Bowie In Memphis Site Updated Plus New Ronno Pix

And I gaze at my hotel wall…

Mike McCarthy (pictured above left and enjoying a birthday on this very date) has been in touch with news of updates to his excellent and quite mental Bowie in Memphis website.

Primarily he contacted us to highlight a whole page of previously unseen Mick Ronson pictures taken on February 25th, 1973 at the Rivermont Hotel in Memphis.

Ronno, who needs no introduction to any self-respecting Bowie fan, died aged 47 on this day (May 29th) in 1993 and I’m sure he is still sorely missed by all reading this.

You can view the Ronno pix here, but it’s worth taking a look around the site for the stuff that’s been added since our previous news items regarding it: 02.04.2008 NEWS: BOWIE VISIT TO MEMPHIS INSPIRES FILM COURSE & 02.26.2008 NEWS: EXCLUSIVE BOWIE SHOT FROM MEMPHIS FEBRUARY 26 1973.

Thanx again Mike and hope you had a very special birthday.