoes would even be enough to distract a Bowie fan from prime Ziggy and The Spiders…even if Hendrix had been long expired by 1973.

If only Townshend, Manzenera, Bender or Wood had been the guest that night, we may have been enjoying The Jean Genie/Love Me Do and Round And Round on the Ziggy Stardust Motion Picture too. Oh well, never say never.

Boys Have Continued To Swing For Past 30 Years

Heaven loves ya…

One of my very favourite Bowie singles of all time, Boys Keep Swinging was released thirty years ago today on Friday, April 27th, 1979.

The track has the four essential elements that I consider all the very best pop records to have: originality, energy, intelligence and a bloody good tune…and while there aren’t too many Bowie songs with any of those ingredients missing, this one remains a bit special as it threw all the Bowie observers of the time into complete disaray.

This is a theory I kicked off with when I wrote about Boys Keep Swinging in the sleeve notes for the reissued Christiane F. soundtrack in 2001…from where, this…

Bandslam Due In August – Hudgens Talks Bowie

She loves him, she loves him…

With David Bowie’s part in the can for over a year now, we can finally tell you that BANDSLAM will be in US theatres on August 14th.

One of the stars of the film, Vanessa Hudgens, has been doing some promo for the film and here’s what she said when asked about DB…

?I did get to meet him. I didn?t know what to say I was so freaked out! I just told him who I was and how big a fan I was. He was so grounded. It was amazing. I love him.?

She then went on to explain how Bowie dished out a slap around the face to somebody getting a little overfamiliar with him…and I get the impression this was nothing to do with the film. Go David. These upstarts need to be kept in their places! 😉

You can view Vanessa’s interview here on YouTube.

See these previous news items if you haven’t been following this story: 03.23.2008 NEWS: AUGUST PIC FOR…ERM…MARCH – PLUS WILL UPDATE & 04.02.2008 NEWS: EXCLUSIVE BOWIE PIX FROM WILL CAMEO…HONEST GUV! & 02.06.2009 NEWS: BANDSLAM WILL ROCK ON.

Happy 17th Anniversary David And Iman

Every time I feel fascination…

Today is the seventeenth anniversary of David and Iman‘s civil wedding ceremony at Lausanne Registry Office. A formal church ceremony was later held in Florence.

Iman talks about the secret of her successful marriage to David Bowie in the current issue of HELLO! which we told you about here: 04.22.2009 NEWS: EIGHT-PAGE IMAN FEATURE IN HELLO! MAGAZINE

You can read the relevant excerpt above.

BowieNet members can join in and wish David and Iman a very special day by contributing to this message board thread started by Simone, here.

Michael Clark Schedule Announced

There’s a brand new dance but I still don’t know its name…

The latest production by The Michael Clark Company which we first told you about last month (03.10.2009 NEWS: NEW MICHAEL CLARK WORK CELEBRATES, BOWIE, IGGY & LOU) now has a schedule if not a name just yet.

As we mentioned in the previous news item, this new work “evolves from Michael Clark?s admiration for the music of rock?s holy trinity, David Bowie, Iggy Pop and Lou Reed, who worked in close proximity during the 1970?s”.

As we also pointed out in aforementioned, the World Premiere of the piece will take place in the Teatro alle Tese as part of the Venice Biennale on June 25. Michael Clark will then return to the Edinburgh International Festival for the first time in 20 years from August 28 to 31at the Playhouse Theatre, followed by October 28 to November 7 at the Barbican Theatre as part of bite09 and Dance Umbrella 09.

Dancers for the new work in 2009 include Kate Coyne (a Spotlight winner at the 2008 National Dance Awards), Melissa Hetherington and Simon Williams. The lighting design is by Clark?s regular collaborator Charles Atlas.

Here are the dates thus far confirmed…


June 25/26 La Biennale di Venezia, Teatro alle Tese

August 28 to 31 Edinburgh International Festival, Playhouse Theatre

October 2/3 Dansens Hus, Stockholm

October 8/9 Maubeuge, France La Luna

October 15 to 17 Creteil, Maison des Arts, Paris

October 28 to November 7 Barbican Theatre, Dance Umbrella


November 9/11/12 Grand Theatre de Luxembourg

We will post further updates as we get them.

Eight-page Iman Feature In Hello! Magazine

Well I said “HELLO!” and I said “HELLO!”…

This week’s edition of HELLO! (April 28th) has a new interview with Iman punctuated with lots of beautiful new shots of the lady.

I won’t give too much away while it’s still available to buy, but I will leave you with the following snippet…

Three-page Making Of Starman Feature In Uncut

I’d c’mon like a regular superstar…

Just in time for the 37th anniversary of the release of Starman (originally released April 28th 1972) the current edition of UNCUT (June 2009) has a three page feature concentrating on the time just before the whole Ziggy thing took off.

The piece, by Rob Hughes, has contributions from Angie Bowie, Ken Scott, Mick Rock and Woody Woodmansey with particular focus on the recording of the song, the Oxford Town Hall ?electric blow-job? and Top Of The Pops.

Here’s an excerpt from each of the contributors…


KEN SCOTT: I?d worked with David on Space Oddity and The Man Who Sold The World and always thought yes, he was a nice guy and relatively talented. But a superstar? Never. But after he?d asked me to co-produce Hunky Dory with him, his publisher and myself were over at my house going through the demos and it dawned on me for the first time that this guy could be a superstar.

ANGIE BOWIE: They made a great job of Hunky Dory, but ?Ziggy Stardust was when the band came together in a way that everyone had their chops down. And Mick Ronson started to emerge as this amazing guitarist. The band would come over to our place at Haddon Hall and go down into the basement to rehearse. They more or less lived there. [Fashion designer] Freddie Buretti worked for this Greek tailor called Andreas, so I?d brought Freddie and his girlfriend Daniella [Parmar] down to Haddon Hall. David and Freddie then got together and designed those outfits for the Ziggy Stardust thing. David designed the bomber jackets and the tight-fitting pants with the lace-up boots. I bought a lot of clothes for myself but kind of laid them out in a way that, if David nicked them and wore them, it might not be a bad idea.

MICK ?WOODY? WOODMANSEY: The whole Bowie and the Spiders look was David?s idea. We?d watched A Clockwork Orange, seen Alice Cooper live and it was a fusion that fitted the whole space/alien concept. At first we were very reticent about the outfits and the make-up. Mick Ronson hated the outfits. In fact, he packed his bags and left. David asked me to go after him and handle it. I spent a good hour or so on Beckenham train station with him!

MICK ROCK: I think David saw “Starman” as the ultimate follow-up to “Space Oddity”, which had been a hit in ?69. But you can see all that ?star? stuff he was projecting like mad then: “Starman”; “Prettiest Star”; “Moonage Daydream”. He wanted it bad, he really did. At one point when I was interviewing him he said: “Y?know, I?m so focused on what I?m doing, Mick, that if you were to come and tell me my best friend had just died, I?d probably say ?Oh, that?s really sad?, then go right back to work.” That was how he thought of himself. It was important for him to be a star. People forget that Ziggy Stardust was all projection, because he wasn?t a star at the moment he recorded the single and the album. “Starman” was the set-up. That song was the reason there were a thousand people at Oxford Town Hall [June 1972].


Great stuff and it’s worth reading the whole thing…I’ll leave you with another bit from Woody…I wonder what the Quo thought after the show…


MICK ?WOODY? WOODMANSEY: “Starman” was the first Bowie song since “Space Oddity” that had mass appeal. It spearheaded the whole Ziggy Stardust concept both musically and visually. Appearing on Top Of The Pops was like reaching the summit of Everest. I recall waiting to go on, standing in a corridor, and Status Quo were opposite us. We were dressed in our clothes and they had on their trademark denim. Francis Rossi looked at me and said: “Shit, you make us feel old”. The success of “Starman” really opened it all up for us. Everything changed.


See these news stories for further reading: 04.14.2002 SNIPPET: STARMAN RELEASED THIRTY YEARS AGO TODAY…NOT! & 04.28.2002 NEWS: STARMAN RELEASED 30 YEARS AGO TODAY!

Bowie Tribute Bout On Roller Skates!

No more big wheels…

This has to be one of the more unusual Bowie-related events we’ve ever plugged on BowieNet, and frankly I feel completely under-qualified to say anything about it.

Thankfully the folks at Pegasus News have no such concerns and they make it all sound quite normal in this article: Assassination City Roller Derby to pay tribute to glam in David Bowie-themed bout.

So if you were looking for something to do in Texas on Saturday, your prayers have been answered…how things must have changed in that state since some friendly sort offered Bowie both barrels for wearing a dress all those years ago.

Keanan Duffty Rebel Rebel Book Due In The Autumn

You’ve torn your dress, your face is a mess…

Had a few e-mails asking me about this one. It seems there are various covers and publication dates out there, including information on the publishers site.

The book is called REBEL REBEL and it’s Keanan Duffty‘s “last word on the key look which dominates fashion from the catwalk to the club: rebel style.”

However, though we can’t tell you too much about it right now, we can say that it’s not actually due until September/October and there will be a whole Bowie chapter.

Needless to say, we’ll have more detailed information and the final cover nearer the publication.

If you missed Keanan’s slot on EVR on Sunday, (04.12.2009 NEWS: KEANAN DUFFTY ON EVR TODAY) you can listen to it here.